


Earlier that night Taehyung and Jung kook were out in the forest looking for something and that something would be able to help them attain what they want ,it would help them bring her back .

The forest was dark and probably with weird plants that one ought not to touch ,did I mention it was creepy? Colossal trees had covered the whole area making it hard to see the sky .

"By the way remember don't touch anything,"Taehyung said walking ahead of him ,one could think he was pretty concerned but he wasn't even in the least sure enough it was an excuse to execute his plans without suspicions .Jung kook wondered why he would say that but him being him he didn't listen .

They weren't far when Jung kook saw a pink carnation he bent forward and picked it ,he stared at it for a while as he felt something tug his heart ,he felt suffocated ,he looked sad and depressed at the same time ,one look at those dark brown eyes and you could see nothing but deep loneliness ,regret and grief .

Taehyung stood still as soon as that scent reached his nose ,he turned around to see Jung kook holding a pink carnation which reminded him of the last time he saw that flower ,"Do you miss her ?"he asked ,though it came in whispers Jung kook heard it because of his ability , soon he regretted it ,he knew the answer but still asked .

"Yeah ,"he was silent for a while before he spoke up with a sad smile plastered on his face ,"did you know its meaning is I will never forget you? She gave me this..o..on..that..ni.night ,but she lied to me ,"

Taehyung just stared down at him ,emotionless he couldn't say anything to him words of comfort nor even do anything but watch him.He also missed her too and thats why he would try his best to bring her back .He felt bad for Jung kook but it was his fault in the first place .

With that he took the flower away from Jung kook before he drugged him with him .He doesn't want to have enough reasons to kill him for his mistake,he doesn't want to remember that painful day ,he doesn't want to remember how life without her was .

It wasn't long when they got what they wanted and headed back,they were both perfectly fine and when Taehyung left Jung kook wasn't feeling comfortable his heart beat faster ,he felt as if his inner self was burning ,he could tell that his eye color had changed ,he wanted to run away but he couldn't and thus went in .He didn't expect Y/n to be awake at that time but God he was wrong .Y/n tried to help him but shoved her instead and walked back to his room ....wait correction ran back to his room smashing each and every furniture in his room .He didn't expect Y/n to follow him and immediately he turned to her she started shaking ,her knees gave out as she crouched on the floor hugging herself her head bowed .She heard something and that something was breaking of bones but she didn't dare to look up .

He was no longer human but a werewolf a purebred one as a matter of fact ,his wolf form was black and bigger than any normal wolf.His eyes that were then red stared at Y/n who obviously looked scared ,her face tear stricken .

Jung kook was sad but he tried to mask it as he tried his best to assure her that he won't hurt her .He walked closer to her and Y/n continued to shake as she let out quiet sobs which Jung look clearly heard .He couldn't blame her and thus as if he was possessed decided to lick her .Y/n looked up and saw through his sad eyes and thus calmed down a little bit she was even crazy enough to patt that huge sized wolf in front of her .