"Welcome to the world of Pokemon!" Never had I expected those words to apply to me. One day I was a content eighteen year old, playing on my console; now I'm a four year old stuck in the middle of nowhere. I hope someone left me some Pokeballs somewhere.
My mind went into overdrive. Mienshao was mainly a martial artist in nature. That fur on its hands are indicative, highly probable whip user. Going to have to get in close to where the whips are ineffective and open myself to their arts, or maintain a distance.
My opponent was also eyeing me up. The silence was reigning over the field, each battler sizing the other.
Unfortunately, we had to start at some point. Mienshao charged with zeal. Both arms behind its back, I predicted to a two handed assault. Sidestepping the first, I ducked the second. Going for a low sweep, Mienshao leaped back, bring its arm up.
Rolling backwards, I narrowly miss the whip attack. Getting back to my feet, I swing my spear, aiming to hold this distance. If I can tire it out, I could get up close and take it out.
Rolling my spear back around, I keep the very sharp and pointy bit in between us. Mienshao tried for another whip attack, but I always bat it back. Contrary to popular belief, getting a whip to wrap around something and hold it was exceedingly difficult and often times foolhardy. While yes, one could use it to throw someone off balance, it was still connected to the user, meaning it was just as likely to do the same to the former.
Going for a thrust, I lean in to get as much speed on it as possible. My opponent caught on and dodged. Regretfully, Mienshao used the opportunity to strike my back. The coarse fur sliced along my flesh, leaving a nasty red line.
Yelping, I push through the thrust and gain back the distance. With a twirl, I had the spear back in between us. The Pokemon went for a jump, its knee glowing. Feeling the threat of the attack, I released my hold on my shadow and fell in.
Mienshao crashed into the ground and screamed. Taking the chance, I float back out and bash my club into her arm. The hit was followed by an audible snap.
'Sorry.' I muttered.
Screeching again, the Pokemon got up and started a series of vicious attacks. Mienshao seemed to have lost its cool and had gone feral.
Seeing as I am on the defensive again, I parried and blocked each attack. It wasn't without cost; however, my arms were burning under the weight of each chop.
Being pushed to the edge of the ring, I held the position as much as possible.
I blocked one chop with my spear, but was not quick enough to stop the other paw from scratching along my neck and torso.
"Ahhh!" With the added adrenaline, I pushed back and began my own series of feral strikes. Using the club part of my spear, I was trashing Mienshao. Each parry was a bruise. Each time it blocked was the threat of broken bones. Each mistake was a cut from the highly toxic blade.
Finally losing speed and gaining an unhealthy pallor, I went for the finishing blow to the head. The Pokemon dropped like a sack of potatoes.
Gasping for breath, I braced on my spear.
Heart racing, adrenaline thumping in my brain, lungs burning, I wait for my body to calm down.
Seeing my state, Shedinja quickly went into my shadow to grab medical supplies.
'Get the berry to.' I called as he left.
Waiting for him to come back, the Mienshao clan head approached me.
'Impressive display. Where did you learn such techniques?'She asked.
Still gasping for air, I replied, 'Self… taught.'
'I see. Then you must be a genius of combat.'
'Not… really… just don't… like dying.'
'None do. None do.' She laughed.
Shedinja returned with bandages made from his thread and a dried Pecha berry. Tossing the berry to the clan head, I answered her quizzical aze, 'My blade is made from a Whirlipede, it's highly toxic and if not treated soon, your cousin might die.'
'Ah.' She moved over to the downed Pokemon, whom was just waking up. Giving them the berry, Mienshao meekly bites.
Unrolling the bandage, I start to wrap my bleeding wound. Definitely going to scar that one. Shedinja helped with his telekinesis, lining it up were my hands could not.
Seeing the wound staunched for the time being, I sat down to take it easy.
'Will you make it?' The clan head asked.
'I think so, though I would like to humbly request permission to rest here till my wounds heal.'
'Tis fair. My apologies for my kin, she was not supposed to take it so far.'
'It's fine, I did a number on her as well. How's her arm?'
'Broken, but nothing a little time off can't fix. Give it a month or two and she'll be right as rain.'
'Good, I would hate to see such a fighter down on my account.'
'We Pokemon are tough, we'll cope with it.'
'I know, we human have to get every advantage we can just to survive.'
'I would agree, but you seem a little different from most humans.' Hinting at my earlier display.
'A thing happened.' I smirked back.
'I'm sure it did. Well you were the victor, feel free to stay as long as you desire. My kin will send a message to Kangaskhan about your condition.'
'Thank you.'
'No thank you. I was worried my cousin was growing lazy in her training. Let's say you opened her eyes.'
Laying down, I let cold oblivion consume me.
'Hello, sorry for intruding.' Twin crimson eyes stared back at me. It was startling to be in front of a dark silhouette in the void, even more so with those piercing eyes.
'So do you talk or should I assume you're giving me the silent treatment?'
No response.
'The silent treatment then?'
Why was it when I fall unconscious, I end up here? Falling perpetually in the void. Glancing around, I noticed something different that I couldn't before. This place was saturated in shadow energy. If my own space was like an ocean, the energy fluid, here it was like a heavy syrup. Not unpleasant, but not pleasant in the same order.
'So I assume this is an in between place. Considering how potent the shadow energy is here, that is the only conclusion I can come up with.'
Still nothing.
'Not much of a talker are you? Well, I'll be out of your hair...err tendrils as soon as I wake up which shouldn't be long now;'
Crossing my legs, I wait for the inevitable.
Meditating for the time, I soaked in the energy in this place. Maybe I can evolve my shadow power if I absorbed enough.
Feeling a tug, I knew I was waking.
'Well, its been fun, but I must be off now.' I waved to the mystery creature.
Jolting awake, I winced at the searing pain in my shoulder.
Gathering my bearings, I take in my surroundings. It was essentially a porch made of stone. I was on a mat that I always keep in case I ever left home without my bed.
Glancing out, I saw Croagunk and Honedge sparing with some Mienfoo. Shedinja was watching from the sidelines and the head Mienshao was back on her platform.
Standing up, I sneak over to the latter.
'How long was I asleep?' I asked.
Turning, she answered, 'Not long.'
Sitting down, I watch my friends spar.
'Your skills, while effective, desire much in the terms of skill.' She chastised.
Taking the blow I reply, 'Thanks.'
'Do not make a mistake, you are very skilled, and from what your bug companion has mentioned, in more ways then one.'
'What did Shedinja say?' I asked curiously.
'A fair bit, he mentioned your skills with crafts, you ability to preserve, and a little about your growing powers.'
'Ah. I'll need to speak with him about discretion.'
'Don't hold it against him. Sharing information is the building blocks of trust.'
'Is trust going to do me much good during the ranking games?'
She smirked at figuring her out, 'If you were so concerned about that, you shouldn't have battled my kin.'
'By the time the games come around, I'll have new skills and different weapons. Not to mention what I'll have picked up from you tribesman.'
'True. We did make a deal didn't we?'
'Indeed we did. Glad to see my own kin having remembered that.'
'They're not as dumb as you make them to be.'
'Who said anything about them being dumb?'
She laughed, 'I guess it was just me.'
'None of them are incompetent. In fact, I would trust them with my life. Each has been through their own ordeals and learned to grow from them. One day, I imagine they could rule any mountain if they so choose.'
'If what I have seen is any indication, I agree.'
The silence was calming. Clouds had blanketed the sky, the stone was smooth and cool under my feet. The air was sharp and pure. Becoming one with the moment, it was sadly interrupted.
'Oliver! You're awake!' Croagunk called.
Shaking my head abashedly, I call back, 'So are you! Should you be training now with your injuries?'
Rubbing the back of his head, he at least had the decency to look sheepish.
'After I heard you passed out from your battle, Mienshao offered to train while we wait for you to wake up.'
'That doesn't explain why your up when you should be resting alongside me.'
He tensed. I think I could guess were this was going, 'I didn't want to lose again. I didn't want to fail you again.' The last bit was whispered.
Sighing, I beckoned him closer. Putting my hand on his shoulder, I locked eyes with him. 'Croagunk, you will never be a failure to me. Win or lose, you could never disappoint me or anyone here. You hear me?'
He shook his head.
'Good. Sit with me awhile, no training till you're at least somewhat healed.'
His pout was cute, 'Yes sir.'
Several days passed and I was finally ready to make the trip back. Mienshao waved us off, offering a place at her clan if we ever got tired of Kangaskhan.
I still had plans to return and take up her offer of training, but I needed my own bed.
The cut along my left side still was not fully healed, but enough to move around with. I estimated I had another two weeks to a month of R'n'R before I was back to combat capacity. Luckily, I now have the perfect excuse to do nothing but crafting. Hopefully, I can get a set of night ware to sleep with. Shedinja and I will be in for the long haul.
Entering into the cave system, I called down the tunnel to announce my presence.
Hearing no reply, I continued down till I saw the main chamber. It was empty.
No reply.
An unsettling feeling crept up my spine.
'Honedge, Croagunk. Standby, something is off.' A minute later, the two emerged from my shadow. The former left for the tunnel with the river. It was unlikely for them to be bathing at this time, but I wasn't taking any chances.
Croagunk went down the tunnel in our den to check for damages. Snooping around, I see no indication of a struggle, but I couldn't be to sure.
Zooming out of the tunnel, Honedge reported, 'Nothing here. Perhaps they left for some reason?'
'I don't know.'
'Nothing here boss.' Croagunk also came back.
'Where did everyone go?'
'Oliver, is that you?' A voice startled us from behind. We all adopted a defensive stance.
'Don't get yourself all tied up. I have a message for you from Kangaskhan.' One of said Pokemon's kin came out from the shadows.
Relaxing, I noticed she was holding something in her arms.
'Whats the message?' I asked.
'Don't worry, we'll be back soon.'
'Where did everyone go?' Seeking clarification.
'I guess no one ever told you, but it's mating season right now.'
Ah. So that's what she was carrying.