
The Winged Heart

An arch-angel for mother, a grim reaper for father, and a soul which is able to recall the events of past and future lives? Meet Alex Black. He was raised as a fragile and precious test-subject. However, he himself thought that he was a normal human being. Until puberty hits. Once the girl he likes receives a serious head-injury because of an accident, and Alex accidentally heals her, he becomes aware that he can use magic in a world where magic doesn’t even exist. Are those spying devices worked into his bedroom walls? And that strange person that came to ask him for a favour was actually a God?! What the hell is happening here?

Knetti1990 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
88 Chs

It's not a secret

[Neferet's POV]

After that night, a few things changed. The servants started calling her "mistress" and started asking her opinion on domestic matters.

Amon started acting in a very possessive, yet respectful manner towards her. Which she thought was cute.

For example; when she'd be playing with Intef and Amenemhat, he'd come interrupt whatever game they were playing, just to ask for a kiss and a hug. The boys would react with an angry scowl every time and Amon would have to win their favour all over again.

Every time she'd see Merenre, he'd have this eternal grin plastered on his face. He'd regularly find Amon and her somewhere, kissing or snuggling and he'd watch them for a full three seconds with a sly look, before allowing them their privacy.

It freaked her out, but it didn't seem to bother Amon as much. He didn't even notice his brother half of the time. He only had eyes for her. She guessed she'd just have to get used to all the attention over time.

One day, she was helping the servants with picking grapes for tonight's diner, when she heard a sharp whistle.

"What was that?" she asked surprised, but none of the servants had heard anything, so she decided to investigate it secretly.

While she was investigating secretively, she found Amon in a secluded part of the garden. He was talking to a strange looking man: a little less tall than Amon, but much, much more muscular, a white menes with a golden rim covered his head and shoulders, he missed one of his eyes and the one he had was bright-yellow and made up with green eye-liner. He looked plenty wealthy and reminded her somehow of a hawk.

She doubted for a second to leave her hiding place and to go up to Amon to ask him why he hadn't come to greet her, but then their conversation caught her attention.

"So, it's true, you have regained your memory," the hawk-like man said.

"So you've noticed," Amon grinned. "How'd you like my call?"

"Annoying, and ear-splitting," the hawk-like man complained. "You're not going to make a habit out of this calling, are you? I kind of liked that the recent pharaohs were all clueless. Gave me lots of freedom."

"No, I won't. Don't worry," Amon said seriously. And continued sheepishly: "I need a favour."

"What kind of favour?" the hawk-like man asked, his eye narrowing in a cautious slid.

"The impossible kind?" Amon asked, scrunching up his nose in dislike. "Look, I wouldn't be bothering you if I could do it myself."

The man laughed in a high-pitched squeaky way.

"Sounds like my type of favour then," he said. "What do you need?"

"I need to find someone," Amon said.

It was quiet for a moment. It could have been her imagination, but she could swear she saw a flash of light appear in the hawk-like man's one good eye.

"I see," he finally said. "Playing house, are we?"

"Well, I'm going to enjoy it for as long as it lasts," Amon said smiling a bright smile. That surprised Neferet. Playing house? Was the hawk-like man referring to her? And why had Amon reacted in such a doubtful way? Was he scared she'd leave?

The hawk-like man laughed again. "Well, are you going to introduce the girl to me? Or are you too afraid to burst the little bubble you've created?"

"Very afraid," Amon mumbled and then noticed he was being rude. "It's nothing personal, truly! It's just... one look at you and she'll know..."

"Hmm," the hawk-like man said in a thoughtful way, looking straight at her. He'd seen her! He'd known she was there all along!

"That might be a problem," he said as he nodded in her direction, simultaneously notifying Amon of her presence.

"Neferet?!" Amon asked surprised. "Why are you hiding?"

She didn't know how to answer for a moment. He'd just been talking about something he was hiding from her and now he wanted her to act like she hadn't heard a word?! That didn't feel right.

He sighed and reached out a hand towards her.

"I know you're confused after everything you've heard, but I told you: It's not a secret. I just like the fact that you don't know," he said in a gentle voice. "Now come over. I'd like to introduce you to my-... friend."

"Friend, huh?" the hawk-like man laughed. "Such an honour."

Neferet found herself drawn to these men. Even thought she didn't know what to think of them. Before she could change her mind she took a hold of Amon's outstretched hand.

It might have been her imagination, but she thought she saw Amon sigh in relief when their hands touched.

"Wow," the hawk-like man remarked astonished. "Now, I understand why you're always searching for her, Amon. She isn't only beautiful, the power radiating from the two of you combined is overwhelming. It's hard to believe you haven't accidentally snuffed out any humans."

Now it was Amon's turn to chuckle. Although, Neferet wasn't exactly sure what was so funny.

"Neferet? This is Haruw. Haruw, Neferet."

"A pleasure to finally meet you, my lady," Haruw said as he gently grabbed her hand and kissed the top of her fingers in a humble gesture. Neferet had never seen anything like it.

"Likewise," she said as she felt her cheeks glow. "Amon, what was I supposed to realise once I saw him?"

Amon, who had been glaring death rays at Haruw for kissing her without permission, diverted his attention to her and raised an eyebrow at her. His eyes seemed to say "Are you serious?", but before he could say anything, their attention was ceased by Haruw's squeaky laughter.

"I understand why your brother insists on checking up on the two of you regularly," he said. "So funny!"

"Stop mocking me," Amon complained.

"You've dug yourself quite the hole, Amon. I'm looking forward to see how you'll get out of it!" Haruw laughed and turned to leave. "I'll give you a head-start. Have fun explaining this one."

And them he leaped into the air and transformed into an actual hawk.

"I'll report on your favour in a week!" Haruw yelled as he flew off.

Neferet stared in disbelief as the gears inside her head started turning. He changed forms! Actual, physical form! He'd turned from a human into a hawk! As far as she knew only the gods could change forms.

But that was ridiculous... Why would the gods answer to a human?! Why would a god answer to a human's calling? Or grant him a favour?

And that's when all the pieces fell into place; the enormous house, the overflowing wealth, the high-priest of Osiris paying house visits, Merenre's uncontrolled laughing, the gods, all of it!

"Thanks for nothing, you stupid bird!" Amon called after Haruw who laughed his squeaky laugh in the distance. Then Amon turned to Neferet. "I think it might be time we talk."

She nodded, took a step back and bowed humbly.

"Yes, my pharaoh," she said, feeling stupid she hadn't noticed earlier. Would he be angry for not paying her respect earlier? But when she looked up, she saw a look of hurt on his face.

"That's exactly why I didn't want to tell you," he said with a sad frown, reached for her hand and kissed it like Haruw had while holding her stare. Yet this kiss had her cheeks blushing red hot where Haruw's had left her cold. "Is this how it's going to be from now on?"

Neferet instantly blushed bright red. He loved her, he wanted her close without the restrictions of the position he was born in.

"B-b-but-" she stuttered. "I'm a low born girl. You are expected to marry princesses of neighbouring countries and such. I can't be a queen!"

"I am the pharaoh," he said seriously as he pulled her closer. "I can do whatever I want."

She felt tears burn in her eyes.

"Can I really stay with you?" she asked doubtfully as she nuzzled her head in the crook of his neck. Her heart ached already at the thought of leaving him.

"I would like that very much," he said as he hugged her close to his chest. "Neferet, will you please be my queen?"

She felt a tear roll over her cheek. "I'm sure you'll come to regret marrying me..."

"I could never regret marrying you!" he said sternly. "Don't always look down on yourself! And secondly; It's not my decision you should be considering, but your own. If you accept this position, you won't be able to travel around with your khener anymore. I'll need you here, with me."

Neferet laughed to that. "Amon. My skin is blemished and my feet hurt when I stand for too long, let alone dance. Do you really think I'd be able to join them again? They'd just be pulling dead weight around."

"You'll always be beautiful," he mumbled, a trace of loneliness in his voice.

"Don't be silly," she said as she pushed him away gently so she could look at his face. "I don't even know where they are!"

"Ah, but you will know. In a week or so," he said, a proud note to his voice. "It's what I asked Haruw to look into."

"You asked him to find them?!" she gasped in surprise. "You asked a god for a favour just to find them?!"

He cringed. "Is that bad?"

"Well, I don't communicate with the gods on a regular basis. What do you think?" she reacted crabbily. She was pretty certain he was playing with fire.

"It'll be fine," he waved off her concern, then frowned. "I thought you'd be happy?"

"Well, I am. But you always do so much for me. I just don't want you to get into trouble because of me," she complained shyly. "I love you..."

"So you'll be my queen?" he asked, a hopeful note audible in his voice. She gasped exasperatedly, feeling like he tricked her and slapped him against his collarbone. He chuckled, obviously unharmed by her futile assault.

She stilled. There it was: his unguarded smile. The smile she loved so much. The one she wanted to protect. It was her reason for being as close to him as she was, despite everything that had happened.

She just wanted to see him happy.

"I'd love to," she finally said, feeling herself blush so hard that she felt like fainting. She didn't need to tell him twice. Amon scooped her up in his arms and twirled her around.

"My beautiful queen," he said happily and kissed her. No need to say, they spend the rest of the day together.

I love Amon and Neferet together <3

3 more chapters of the Egyptian arc to go! (Most of them fluff =3)

Thanks for reading and feel free to share any thoughts in the comments.

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