

Riding in the car, Rose felt a rush of anxiety that she didn't understand. She felt scared and nervous and her chest tighten, a lump swell to her throat, and her stomach hurt like needed to use the bathroom all at once. Rose had dealt with anxiety before so she recognized it immediately. It's just a little monkey on her back occasionally. She counted back from 50 and try to find her calm place in her mind with even, calculated breaths.

While in her mind, a face suddenly appeared! It was a disfigured woman with stringy black hair and mossy clothes frantically waving at her like as to say not to come. She looked like she had been drowned at least once. Rose startled alert, eyes open, breath stopped, and heart pounding.

Lisa asked, "What's wrong Rose?? You look like you've seen a ghost!"

Rose replied, "It's nothing - my anxiety is just getting to me a bit."

Ben sitting next to her in the front seat closed Rose's hand in his and said, "Honey, tonight's such a special night.. try to relax please."

Rose just smiled and nodded. He's right after all. Tonight's her 21st birthday!

They drove another 15 miles to the woods and as the car stopped, Rose felt another wave of panic but this was different. She felt connected to it but detached like it wasn't her panic but it was just as real.

Rose took a moment to breathe again, closing her eyes, and counting. The disfigured woman appeared again!

She audibly spoke to Rose in a very shaky voice this time saying, "Pretend to faint or you may not survive the night! They are not your friends!"