

In a thick forest somewhere in western part of Africa, a man in his early 22 was running from a group of bandit . Those bandit where know as the boko . actually they where not his problem , his main problem is to get his power back . because there was a powerful gods called lucrada he was the giver of all magic and cannot be kill by sorcerer,wizard ,witch,master of dark magic. But this young dude keep escaping from him. And the question was what are they fighting for the bandit,the guy and lucrada. Forget my manners my name is james Carter and am 22years old and I was the powerful sorcerer you have never meet ,I escape both heaven and hell countless times but last six months I was not able to escape from lucrada and he enchanted my powers I couldn't able to use them . because I uttered the timeline by bringing back my mother to life . but I have to send her back and by doing so my powers can't be restored to me except I die. But I need to look for the secret book to restore my power before lucrada take my soul . but after that what await me to the future is yet unfold.

Prince_Victorey · Seni bela diri
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78 Chs

The will of satan

"For a soul to be obtain ,a soul must also be taking.

Lucifer uttered!!

But i don't have soul in returned ,then what should i do .

Lucifer stare into my soul ,moment later he was surprised at the other soul that fuse with my soul.

He was angry and there was a powerful force pulling me back.

"YOU he utter and his voice become huskily and scaring.


Am sorry my lord i bow down i have no choice ,i have to save Diana soul that was taking my Zeus.



Forgive me my lord .am i not qualify to asked what i want .

"You do!!

This time his voice was not huskily and deep.

Then why is it wrong for me to trick destruction, wizard killed wizard to get power same as witches,vampire and werewolf.

Don't you think the power you gave them are use to kill.each other why must destruction become an exception.

"Because you are humans .

"Woo to the world because i satan the deceiver has come into earth to curse disaster,affliction to the world.

Humans her my prey,my playing ground all souls will be mine to the last day ,they shall perish.

"You might look like my servant but you can't be trusted for human to trick destruction,that human can go any length to face me .

You are not the agent of light .james if i found out you are working with the most high God .

Then your soul will be mine ,because i will come to claim your soul .

Isa.14.12 - How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!.

"Note there is nothing you can do because even God didn't stop me ,because God knows human must also pay for their sin because.

Rom.3.23 - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;


I was speechless because lucifer the devil is quoting a bible.

For him to say this means i may actually trapped in hell.

But how can i save myself.

"You can never save yourself from me .

Lucifer replied my taught.

Because i am the ominiponent i dwells in everywhere.

I shall send you back to earth but you will suffer the consequences for making your soul to be one with destruction..

Am doom I utter .for lucifer to get angry means my life in danger.i look at the hand of Lucifer then i saw a vision what calamity will to the world.

Before i could grab what was going on around me i found my self on my mortal body .

I was too weak to stand talkless of seeing ,then i had a faint sound

"Are you okay? But i can't recognize the voice and i pass out.