
Gronk the Barbarian

The companions soon came across a bustling street in the next town over, Nerene. Raumiel turned to look at the other companions, who were preparing to move onto the road. She held up a hand first, and shook her head. "We must have caution here, my friends. Nerene is a nasty place. It is home to bandits... barbarians... thieves... and murderers. Best to stay together as a group lest we get ambushed. And if we should have to battle, our main mission is to get the young prince to safety. Understood?" she asked, waiting for the others to nod. Wyn first.Then Rowland. Finally, Thithatir. "Good. With any luck we'll be out of the city by nightfall. Don't stray from the path." And with that, she softly kicked the sides of Sevana, who went galloping onto the stony path, followed by the other 3 of her companions.

The town of Nerene, nestled close to the Sea of Life was a beautiful countryside. Shops were set up in the middle of the square. For only a few pieces of gold potential buyers could buy anywhere from live chickens to useless junk. It didn't come as a surprise that when riding through the streets, she came across a half-orc barbarian holding a dead chicken. Half-orcs were known for their love of raw meat, and their fierceness of battle. What she wasn't expecting was seeing that same half-orc barbarian crying over the dead chicken, petting it with his massive hands, holding it to his chest. "Wake up, chicken. Why you no want to play with Gronk?" he said. Raumiel, who was empathetic to other races, sighed and got off her horse. She walked over slowly, and sat down next to the towering oaf. "Gronk love chicken, but chicken sleeping." Raumiel placed a hand on his massive shoulder, and rubbed it, trying to comfort him.

"There, there. Gronk, is it?" she said in a soft voice. "That's a mighty fine chicken you have there. May I see it?"

Gronk held the chicken to his chest, until she gently pulled it away, and took a look at it. "Gronk love chicken," he said, sniffling.

"Gronk, I think you loved this chicken too much," she said, seeing how flat the chicken was.

"Chicken dead?" he asked, tears welling up in his eyes.

Was he even a barbarian? Maybe that was why he was alone, because he was too soft to be with the others. They needed a stone-cold killing machine, and he just wanted to love animals. Raumiel sighed and nodded. "Gronk, where's the rest of your group? Half-orcs don't really run by themselves," she said. "Are you all alone?"

"Gronk's group leave behind Gronk. Gronk too soft they say. All because Gronk love animals more than Gronk love battle."

"Well, Gronk. I have a group of friends that I'm sure wouldn't mind having you join us. We're going to the North to get the cure for the Witch's Plague. The road is treacherous, and could be heavy with battle. Would you like to join us?"

Gronk lit up at that. The big lovable stupid oaf picked up Raumiel and held her close to his chest, jumping up and down. "Gronk has new friends! Gronk so happy!"

Raumiel could feel her ribs cracking as his grip tightened around her. "That's great Gronk," she said, gasping, "but, um, you're kind of crushing my rib cage." Gronk immediately dropped her, causing her to groan and gasp for breath as she regained her senses. She stood up after a bit and walked him over to introduce him to the group. "Everyone this is Gronk. Gronk, this is Rowland, Wyn, and this is our dwarf friend. Gronk was left behind by his group so, he'll be joining us. Any objections?" The others, knowing that they would probably need the barbarian's strength somewhere along the road, all shook their heads. Raumiel smiled, and mounted her horse. "Great. Let's get moving. If we stay idle too long, we'll be prone to marauders."

Night had fallen as the companions found themselves in a makeshift campsite. They were all gathered around a campfire as Gronk droned on and on about his adventures with his horde of half-orc brethren. Telling fanciful tales of battles to the death, war cries. "Gronk train most of life for battle. Gronk love animals. Not battle. Gronk get brothers killed because of love for animals. So, brothers abandon Gronk. More human than orc they say," he said, a wistful tone towards the end. "But, Gronk has new family."

"Good for you," Raumiel said, patting his back. "We're very glad you joined us."

Rowland yawned and Raumiel stretched. That was their cue that it was time for the fire to be put out and it was time for sleep. Raumiel put out the fire, said good night to the others, and laid down, staring up at the stars. She could see the constellations. Eventually, she could barely hold her eyes open, and she drifted off to sleep with the last thought of hers being a silent prayer that the King hold on until they get the cure.