
The Woad Rebellion

The Icanii have long been a proud peoples. But under the rule of the Catan Empire they have lost their once fierce spirit. What will it take to ignite the fire in their hearts? The dawning of a new age, the coming of a hero? Classic western low fantasy, plot heavy, focussed on character and world builing. Arik, son of Rigurd returns to his home land in the Icanii Highlands to find the land suffocating under the hand of its imperial overlords.

Cryptix01 · Fantasi
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5 Chs


Brelius never did like Councilman Lentrin.

The man was a snake, hook nosed and more of criminal than majority of the men the Captain himself, had locked up in gaol. Lentrin was sharp witted and a swindler, like most noble of blood and that left a bad taste in the Captain's mouth.

He hawked and spat once clear of the Councilman's court. Not able to fathom what the contemptuous man was planning. Orders directly from Lyvidsten the powerhouse in the North, were to keep the peace and as civilised men of the empire orders were not to be questioned. The empire could little afford any uprisings considering the news. But here was Lentrin hiring mercenaries or paying watchmen to stay on past their commissions. Risvale, was just a small settlement in a large sweeping valley at the world's northern limits. Offering little strategic value other than to burn in a war of scorched earth.

Gathering fighting men, just to hole away in this far-flung corner of the empire seemed overly paranoid. Brelius felt that did not send a particularly good message. But no matter the Captain's pleas, Lentrin stood firm in this foolish resolve. Being obligated as captain, Brelius was to train the amassed levy and organise the labour for the construction of observation posts.

When the captain had asked what the men were to be observing for, Lentrin had merely responded "The Enemy."

"What enemy?" the captain found himself snarling.

The rebellious spirit of the Icanii had been crushed long ago. Though knowing the tribesmen, troops amassed here could really cause Brelius a lot of bother. Desperation does funny things to ones soul. But surely the other councilmen of the Highlands, leaders equal to Lentrin. Wouldn't take this lying down once word reached them.

Brelius' pace as he marched toward the barrack quarters was full of frustrated haste. He did not like to be kept in the dark on these matters. With the extra troops in Risvale and more expected to come, there were added concerns for a peacekeeper like Brelius.

The quartermaster, was insisting the food in the granaries would not feed a surplus through winter the increased number of 'outsiders' in Risvale with the mercenaries and the prospectors, Meant supplies were needed to feed this new levy if it were to last until spring. The whole debacle was an utter headache, food shortages would lead to resentment, anger and then retribution before long. He would be glad to bury this strife under a tankard of mead from Celenan later tonight. But first the men needed briefing and knowing the usual rabble, he imagined it may take a while.

The doors to the barrack suddenly flung open slamming into the cold stone wall, this is what first alerted Derenis to the captain's mood. That and a bleak, chill and bitter wind had filled the room putting out a lit torch next to the door. Which only served to darken the atmosphere further. The tired Catan soldier cursed his decision to stay on for extra pay. Money was always good, but he was beginning to miss the sun's rays upon his face and the sandy beaches of sweet Isa. Already his service had earnt him enough to buy land and build a home, but now he greedily stayed for more.

The captain was in the doorway half silhouetted against the white snow outside. Derenis noted he would also have been displeased to be out in this weather. Looking around, Derenis realised he was not the only man to have risen with the Captain's entrance, not that it was surprising. Brelius was a man fit for leadership.

Firm on discipline, his gaze alone could make a man wince. He carried all the wiles and scars of his years a soldier, Derenis knew the captain's legend and the sheer number of campaigns fought in by him. Nothing could exude command like experience and that resonated from Brelius. Whose gait was graceful like that of a dancer but imposing and powerful, never off balance and always hyper aware of his surroundings.

Looking around Derenis saw fair number of unfamiliar faces in the room, some mercenaries as he had learned today in the mess hall. It was an amalgam of personalities. Derenis did not much care why they were here, for money or glory usually. But he suspected nefarious reasons from the sounds of earlier conversation. He knew he disliked these mercenaries as did most of his fellow watchmen.

Stepping into the room, Brelius of the Iron Fists now a peace time lawman scanned the men in his barrack. Out of some thirty he knew and could truly rely on at least six of the number. However seeing Cresius, made him curse. A well-groomed man with dark brown eyes and black hair, worn short like that of the current fashion with soldiers of Catan. Cresius was a man of good standing by blood, his father a successful merchant in Isa. Excelling in majority of the arts of warfare Cresius had amassed an ever-inflating ego and his arrogance had become quite unbearable.

This only hindered his rise in the chain of command, much to his own disdain. Brelius knew the man would make a poor appointment and had passed him over for command. After all, bitterness did not motivate good men to fight and fear was for the defiant only, such was the way of the Empire.

"Listen well!" boomed the Captain.

His imposing tone bringing silence to the room. Even the wind seemed to hush its eerie tones waiting for the man to speak.

"Our role here is to keep the peace and to protect this valley from any incursions. Many of you who are of the Legion will understand this as you do it every rotation. As for those of you here on the pay of Councilman Lentrin. You are now representatives of the Empire and shall behave as such. As you probably all well know, the news from Isa is the Emperor is dead, and quarrels are likely to begin over his succession. That being so, it is certainly a time for extra vigilance."

A voice from the back of the room echoed over the heads of the thirty men, "So why exactly do you need us? You do not need us to guard a bunch of tribesmen, surely? The spirits gone from the Icanii. Its common knowledge now sir, the emperors murder. The locals round here aren't exactly mustering and already there are fifty or more men stationed here"

A murmur of agreement from the group of hired fighters echoed from the cold stone walls and all for a moment fell silent.

"Who was it that spoke?" came the bold tones of Brelius.

"Me sir." came the voice again and a young man no older than twenty years stepped forward.

His armour and weapons were cheap, but he held himself well. Broad of shoulder he was well balanced which spoke of a little experience. But his mousey brown hair and sparse tufts of facial hair gave away his youth.

"You have a name boy?" asked the captain.

"Yes sir, its Rauln from Galand!" responed the novice.

"Well, Rauln from Galand, you have any fighting experience?"

"Yes sir, two years of duty with the Auxilia. Before it was cut short." Replied Rauln.

"I see, so you have not heard of the Icanii bloodlust then? Queried the now stone eyed Captain.

"No sir replied the youth.

"Not of Corvin and his fangs. Not of Great General Imphis?" Came another quick fired question

"No sir" Rauln was now ashen faced realising how foolish his interruption had been.

Brelius took in a large breath then sent forth his voice to echo inside the skulls of all present.

"Then you are but a babe in a world of Lions and as such, a fool. Listen well and that goes for all of you. Where you may relish the fight and pay of war. The Icanii are the only fighting force to ever decimate a Catan army in the history of the Empire and at present Corvin and his fangs are legendary amongst the Auxilia. It would serve you all well not to underestimate the Icanii. I am a Catan veteran and even I am wary of the Legendary Tribesmen. This I suppose is why they have had their spirits crushed and culture outlawed. I also suppose it's why the esteemed councilman has hired you children to aid in keeping the peace. But seeing as how you and your fellows deem yourselves superior enough to not be required in town. I would be awfully glad if you would supervise the building of four watchtowers on the valley brows South and South West. One mile separate as per usual Empirical standards." The short speech had finished to a room of stunned silence except for the winds howling outside.

Then Rauln spoke up. "Who are we to supervise? Why watchtowers to the south? We are fighting men not ditch diggers!"

The Veteran Captains eyes narrowed "Its not for mercenaries to question the requests of their employer. Besides, how am I to know what the reclused Lord is planning. But he wants those towers built regardless. Take a council mandate and gather a team of lumbermen from town to guide you, they will be able hands in felling and preparing the lumber. So summon some of that famous Auxilia labouring strength to see the task completed. I expect your commanding officer to address it immediately." Came a very final statement from the Captain.

Rauln simply cursed and then asking to be dismissed the mercenaries left the room, casting unamused looks over their shoulders at the regular soldiers still in the warmth of the barrack.

Derenis could not help but chuckle as the last mercenary was leaving earshot. Realising he was now being the insubordinate one, he quickly straightened his back and lightly coughed away the amusement. Only to find Captain Brelius staring directly at him.

"Quite finished are you Derenis?"

Derenis just spluttered a brief apology and wiped the smile from his face.

"Good. I am glad you find that rabble so amusing. You can oversee the town guard; the patrol now needs to extend beyond the village limits and no food supplies to be taken from the granary without warrant. Enjoy your promotion Derenis you are now formally Sergeant of the Watch. With that comes the responsibility of keeping those hired thugs from causing us any unforeseen aggravation. I trust you are up to the task Sergeant."

Derenis swallowed back his regret. Nodded and saluted the Captain bringing himself to attention. Brelius finished the briefing with a sharp reminder of the reputation and responsibility of being a trained member of the legion. The men had sighed when the Captain had stalked from the room. As though an incredible weight had been lifted from the shoulders of all present.

Derenis felt a slap on his shoulder, slightly stronger than a friend may have done.

"Well, well Den. Looks as though you struck it lucky this time. Have not seen you in a fair while either. Not since you changed shift. Anyway, if you need any help with your new duties, I can always offer my expertise." Cresius had a tone of sarcasm in his voice and Derenis did not need to turn around to know that the attempt of intimidation and the following venom laced comment had come from the vile low born noble.

He could not help but feel becoming Sergeant was going to be far more trouble than it was worthwhile.

"I am fairly certain I have asked you not to call me Den before Cresius." Derenis said before turning to face the spiteful merchant son.

"Rightfully so now I am Sergeant." Looking the man in the face now, he could see Cresius flush with anger at the retort.

"We will see for how long, plebians like you don't have the blood to hold rank, let alone the learning. You will squander this chance like you squander your earnings with the filthy tribe harlots." Two men had now fallen in beside Cresius. It was Gerric and Ronhan. Both were obviously in support of Cresius. So Derenis allowed the verbal tirade to pass unreciprocated and ended the conversation by walking away. There was much to be done and little time to waste. The men needed to be organised and that would be easiest to accomplish whilst they were all present and the day still young.

The following morning after breakfast the weather cleared, Derenis mustered the garrison in the Village Square. He could see the mercenary band riding south, following the orders given by the Captain. Once the token force of watchmen were present Derenis ran them all through some exercise and discipline drill. When satisfied he addressed the group.

"Welcome back to the North. Most of you will not know me. I am your new Sergeant, Derenis. As you know the Empire finds itself in precarious times and where that seems far away from us here now. The councilman does not believe it will stay that way. You will have noticed the band of mercenaries. The councilman has deemed it fit to recruit more men to his aid. But let it be known that the Captain wants a sharp eye kept on them. The last thing we need is trouble out here in the wilds with only this token force. Now to your posts."

He watched as the men lingered for a moment then dismissed themselves and saw the scowls from the rear rank around Cresius he chose to ignore them. He knew that jealousy filled Cresius' thoughts and this new Sergeant rank would be the principal reason.

Derenis sighed and made his way to the office in the manor house. Here he found Brelius palming through parchments, obviously irritated. Silently cursing to himself he approached the Captain and coughed a formal greeting "Good Morning Captain, sir. I have seen to the guardsmen and have the patrols out a league from town, scouting woodlands and the North road."

Brelius looked up concentration broken, but with the irritation disappearing from his features.

"Welcome young Derenis, I am glad you have not fumbled your responsibilities immediately. Increase the patrol shift duration please, go slowly miss nothing instruct the men to report anything out of the ordinary. I do mean anything."

"Yes Sir, right away. You will also be pleased to know that I saw the hired brigands riding south, hopefully to commence with the fortifications." Now Brelius took a jug of watered wine from the cabinet behind him. Pouring the pale crimson liquid into a cup at his desk. Looking up again he sighed.

"Yes the loud mouthed one, what did he call himself? Rauln? Yes, that's it, he came to see me this morning, just before the weather broke. It seems they have concluded to play along for now. I shall give them the benefit of the doubt, for the time being that is. Tell me Derenis, what do you make of all this?"

Derenis blinked twice "What do you mean by all this sir?"

"Don't play coy boy, remember you've had two tours of duty here in the North, both under my command. I know you well. The units are small out here in the wilds Derenis. I did not select you as Sergeant on a whim, you are a competent soldier and you are also very observant" Snapped the Captain suddenly, cutting off Derenis.

"Now you think me a fool enough to not realise you understand the scope of the current political situation. Tell me Derenis, what is your opinion towards the actions of our councilman as of late?"

Derenis sighed and looked around, "Sir would you mind if I closed the door?"

"Certainly not Sergeant, go ahead." Replied Brelius.

Derenis ambled over to the door and closed it, bolting the latch for good measure.

"My my, Derenis. Of somewhat a controversial opinion, are you?"

"No sir, its just somewhat a sensitive subject. I think it best I kept my opinions to a minimum public knowledge." Answered Derenis.

"As should anyone, very good Sergeant continue." Brelius was somewhat light humoured now, as compared to when he was reading the parchments. This eased Derenis of tension as he was not sure why he had been promoted and he hated not knowing the reason behind his newfound misery.

"I assume Sir that by 'the actions of the councilman' and 'all this' you mean the complicated affair of the Emperors untimely demise, the extended commissions offered to the Catan Imperial Regiment and the recruitment of some hired thugs with questionable honour?" a hint of sarcasm penetrating the new promotee's voice.

The Captain chuckled "I do believe you have it fully comprehended."

"Well Sir, I do not think highly of the situation and in fact I agree with the Councilman's testament, that the fallout from the assassination will be felt this far north. For let us not be so shy as to not call it what it is, a cold and calculated manoeuvre for power ending the life of a once great man. Though in my humble opinion it has failed to go as planned seeing as no new Emperor has been announced. Also I do not believe for one moment that the retaining and increasing of manpower here a defensive strategy. I would not want to assume the Councilman's intent as I do not know the man. But it is my understanding that he intends to increase the total forces with more mercenaries. Which would be costly if it were left to just Risvale to support the needs of a bolstered army. I wouldn't be surprised if the man had his eyes on fort Hagen, considering the current circumstances there." Derenis felt a chill as he uttered the words.

"Nonsense!" chuckled the Captain. "Fort Hagen is impregnable with the forces available here. The Fort has a Larger garrison and Councilman Lida is the overseer of the mines and town. You know Lida, the retired general, the meat grinder, the Hammer of the Pyctii. Lentrin would be sent home his nose bloody." Came the Captain's retort.

"I do not believe it so Sir." Replied Derenis cautiously.

"Pray, do enlighten me Sergeant. I may be a soldier of some repute. But let us not be coy. Where I may excel at fighting, killing and motivating men. I am unable to comprehend the finer ploys of power. I receive, enact and delegate orders Derenis. I do not devise master plans. You however have a fine mind and are very observant as I mentioned previously. I promoted you Sergeant because something sinister is at play and I need someone I can trust to confide with. Is it you?"

Searching deep inside himself now, Derenis smiled. "Yes Sir, you can trust me. I shall continue.

"Go on." Interjected the Captain.

"You see sir it is complicated, but I believe it to be as so; Cresta is governed by Councilman Aluvis, brother to Councilman Anero of Lyvidsten. Those two would most likely wish to consolidate their grasp over the North, with Lyvidsten as the powerhouse before the feuds of the south come this way. I cannot see a reality where the other minor councilmen or even Old General Lida would be too pleased about this." Derenis paused.

The captain interjected again "I don't see how any of this relates to Lentrin taking Fort Hagen by force!"

"That on its own sir isn't all the information available. From what Im told, Councilman Lentrin is a greedy, narcissistic and shrewd little man. Of all the minor councilmen he holds the most influence on account of the smithy here in Risvale. But I would assume he does not desire to come second to Councilman Lida, he is a greedy man after all, Lida is not of noble stock having climbed through military ranks. Now Fort Hagen is just a small stone keep, with a town around it. With the recent economic boom from the gold in the mines, the town is experiencing quite the overcrowding problem, what with all the prospectors and merchants. Pavilions have sprung up on the outskirts. That Sir is the key. The local garrison is insufficient for the population. Now if Lentrin has been well advised or is in any way a Strateggi. I would expect him to form a coalition with the minor Nobles and gather mercenary bands between them. The Mercenaries could quietly infiltrate the Town around Fort Hagen and either cause mass violence and chaos to draw out the guard and slaughter them. Or at night infiltrate the keep and dispatch the garrison silently. Thus, would avoid the use of Imperial troops, providing alibi for any corrective action from the south. Once the Fort is taken, the mercenaries could be easily paid and Councilman Lentrin would be in a position to push south for Cresta. Without any worries for supplies or any rear attacks. Consolidating all of the Highlands for themselves."

Brelius leaned back into his chair, glanced at the ceiling and sighed. "Derenis, you may make a fine Strateggi yourself someday. It appears I have not misjudged you, what you say makes light of a lot of hushed chatter at court and has further ruffled my feathers. Let me ask just one thing, does any of this account for the local population?"

"You mean the Icanii Sir? It does not." Replied Derenis.

"Yes, the Icanii Sergeant. The only thing we really should worry about at this time. Tell me do you think Lentrin would have accounted for the Icanii?" asked the Captain.

"You may have a point Captain, a fair number of the council members here in the Highlands were born and raised in the Highlands. Educated in the south, but they call this home. With all their illusions of grandiose, it may have slipped the mind of a few that the Icanii may see us Southerners in a more unfavourable light." Quipped the sergeant.

"But in all seriousness Derenis. You have been here on duty the last six months. You have seen it with your own eyes. The coin taxes increased, the harvest duty doubled. No man wants to lay down and die like a dog, most would stand and fight. I fear once they see the Imperials squabbling amongst themselves, they will remember their blood and show us that legendary fighting spirit. We would be torn apart, from Cresta to Hagen and everything in-between. There may only be four maybe five thousand trained loyal legion men in the Highlands. Our power is concentrated in Lyvidsten. Any regiments sent as relief will find our bodies on display in the south of Skelba Pass."

The Captain now felt the stress of his post sat firmly upon his shoulders. Derenis saw the maudlin look in Brelius' eye.

"Come now Captain, the Icanii have been neutered for nearly a century. The last significant uprising must have been fourty, maybe fifty years previous. I believe they will not be so quick to muster."

"Sergeant, we would be fools not to consider it. It was thirty years prior and the Iron Fists were there Sergeant. You'd do well to remember that." Came the Captains sharp reply.

The Sergeant could only feel bemused after leaving the Captains office, there had been too much talk of politics and it weighed heavily upon him. Derenis seemed to remember his father's words then.

"Stay away from politics and religion boy. Both only seek to poison your mind!" the sergeant chuckled at the thought.

This made him miss home more, so he decided to visit Celenan for an early morning tipple to take the chill out of his bones and lament his decision of greed along with his promotion. "No point in having a dowry if you're dead!" a voice resonated inside his head.

The walk was not far as the palisade contained everything worthwhile in the village including the barrack and so in short time he found himself standing outside the "Rams Hide". The whole square was full of life the stalls of market were up and people hurriedly preparing for the days work. Surprising as he considered it far too cold for many to be out early in the day.

Dismissing his thoughts he entered into Celenan's tavern and here he found a a sleeping cat and old Celenan still asleep in his chair behind the table. It had however gone eerily silent when the Sergeant had entered and the cat had awoken to only stare at Derenis. This made him feel ill at ease, so holding up his hand to wave to Celenan he loudly asked for a cup of firewater.

"What time is it?" asked the grey haired man in the corner.

"Just past breakfast." Replied Derenis.

The old man stood up and wandered to a shelf with dusty bottles sat upon it. Muttering angrily as he ambled. The old man came stumbling back, with a bottle that contained an deep caramel coloured liquid. Derenis grinned and allowed the thought of staying inside with Celenan for longer than necessary creep into his mind. Celenan just looked at the grinning Sergeant.

"Money first Derenis!" exclaimed the old man bearing his teeth in anger.