

With a headache Y/n rubbed the back of her head as she opened her eyes to see nothing but darkness .She couldn't even see her own hands .It was kind of the creepy darkness which made her heart beat increase rapidly as her breath got uneven .

It was as if she was being suffocated ,after a while maybe a second she decided to close her eyes .In that way it was less scarier than looking at nothing ,than not seeing at all since it hurt her eyes .

"Master ?"she heard someone speaking and thus raised her head quickly ,the whacking abnormal book was in front of her again it was shining bright and with its light she was able to see .

"Wait did you just talk ? "she asked as she stared at the weird book ,confused ,since when did books talk and by the way where was she? The last thing she remembered was the book whacking her head .

"Duh ,Emerald now stop pretending to be a fool ,"wait who was the book talking about who was Emerald? and more importantly where was she ?! and what's with her words ,it was as if he had heard a question.

"I know you probably have a lot of questions and I will answer all of them ,first off all your wondering where we are right ?"Y/n nodded to her question and she continued.

"We in your head space , I'm like your diary ,"it paused for a while letting her process what it said .

"If you are my diary why did you fvcking hit my head !" Y/n yelled at it .

"Erm ! someone tampered with me so I guess that's why any who enough about that .As your diary I have all your memories with me though its not written and your the only one who can access them ." It paused again ,"Why the hell would I waste my time writing down my daily life ,"she thought .I mean she doesn't even own a dairy .To her whatever was being said was totally nonsense and she couldn't believe she could only stay there listening and talking to a TALKING ,WHACKING book .She even believed for a second that she had lost it .

"Alas I never thought you would turn out to be an idiot ,"the book whispered but Y/n had it clearly and was glaring at it ."I dare you to repeat it ," she threatened which seemed to work since the book or diary proceeded with its explanation .

"As I was saying ,I'm like your diary and my name is Lotus .Before you died in his arms you magically locked all your memories in me and..."she was stopped by Y/n yet again .

"What did you mean by before I died ? And your name is Lotus ? What type of clown would name you Lotus ? Wait actually this is not right ...what type of an idiot would give a book a name !"she said and if Lotus had a face her lips would have been pressed together wondering what type of an idiot was her master .

She was the idiot who named a book. the clown who gave it the name Lotus .

"Ugh ! you are too hard to talk to ,you are complete and total idiot I won't be explaining things to you again ,"before Y/n could retort she was whacked again ."Damn! do you have a grudge on me or something this is the third time you have whacked me haven't you had enough !"

Sighing the book thought there was no use of explaining things anymore so it went for showing her .