
My official unoffical

 I had a lot of time to reflect on everything in the past couple of weeks and for the first time in my life I see light in the end of the tunnel things may have not worked out the way I had hope but my mind is at ease. A little lesson life has taught me was one is able to set goals you can try and give your best but if the God has something else in-stored for you then you should never fight it. 


You could never run away from your true self. All your hard work will pay off it might not be now but eventually it will the only thing that you are required to do is to take each day as it comes.


Many days everything may seem to be overwhelming, but if you can get to where you need to be you will realize that what does not kill you makes you stronger wiser and your hard work and determination did not go unnoticed. There is a something you often don't ever hear broken women they have the potential to become the most powerful people in this world because they have dealt with situation's that almost destroyed them. 


It's funny how a lot of people will view this type of woman as "Used goods." Judging them for their past mistakes. But what they don't know is she is the most powerful type of woman there is she has a heart of gold which many tried to turn into a stone and what many of them tend to forget is that survivors are the most dangerous because after everything they been through they resurface in an unbreakable form.


A lot of people tried to bury her not knowing that she is a seed they mistakenly took her kindness for a weakness not knowing she was always two step ahead. You could try and you try but you can never break a survivor down it is the things she has overcame that makes her unshakable.


The moment she regains her strength there is no stopping her she will raise and she will dusts off. Her presence alone will demand respect and many will hate and envy her for that. Forget that she went through the most to become the woman she is today. Never fool yourself by thinking you could defeat her because you could never defeat her and you never will rather you will out play yourself.


Mbalenhle is the woman who will always rise from the dead Lady Lazarus one could call her I could say she never allows anything placed in front of her break her down. After going through hell and back she remains with a heart of gold and a strong mind be careful not to hurt the ones she loves because she will cut you off with zero hesitations.


She is the woman who has been broken down hurt, mocked, used, violated and time and time again but always lives to tell her story with no regrets, although many vow she is defeated she finds a way to crawl back to life and becomes the strongest person there is. The worst thing one could tell her she cannot achieve something because she will make sure that you see that nothing could stand in her way. She is the only rose that blossomed out of winter darkness. She faces demons heads on and uses that experience to create a map that will lead her to independence. She lived all of her life as a nightmare in high definition so there is no need for you to feed her with lies.


 She was given every reason to give up time and time again, was served with every justification to never believe in herself or anyone again but chose to focus on the positive rather than all the stones that were thrown at her. She used that stones to pave a path to her purpose. 


She has what many don't which is loyalty and strong faith which keeps her strong in situations that were meant to destroy her. She continues to rise against it all, she still conquers, and she lives life with no regrets. 


For she knows the world is tough but so is she is a woman who is capable immense manifestation not because she had it easy but because of the traumas she has gone through. Many moments she felt like there was no way out and almost waited for defeat to devour her but then again she knew her assignment and got up and continued to fight.


Throughout it all it was her Creator who protected her even at her lowest when there was no one motivate her she was constantly been told how useless she but laughed because she knew that she was destined for greatness.


Mbalenhle knew she had no one to save her so she got up and fought endless she never gave up. There is no one who signs up for the hardships that they deal with in their journey but life would be meaningless without them. As painful as it is at times she knew that this race required her to be strong so she always prayed for more strength.


She was never given a choice to decide how to live her life poverty overwhelmed her but she stayed strong and true to herself over and over again. She is not value less far from it she is the most expensive price any man could receive she did what many could not do which is to survive which made her very powerful. 


When she was channeling and healing her wounds and finding her feet, she becomes the source of the most incredible person in this wicked world. Her presence was a blessing to anyone around her. She was a living example of a warrior. 


Once she had fully evolved she unlocked chapters that had endless opportunities unbelievable potential that she herself did not know existed she doesn't get this strength on her own rather she channeled in close with her Creator and nothing could stand in her way. She used her power to heal her wounds for the greater good and to help many people around her. See she became a whole lot smarter than one would think, she built her own success and became her own super hero.


Her scars bring her tears now and again but then she remembers that great days are coming her way for she knows that you get what you give. She used every stone thrown at her to build the foundation for her empire. One stone at a time she builds and despite every attempt they tried to do to tear her walls down she rescues herself again and again. 


Her strength could never be defined but her works do all the talking. Against it all, she raises she has faced hatred, envy, and greed from those around her.


She never for a moment allowed those bitter individuals turn her into a monster rather she took those as lessons to build her a result she raises many believe that she was placed with a mark and that she only attracts negatively many may try taking chances by kicking her while she is still on the ground but she does not allow their hate to keep her down.


She rescues herself she was not weak she was simply finding her feet now that she is fully grown and has every tool she needs she creates new worlds and transforms and manifests on a level that cannot be recreated by someone who never had never walked in her shoes.


She has a heart that is hard to find and a mind that is stronger than anything on this earth she is the voice of women and men who have been silenced for millions lifetimes lived. Mbalenhle is the voice of the hopeless and the powerless one should never ever underestimate her for her Creator loves her beyond words. She is a reflection of what is almost close to perfect that is why many tried to destroy her before she could fully bloom.


Life isn't easy for a person like her because everyone tend to try destroy her. She is not part of the world and many people hate her for that but their threats do not scare her far from it rather she knows she is going the right path.


It is her faith that keeps her strong. For many years she walk these wicked streets that only wanted to devour her for many years she looked for love in the wrong places. And finally she got what she truly deserved endless joy she has been blessed with love again. She has been given a pillar of strength so that she won't have to deal with all her problems alone.