
Werewolf Wiki for this Fanfic

In this fanfic, their set of abilities will be a mix between a lot of werewolves from different fictions like Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Twilight, the Underworld, etc. they are not immortals, but live long lives like witchers, they have multiple forms(see below), have no weaknesses(well, if you count mortality is a weakness than I guess that's one), and inherently anti-magic(see below). They can spread the 'gift' in two ways, by breeding and giving the blessing.

There are two types of breeding, normal breeding(wolfxwolf) and interbreeding (non-wolfxwolf), normal breeding pretty much have 100% chance of success because the seed is VERY potent, while cross-breeding have 100% to impregnate(even with magical contraceptives, cause like I said, werewolves are inherently anti-magic in this), but low chance of the babe actually surviving the pregnancy(a.k.a high chance of stillbirth). Though, if a werewolf fucked a sorcerer/sorceress or any sterile male or female, there's still no chance of conceiving, because, you know, sterile is sterile.

Werewolves will grow stronger as they age. Though, at a certain point in their lives, they would then become weaker and weaker, their abilities become less potent, and eventually, they will die.



-Godly Self-healing: Could heal quickly, even if their limbs are torn off, they could regrow it in about an hour or two. This healing is possibly faster than higher vampires, but if the attacker did enough damage to the wolf, i.e. exploding them or pulling their hearts or something, they're still dead, as they're not immortal.

-Anti-Magic: Werewolves of MC's line in this fanfiction are inherently anti-magic, like dimeritium. But unlike that metal, who can interfere with magic just by being near it, a werewolf must touch the magic to dispel it. Wounds inflicted by them would not heal magically.

-Godly constitution: their hides are resistant to everything. The elements, sharp weapons, blunt weapons, piercing weapons, etc. even if they were hit by a catapult's boulder or a scorpion's bolt, they would probably still survive it if they're prepared to face it.

-Godly Strength: True werewolves are probably as strong as a higher vampire, if not stronger.

-Godly sense: their sight could see even kilometres away if there's no building or something obstructing their line of sight, their sense of smell could track someone even from another edge of the world to the other, and while their hearing is not as strong as the other senses, they're still sensitive.

-Deadly saliva: their saliva can do two things, give the blessing of the wolf to someone, or infect them with deadly bacteria that could quickly make wounds rot. If a werewolf bites someone, and they want to turn that someone to a werewolf, then it will turn them to a werewolf, but if they just bite someone for the sake of biting, then the opponent will probably die in less than a day.

-Attuned to nature: Werewolves are generally calmer if they lived in the wilderness, they're more calm, more powerful, and their senses are more acute if they're in the wild.

-Blessing of the Moon: Under the full moon, they're basically monsters cranked to eleven. Their strength is multiplied, senses more acute, more resistant to damage and magic. In this state, a small pack of werewolves could possibly rout an entire army on that full moon night.

-Lupine Control: Can control wild wolves or/and the animals/monsters related to it to fight alongside them or simply help them in their daily lives.



-Human form: Self explanatory. While the human form doesn't quite pack a punch like any other form, it still has the acute senses and superhuman strength, albeit not as potent as the other forms.

-Scouting form: a form of a basic wolf. High speed, low detection chance, perfect for, well, scouting, and sneaking around.

-Hunting form: a form of a giant dire wolf. Senses are cranked up to the max and have decent strength, perfect for, well, hunting.

-War form: anthropomorphic form/skyrim-like form. Its height could reach around 2.5-3 metres, and strength is cranked up to the max. If you want to slaughter a bunch of people, use this.



Werewolves fur colour would be black, grey, white, or any combination of the two/three colours.

As for eyes, it would either be silver, red, or blue.


[Pack Structure]

I'm not going to use the alpha beta shit, cause I'm tired of hearing people saying 'alpha males' 'beta cucks', 'sigma chads' and all that shenanigans. Instead, imma use the WtA's rank system.

1. Legend(Three Wolves of the Cliff of the Moon)

2. Elder(MC)

3. Athro

4. Adren

5. Fostern

6. Cliath

From rank 6 to 4, werewolves could duel the one who has that rank to get that title. Rank 3 would be chosen by rank 4-6 election style, rank 2 is chosen by rank 1, and rank 1 can't be achieved unless all the other rank 1 say otherwise. The rank will mostly dictate the structure of the packs, with Elders leading all the Athro, the Athros leading one werewolf pack each, and Adren, Fostern, and Cliath are just some kind of older-middle-younger brother shenanigans, one more privileged than the other. While higher ranks have some kind of control over the lower ones, it's not really an absolute, with higher will or loopholes on the command, the lower ranks could disobey them.



While they have no weakness, they still have a rule to abide by to continue to become werewolves, as at the end of the day, it's still a blessing, and the ones who gave them could take it whenever they want. The rules are simple, only three.

1. Thou shalt not betray thy own family

2. Thou shalt not kill thy own kin

3. Thou shalt not soil the name of the three wolves of the cliff of the moon

Anyone who failed to abide by these rules will be stripped of their blessing by the Three Wolves of the Cliff of the Moon.

In the first rule, the word 'betray' means backstabbing, as in selling out your own family's location, fucking a fellow pack member's wife, etc.

In the second rule, 'kill' means directly, including lighting up a fire to burn a brethren, intentionally starving them to death, tying them up and drowning them. If another sentient party is involved, and that party is the one who did the killing, it will become an indirect kill, and therefore it does not count.

In the third rule, 'soil the name' means doing horrible shit in the name of the three wolves, even though they didn't specifically tell them to or twisting their commands, you know, like terrorists.