
The Winner Of Life

Update: Daily (If not I am sick or some problem arises) ................. In the bustling streets of Mumbai, Arjun, an ordinary young man, discovers an ancient system mysteriously embedded within his soul. As this extraordinary power awakens, Arjun's life transforms into a thrilling odyssey of self-discovery. With newfound strength and a cascade of superpowers at his command, he travel many fictional dimensions and live a life of fulfilment. .................. The story will also focus on the Earth and his personal life there. The first world and also the second main world is 'Against The God.' Second World: Marvel Universe .................. Tag: MILF, INCEST, Dimension Hoping

Slime_king · Komik
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59 Chs

Time Skip

"Cruel sun" a powerful voice resounded the whole dimension.

A bright Golden-red sun started to form out of nowhere as it started to give off Extreme heat.

A man wearing pants and his upper body naked, holding a gigantic golden axe over his shoulder and pointing the index finger of his left hand towards the sky or the sun, looking at a girl in front of him with a smile.

He was six feet tall with black hair and Golden eyes. His brown skin was considered uncommon in the Realm of Gods. According to history only those of the Devil clan possessed this type of skin.

But one thing which was never seen before was his facial structure. It doesn't match with any Racial traits in the universe.

Perhaps, if there was an earthlander he could have recognised it. As he looked like a Middle East Asian.

"Coffin of Eternity"

Another powerful voice resounded in the whole dimension.

A blue coffin of ice started to form which was giving extreme bone-chilling cold.

Her figure was wonderfully moving and delicate to the extreme. Looking from afar, her physique was so graceful that it was simply too hard to describe.

Under the azure long skirt, one could faintly make out a pair of exquisite and slender legs.

Her dress floated in the wake of her slow walk and her jewellery occasionally twinkled on her delicate, womanly figure.

The perfect arcs of her waist, breasts, and buttocks were indescribably lovely. She radiated an incomparable, soul-shaking charm and had a kind of proud appearance and attitude that transcended this world.

She had a pair of indescribably magnificent eyes as if the world's essence lay deep within.

Her two tranquil pupils, clear like crystals, were like the radiance of a flowing dream, and her two black thin and curvy eyebrows, similar to a pair of crescent moons.

Her jade-like skin and creamy face were as white as snow under the dim lights in the room. Her lips were like the world's most delicate petals and her nose was of the most beautiful of sculpted white jade, high and proud with an innate nobility.

Her soft and shiny black hair fell gently behind her shoulders.

She was very serious, facing the raging golden sun.

"Let's end this, shall we?" The young man said while he kept maintaining his smile.

The young woman also gave a small smile and nodded her head.

Observing them from afar was another beautiful woman who wasn't any less beautiful than the young woman. No, she would won if it was a comparison.

"Don't worry, I will step in if something goes wrong." She said to the two youngsters.

The boy suddenly pointed his finger towards the young girl as the sun above his head shot towards her.

The young girl also moves both of her hands forward, intending to face the incoming attack head-on.

The sun and the ice coffin finally come in contact. All the light surrounding them started to absorb towards the collision.

Next second the space around them started to crack and suddenly it became bright. So bright that if someone weaker cultivation realm stands there their eyes will surely go blind just because of the bright light.


A strong shock wave spread the surrounding area and destroyed everything in its path.

The power behind the shockwave was enough to destroy Earth completely.

A gigantic mushroom of smoke rose towards the sky.

The young girl suddenly coughed out blood as she was thrown back. Luckily the observer acted quickly and stopped her from advancing and started to use her power to heal her.

As for the young man, he was still standing in his place. It clearly indicated that the winner was him.

The observer waved his hand and cleared out all the smoke. The whole dimension was destroyed because of their fight.

After the young girl was healed she stood up and said "Next time, I will win for sure."

"You said that every time." The young man replied smugly.

The young girl got angry and stumped on the ground, hard.

The observer chuckled and said "Okay, stop you two. Don't start quarrelling, again. Both of you need to shower after the fight."

"Yes, mother."

"Yes, master"

They replied in unison. They are Shen Xi, Arjun and Xia Qingyue.

Shen Xi nodded and took them back to their mansion.


Inside the gigantic bathroom in the mansion, Arjun, Xia Qingyue and Shen Xi sit side by side and wash all the dirt off their bodies.

"Mother?" Arjun called Shen Xi.

Shen Xi continued to wash her hair and answered with yes.

"Why don't you have any hair down here? Both Qingyue and I have them." Arjun asked the million-dollar question.

Qingyue also looked at her master for her answer. Shen Xi chuckled and replied "It's because I am a true god. I won't have any unwanted hair if I don't want to."

She then turned to Arjun and asked "Why? Do you want me to have hair?"

Arjun shook his head and replied, "No, I was just curious."

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