

He nodded before giving me some clothes ,and showed me the way to the bathroom .


"What?"he looked at me puzzled.

I looked at myself top to bottom repeatedly.

"Who changed my clothes?!" I asked him my face bright pink .

"I did what's the problem?" I actually wasn't bothered by it which was strange .My history teacher just changed my clothes! and I was unfazed by it even blushing damn I was really and idiot .I was actually mad but not at him but me ,and also a little bit at him since he admitted it with a straight face as if it was something normal or as if it wasn't the first time but it was really the first time ,whatever what was I even thinking at that time .

"What's the problem ? Ugh! You old pervert I will tear you into pieces !"I yelled at him but he only chuckled ,I lunged at him but he was too fast and I tripped almost falling but luckily he caught me preventing me to fall but the problem was his hands were somewhere they were not supposed to be .If my face was bright pink before then then I think I had a fever.

I took his hands and pulled them off  but  ended up falling on the floor ."You !"

"Me what ?" He asked with a smile on his face and I could only sigh.I stood up and stomped my feet  to the bathroom .

I was lost deep in thoughts as I let the water run its icy fingers down my back .Events of the day ran in me as I tried hard to figure what was going on. Which was pointless it only made my head ache .

I mean Jung kook claimed to be my aunt's friend but their small interaction earlier was a huge contrast from what anyone would expect from friends.

Whatever the issue was ,I chose to listen to my aunts advice since she was the one who took care of me together with my father and plus I don't know why but I just felt like listening to her would be the best option. Immediately after my bath ,I hurriedly put on the clothes he had prepared and looked around the room before closing the door tight.

Even though this was kind of in a way a kidnap the windows were not sealed like what a normal kidnapper would do if they don't want their prey to escape .

I decided to jump out even if I got hurt it wouldn't matter ,i would just have a couple of broken bones ,or probably i would end up disabled or even die ...

I was already out the window ready to jump and I did so .I tightly closed my eyes waiting to hear the breaking of something to be more specific my bones but nothing of that sought happened .

I opened my eyes only to find myself in the arms of someone but I couldn't clearly see his face  ."What were you trying to do ?"he asked.

"I know that voice why do i know that voice ?"I asked myself and then just like that the name Kim Taehyung flashed in my mind. That name that got me into trouble just the other day ,that guy who made it possible for Jung kook to even drive me home and then end up in my living room and even my bed .

I gritted my teeth as I glared at him "You!"

"Yes me ,"he said and I swear I could feel he was grinning from ear to ear.If I could I would have wiped that smile of his face but too bad his face was too handsome and precious and I wouldn't like do that to such a face made just for us to admire and drool over.

"Let go of me!"

"Oh so you can talk now ?"he asked though it sounded as if he already knew and was just asking a stupid question .I chose to ignore his question as I tried to struggle my way out  but he didn't budge .

He took me back  in the house and we were  met by an unexpected Jung shook ."What are you two doing?"he asked both of us with a raised brow looking at Taehyung then me to the hands which were holding me and I looked at Taehyung ,giving him the why don't you answer look .

"Chill ,I was just helping her out,"Taehyung answered but Jung kook wasn't buying it and wasn't letting it go either and so he asked  "Helping her to do what?"

"To ...uh to...Y/n why don't you tell him what I was helping you with."Taehyung turned to me for help but I feigned ignorance as I gave him the I don't know what you are talking about look.

"I also have no clue what he was helping me with ,"I said to Jung kook since he was then glaring at me which made me shrink since I was kinda guilty .

"Oh in that case ,I should tell you the truth ,actually Y/n..."I glared at Taehyung and pinched his chest  as I interrupted him I don't know why but I wasn't going to let jung kook know the reason why I was in Taehyung's arm right then .

"Actually I asked him to take me out for a walk yeah a walk ."

"And that's why he is carrying you?"Jung kook asked ,still not believing anything we said .

"I ...I she got hurt ."

"Yeah I got hurt ."

"You got hurt? Where show me ?"he asked with worry written in his face which was werid and with a raised brow I looked at him before I could even say anything I was already in his arms.

Did I look like a infant to them ? This they carry me as if I were a child or something.