
The Wild Man

Shadows556 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter Two


Mae Williams

As soon as my alarm went off at nine-o-clock in the morning, I couldn't help but groan in a tired way and turn over, putting it on snooze. After what had happened last night with Adam, I could barely sleep, my mind was racing practically through the entire night. I knew he had feelings for me but I didn't think he would actually confess and most of all, I didn't expect him to just come in here and kiss me! Tell me to think about it? I couldn't even sleep because of it! What was I going to do?

A knock sounded on my door, and I froze, thinking it would be Adam again. But as soon as I said "come in", it opened and revealed a disheveled Allison who looked like she had seen better days. She closed the door behind her and walked over, throwing herself down on the bed beside me. Well now that is confusing.

"What's your issue?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"I couldn't sleep for crap." Allison muttered, "something scary happened last night. Did you hear it?"

"Hear what?" I tilted my head to the side, a little confused.

"Outside..." Allison cleared her throat, and I could tell then and there that she was scared, "I could hear something outside. It was growling and it sounded huge. You could hear it walking on the floor. I don't even know how that is insanely possible! I swear though it stopped in front of this house for a good five minutes or so cause after that, I heard it continue on."

"It could've just been an animal." I told her, trying to reassure her.

"It must've been one huge ass animal!" Allison grumbled, shaking her head, "why couldn't we go somewhere else? Like France or something?"

"Cause somebody else chose it!" I couldn't help but laugh.

Allison then looked at me curiously, "Mae, why do you look like you haven't slept?"

That's when I suddenly remembered what had happened last night and I groaned, flopping back down, "Adam is what happened. He confessed to me last night."

Allison gasped, "seriously?"

"And he kissed me." I finished.

Allison squealed with delight, "holy shit, Mae, this is awesome. He-"

"I don't like him like that, Allison." I cut off her excited rants, and just said the truth, "he is like a brother to me and I should've told him a long time ago instead of letting him think that me and him could be something. It wasn't fair to him."

"You don't like him even a little bit?" Allison asked me, "you don't think you'd ever see yourself dating him?"

I had to think about it for a moment but I sighed, "I guess I could but I don't know whether I'd be with him because I wanted to or if because I felt like I had to. I don't want to be in a relationship with someone if I don't feel like that towards them or if I think it won't go anywhere. Maybe it might, who knows, but at this point, I don't think so."

"Damn, that's going to break his heart." Allison admitted, "but you are right. If you don't feel like that, you shouldn't have to force yourself to be with him."

I smiled at her, "thanks. I know you always get me."

"Well, imma go get ready." Allison got off of my bed, "I just hope whatever was out there last night is long gone. See you downstairs."

She left my room, and I stayed in my bed a minute longer, wondering what I should do about the situation with Adam. I don't think I should tell him right now, because that could ruin this whole trip. Maybe it will be best to just keep quiet and not give him an answer until we are on our way home.

I got out of bed and quickly made it before I grabbed my bag and pulled out some clothes. I decided on a blue tank top and some hiker shorts that hold all the necessities I would might need in the wild. I put my hair up into a bun and put on my sneakers before I went to head downstairs. What I didn't expect was to see Adam waiting at my door, smiling down at me. Crap.

"How did you sleep?" He asked me, his arms folded over his chest.

"It was alright." I murmured, feeling a little awkward, "and you?"

"I slept great." Adam commented, reaching out and brushing his fingers against my cheek, "I'm really glad I finally confessed to you."

I smiled sheepishly, "I honestly saw it coming."

Adam blushed, scratching the back of his neck, "I wasn't really quite that subtle, was I?"

"I mean, I didn't catch on until a while ago." I admitted, as we headed down the staircase.

"Did you think about what I said?" He asked me , curiosity in his voice.

I sighed, "Adam-"

"Just give it to me straight. I can handle it." He promised.

I halted my footsteps, and I debated on whether or not it is best to even say anything. So I decided to give him the best answer I could give.

"I honestly don't know, Adam. Honestly, I don't harbor those kinds of feelings towards you." I told him, "and I don't know if I ever will. You're such a nice guy but I just don't know if we can actually date or anything. I don't want to ruin what is going on with us now."

Adam nodded, looking a little disappointed, "I understand, Mae, I'm not going to get mad at you or ruin our friendship. Maybe over time your feelings might change but I'm not forcing you to be with me. I promise you that."

I couldn't help but hug him, pressing my cheek against his chest, "thank you for understanding, Adam."

I pulled away from him and we continued on our way downstairs where everyone was waiting. I was expecting to see Aoi but it was only Kate waiting for us at the table. There were pancakes and fruits and all kinds of delicious stuff. I sat down in a chair and Kate murmured something about needing to head to school and to enjoy our breakfast. Once she was gone, Taylor gave us a mischievous grin.

"So, I got a grand old plan of what we are going to do today." Taylor murmured, and I knew he wasn't up to anything good.

"What you thinking?" Adam asked, making a plate.

"Remember that forest they said nobody returns from?" Taylor asked us, and I knew immediately it wasn't about to end well.

"Yeah?" Allison looked confused too.

"Let's go explore it." Taylor told us.

Allison looked horrified and I was right along with her, "Taylor, I don't think that is a good idea. You remember what Aoi said about that place."

"True but don't you wanna know if it's real or not." Taylor replied, "well if you guys are too scared I'll just go by myself."

"I'll go too." Adam piped in.

"I will go too." Allison whispered, only doing it because Taylor was.

I sighed, knowing how this was going to go, "I guess I'll be going as well."

"Great!" Taylor sounded pretty excited for this, "just pack the essentials you need just in case anything happens. I found a couple of machetes in my room that we can use."

"Machetes?" Allison sounded a little fearful, "what would we need that for?"

"Well, in case we run into that spirit, of course." Taylor teased her.

I rolled my eyes and continue to eat my food as everyone bantered back and forth about going to the forest Aoi specifically said nobody should enter. Why do I have a bad feeling about this?