
The lobola negotiations

So today is the big day I hardly slept last night so this is it Lord I am forever grateful for your guidance and the love you gave me even when I did not deserve it thank you father for blessing me with the love of my life.


The one thing I prayed for was unconditional love and that is what I got I thought I felt the glance of love before but this time around it feels real. I have finally got my heart in a human form a friend I could never replace.


Incoming call


"Morning princess." said Ezile


"Morning baby how are you this morning?" I said


"I'm good princess how are you?" said Ezile


"I'm good my love I just cannot wait for your arrival." I said


"Are you ready to spend the rest of your life with me?" Said Ezile


"Are you really asking me that question I knew I was ready to spend the rest of my life with you the moment I laid my eyes on you I love you king more than you could ever imagine. You taught me love you showed me that we are only human and we are bond to make mistakes but it is our own responsibility to fix those mistakes and to forgive myself, you are an entire miracle in my life I thank God every day with blessing me with you." I said


"I love you more princess and I cherish the day I met you I will see you later my angel I love you okay." said Ezile


"I love you more king I can't wait to see you baby." I said


My Grans friends came over to help us with making the food and getting the decor ready for our guest I was really nervous for some unknown reason and for the first time around I knew that the decision I was making was not wrong.


There was this happy mood in the atmosphere it's as if the heavens were rejoicing with us today everyone was dressed in traditional attire so was I Gran's house looked absolutely beautiful. I was really proud of the progress we had made as a family as a whole and I was proud of myself because regardless of the detours and the difficulties occurred I was able to build my family a home and I got to achieve my second goal as well which was marrying the love of my life.


Everything felt like a dream but today was the big day Ezile's dad and uncles arrived then my husband finally arrived everything ran smoothly. The only thing I wanted to do at this moment was to see Ezile there was really no words in this world that could describe how I actually felt at that moment.


Many of us choose to block love out because of our past relationships forgetting that we are only human and that we are all still learning and finding our feet. We are all bond to fall and to get hurt now and again this is life so we should always cherish it cherish every experience that comes with it.

Incoming message from Ezile

"I miss you princess meet me outside in the next 30 minutes." said Ezile


I missed him too so I freshened up and sneaked out through the back door I still could not believe that this day has finally arrived

"Mbalenhle?" said Ezile

"Ezile!" I said

"So you are officially my wife?" said Ezile

"Yes and you are officially my husband." I said before I gave him a huge hug everything still felt unreal.


"Yes Mr. Nkokeli I am officially your wife." I said with this huge smile on my face


"I still cannot believe that I was blessed with such a beautiful wife I used to pray every day that the Lord could bless me with a wife not only just any wife but a strong woman that would be able to look after my home when I am no longer around. You are a dream that finally came true you are worth all those years I spent waiting for you I love you Mbalenhle Nkokeli sharing my last name with you is a honor." said Ezile

"This still feels unreal to me too I love you more Mr. Nkokeli more than you love yourself." I said as I stood on the tip of my toes to kiss him

"The house is so quiet without you guys when are you'll coming back home?" said Ezile

"You miss me already?" I said and giggled a bit

"Miss is an understatement I need my family around me to survive could you'll please come home already." said Ezile in a pleading voice I felt really bad because I missed him too but we still had to stay a night or two to help Gran with the tiding up


"I miss you more my love I was so excited to see you today, we are going to spend another day or two to help Gran with the cleaning I really missed home. It feels good to be back please just bear with me I will make it up to you." I said

"Not more than two days right?" Said Ezile with this huge smile on his face

"Yes, baby I promise not more than two day." I said

He looked so adorable I could not help but smile he gave me hug but if felt different this time I felt so safe in his arms I suddenly felt that reassurance that he was here for good this time. And it felt great I had thought I found love before but I was clearly wrong.


This is love he was my soul mate I could feel my love grow within every moment I spent with him I felt like there was someone watching us so I looked back and I was right it was Gran standing by the door she had this small grin on her face

"You know you are not supposed to be here right Ezile," said Gran as she placed her arms on her weights

"Mbalenhle get inside the house!" said Gran

"I'm sorry Gran I just really missed her okay I'm leaving now." he said as he ran off to his car I felt like a teenager again all this running around sneaking through the back door I guess it is very true that in order for things to work out in a marriage you need to do things the proper way then God shall bless your marriage beyond your expectations all you need is his blessing then everything will fall in place.