

Walking back home was difficult since the pain that stung my legs were unbearable .Nevertheless I kept walking trying to ignore the pain .

Unexpectedly I felt something warm holding my waist ,alerted I looked back and saw Jung Kook.I was wary of him since the time he appeared to me he has been awkwardly too nice and not only that me being able to hear clearly started when he touched my ear.

  I stood still unwilling to move from my spot.I didn't want a stranger to help me back home ,especially that one.Who knows maybe his upto something?

"It's ok as i said I mean well and won't do anything to you ,now can I help you?"His words were weirdly comforting and  i nodded my head and without thinking twice like an idiot who easily trusted a stranger who gave them sweet .

I took out my note book and scribbled the words  "thank you, "

He nodded before helping me buckle my seat belt .My heart was beating fast as I blushed ,he stopped mid way before facing me .I couldn't help but be lost in his gaze ,looking at dark brown eyes which were so beautiful and I felt kinda drawn into it .

He leaned closer and and closer as he looked down at my lips I swear at that time I was a blushing mess.I was expecting for him to do something as I looked at him waiting with expectant eyes.

He flicked my forehead and I glared at him as I rubbed my forehead ."Your too young to be having such thoughts,"he said. as he chuckled and backed away and started to drive .What thoughts though? Did I expect him to kiss me? A stranger ? Though he didn't feel like one and it was as if we have known each other for a long time .

Since I was feeling kind of tired and I was foolish enough to trust him ,I fell asleep in his car.

Moments later I felt something stroking my hair and I immediately woke up to only to find Jung kook staring at me .

"We have arrived ,"he said and I only nodded .He got off and then opened the door for me like the fine gentleman he was and unexpectedly lifted me .

Even when we were at the front door he still didn't let me go and I could on sigh as I took out the keys and opened the door. As soon as we were in  he didn't  put me down but walked to the living room where he gently put me down on the coach .

He walked out of the living room and I slumped on the coach as I made myself comfortable .It was a while now and I didn't hear the front door open but heard some noises in the kitchen.

I gave it a cold shoulder thinking it was  TanTan my pet .It wasn't long when I heard footsteps not one of a dog but a human  ,I immediately opened my eyes alert.

"Did dad come back home?"I thought but then remembered he was out of town for a few weeks .I broke into a cold sweat as I hoped for the best but prepared for the worst.

"Hey chill ,"Jung kook said and i heaved a huge sigh of relief,to see him .He walked up to me with a bag of ice and took out my shoes and socks and started to rub it gently on my feet and legs.

"What happened to your leg?"he asked but I didn't bother to answer him ,I just shrugged and laid back as he continued to do his thing.

"Look here Y/n you may not care about yourself but I do now tell me what happened?!"he asked again in a more firm voice  and I just stared at him.

"Jeez what's with him, Why does he even care ? ,its none of his business anyways."I thought as i continued staring at him. He sighed as he put my legs  down and stood up ,Without warning it started to pour and thunder followed ,being a afraid with inhumane speed I rushed and back hugged him .

I was trembling with fear at that time ,I don't know why but I hated rainy days especially when it was accompanied with thunder. My dad used to tell me it was just a normal thing but I felt as if there was more to that.