

One fine morning ,the world wakes up to a rapture blue sky .High and bright ,a continuum of delight that sales both spirit and soul .The grass is wonderland -green ,flowers begin to wave at the cerulean sky again ,cherry blossoms are manicured with bliss -pink petals .Spring is here ,spring is glee .Its like a fizzy tonic ,like a slowly overflowing bottle of bubbling joy .

A panicking man was pacing back and forth outside his bedroom door ,he was anxious at that time as he heard his wife screaming. He couldn't bare to hear his wife in pain but what could he do ,a woman must face pain when giving birth right? but to him it was more than that ,she already had external injuries her powers were all drained and there she was experiencing the labour pains .He was no different from her except that he was not in any pain ,nor giving birth ,nor was his powers drained from him.He was fatigued ,his clothes torn ,hair disheveled and filled with blood and apart from anxiety ,he was scared ,scared for his wife .

After almost eight hours of being eaten up with anxiety and worry the noise died down .He stopped and faced the door ,should he knock ? or just go in after all it was his room .Wait what was he even thinking about he went in .He didn't know how to feel at that time ,should he be happy? or sad ?

Having his beautiful cute daughter with him was a nice thing right? With her beautiful emerald eyes just like her mother .Loosing your wife was another thing on that supposed to be joyous occasion was filled with nothing but gloom.His wife died trying to make sure her child survive .

Soon his time with his daughter was cut short when he heard noises outside his house ,his time had come too ,but he didn't want to leave this world ,he wanted to spend more time with his daughter but he wasn't given a choice too.

"Laura I want you take her with you ,please take care of her ,"he said giving his child one last hug before giving her kiss on the forehead. "Her name will be Emerald okay? Don't let anything happen to her and don't let anyone find out that she is an offspring of both a witch and a demon ."

On that very same day,the beginning of spring she had lost her parents while still an infant .If you decide to call her the bearer of unlucky charms you won't be wrong .That same day she was born was filled with nothing but gloom and grief and not joy at all .

Here is where the story of Emerald begins ,if its a little confusing sorry about that and if it's a little short I will work on that after introducing Tae and Jk where it all begins .

Also if you think its kinda of nice and interesting pls do add it to your library .

little_taetaecreators' thoughts