
The Wish System Volume(1)

Just as he felt like he was about to die, a mysterious voice popped into Keith's head. He heard a beep in his mind, and then a voice said, Wish system successfully bonded. Uploading welcome gift for new host. The voice continued, Congratulations, host obtains three wishes. Keith was utterly bewildered, and his mind went blank. The only thought left in his head was that he didn't want to die. He heard the voice again. Ding! You have made your first wish. Host receives a skill, recovery from injury. Description, host will recover from any and every kind of injury within five seconds. As the voice faded, Keith felt a warm current flow through his entire body.

Daoistslothh · Fantasi
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126 Chs


So he looked at Keith again and nodded. I'm glad everything is all right. I'll leave you to

it, sir.

He let his man out of the room, stopping briefly to pick up the smashed door and prop it

against the frame. Keith smiled faintly and said, Mr. Carrington, seems that you've

already figured this out. Where's Blake? Don't you want him to join us? Magnus knew

that Keith had come to cause trouble, and he became even more nervous.

He knew very well that the current situation was disadvantageous to him. This kid had

taken care of his bodyguards with just a few moves. His martial arts skills were amazing.

And he was still holding the video camera that Magnus had given to the Black Snake.

The video camera held evidence that Magnus had paid the Black Snake to kill Keith. If

the news spread, the Carrington family would lose an astronomical amount of money.

He might even go to jail. Magnus let a long sigh and said to his wife, Go and get Blake. I

believe Keith is a responsible person.

He won't make things difficult for us. When Keith heard his words, he smiled and said,

Mr. Carrington, it seems that you've already thought about this matter, but you got one

thing wrong. I'm not a reasonable person.

If someone attacks me, I'll take my revenge. Magnus didn't seem surprised. But his wife

was so scared by Keith's words that she crumpled to the ground.

After a moment, Keith sat on the couch. Magnus and his family came downstairs and sat

opposite him. Blake trembled and looked at Keith in fear.

He'd never thought that a loser like Keith could overpower him and his family. Even if his

father was CEO of the Carrington Group, he had no way to deal with Keith. Blake was

very afraid.

He was afraid that once Keith got angry, he would beat him to a pulp. And Keith now had

evidence that they'd committed a crime. His father had too much to lose to risk letting

this go public.

Whatever Keith wanted to do now, Blake realized that his father would probably choose

to swallow his anger. The room was bathed in silence. Magnus looked at Keith, who was

sitting opposite him, and his brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

Magnus knew very well that in this kind of negotiation, whoever made the first request

would put themselves on the back foot. But he thought Keith wouldn't know this and

would speak first, since he seemed to have the upper hand. But he hadn't expected

Keith to be so calm.

The younger man didn't have the impetuous temper of most people his age. Sighing inwardly, Magnus finally spoke up. Tell me, what do you want? You've shattered

Magnus's desire to gain the upper hand in the negotiation.

Attribute point plus one. Keith kept his face calm as he said, Blake, I heard from the

black snake that you wanted me to do three things, and if I satisfied those conditions,

you wouldn't kill me. Is that true? Blake's heart skipped a beat, and a strong sense of

unease welled up in his chest.

Keith said indifferently, I'm a fair person. The three things you wanted me to do, I'll ask

of you in return. If you don't want to do them, fine.

I won't break all the bones in your body. However, the headlines tomorrow will tell the

tale of a conflict between the heir to one of the country's biggest empires and his love

rival. The papers will report how the father of the heir arranged assassins to kill this love


You understand what I'm saying, right? The three things that Blake had asked Keith to do

were terrifying. Now that they'd been turned on Blake, he was so scared that he couldn't

speak. He could only look at his father in panic.

Magnus looked at his son with disappointment. Compared to Keith, his son looked like a

coward. Magnus hesitated for a moment and said, Young man, I'm willing to pay to make

this trouble go away.

Name your price. Keith sneered and said, Was I talking to you? I asked Blake a question.

Magnus said angrily, Keith, that's enough.

Our family won't be trifled with. All right, Keith said. If you don't want to talk about it,


See you then. Magnus was shocked that Keith was going to leave. He knew that if Keith

left, things would get even worse.

He hurriedly said, Oh, wait a minute. Keith paused and Magnus went on. I also know

about the three conditions the black snake gave you.

I'll give you $200,000 for each one. How about that? Keith smiled faintly when he heard

that. $600,000? It's too cheap for the mighty Morgan family.

You don't think I'm an idiot, do you? Hearing this, Magnus breathed a sigh of relief. If it

was a case of not enough money, he could always add more, as long as Keith was willing

to negotiate. He said in a deep voice, How much do you want? Name a price.

Keith looked at the business card