

Where there is God, love, faith, wisdom and truth there a key that opens a door of possibilities, possibilities that cannot be bought opportunities that are endless. Possibilities that overflow it is as if the angels walk beside you, showing you which direction to take leading you to new paths that draw us closer and together to our true destiny that only happens if you have found what you created for, your true purpose on earth the moment you find your true destiny there is no stopping you.

When we finally wake up to our destiny and when we finally embark on our journey praying for strength, we tell God that 

"Here I am, opening my heart, opening my body, and channeling with my true self and allowing you to guide me to be the leader of my life. As you know father we are all imperfect and we are all finding our feet, so here I am show me the full truth of my heart show me the full truth of my life I no longer fear what will happen tomorrow because I know you are the leader of my life you never fail me nor forsake me." 


As we do this it is only faith because without it my dear you won't make it the devil never rest and waits for any opportunity to strike he tries to make you feel weak but never has the true strength to defeat you, your faith is the only thing that can make you stay strong.

We are always so focused on our lives forgetting that it's highly impossible to survive without God. It has been three months now no text no call nothing I haven't heard from Ezile since the morning he left the children have started asking me questions but I did not have the strength to tell them. Every family has unspoken words or secrets, No one talks about letting do we know the damage they cause along the way the behavior and interactions between the family changes. They become an unconscious part of how you live. 

You could fake a smile and pretend to be okay but the only person you will be fooling is yourself. The problem only becomes worse two wrongs do not make a right. The pain goes deeper then what reaches the eye and kills you slowly but surely.

Unspoken words can be very unhealthy for everyone. The purpose of unhealthy family secrets is to cover up problems, dysfunction, shame, and destructive behavior that may lead to shame. That secrets slowly eats away the purest parts of ourselves. We tend to live a lie throughout our lives. Pretending that everything is okay and eventually all will fall into place a lie that only hurts us in the long run.


Forgetting that ignoring the problem will only make things worse. Many of these unspoken words ask you to pretend or deny reality but let's be honest how long can you live your life with dishonesty and pretends. The moment you allow that negativity your whole life will be built on lies and they won't be turning back it will become the new norm in the way we deal with things. Which will affect everyone around us, ignoring our problems and hoping eventually we will be able to forget won't make the matter any better.

Some of those lies ask you to sacrifice yourself for others which will only hurt you in the long run. Those unspoken words may lead to confusion anger and resentment it affects us in building healthy relationships with your loved ones both emotionally and physically.


One needs to understand that a person can only take so much before they explode. In order to break this chain and break the generational cycle of dysfunction, it takes accountability and acknowledgment, self-awareness, and being open to communication, and allowing yourself to receive support when you need it. There is nothing wrong with seeking help that shows that you are taking accountability and you are acknowledging your situation and you are allowing to receive the support you need.


Dealing with problems may be scary at times but ignoring them can course more damage than good. Your problems will not supply disappear but they need for you to deal with them heads on, in order to heal it means learning that our emotions are valuable and valid and that sometimes everything may be overwhelming but you need to stand your ground. 

You need to face your problems heads on no matter how scary it may appear to be. Facing reality builds you and makes you strong it gives to strength to overcome any detour placed in front of you accountability and healing means learning that you matter and your thoughts are valid and acknowledging the fact that honesty is the first step into building a solid foundation for any relationship means learning self-trust and seeking the truth, that may be scary at times but that has to be done. 


It means learning things that we had missed whilst finding our feet and forgiving ourselves for things that were beyond us. It means breaking the generational curse of ignorance it means grooming a better generation. A generation that knows better and is willing to do better.

My previous downfalls are one thing we never discussed with my family and I always knew they had a lot to ask but never knew how to approach me so this was one of those topics no one ever touched I could tell everyone missed Ezile dearly so did I. I was dying to tell them by where do I even begin?


There was no excuse in the world that could make it okay for what he did to us. I was a victim as much as he was, yes I get he was angry but running away from your problem does not make them go away. Did he even take a second to think what that did to our family?

We needed him now more than anything there comes a chapter in your life when you realize that the weight you will ever lose without going to the gym besides the went loss of anxiety and depression is the weight of other people's opinions, judgment, and expectations. Do not get me wrong you can listen to every opinion while being led by your own vision as others are incapable of visualizing or feeling what you can feel or what you are going through. Yes, they have their experiences but is the situations never the same?


As much as we all need support now and again do not let their views and opinions make you feel less of a human or make you feel like you are incapable of finding your way. Remember it is during that period of hardship where you realize your true strength. It is during that period you go through a new transformation.


Everyone is bound to think whatever they want but do not let their opinions make you lose yourself don't let temporally situations misled you or make you absorbed the wrong information because the detours placed in front of you are only meant to build you educated you in some shape or form. There comes a time in your life when you realize that if you don't take ownership of your mind business then the rest of the world will and if your life is controlled by other people's opinions and expectations then it is not your own life anymore. You will continuously seek reassurance from everybody else with every move that you make. 


This is your journey allow yourself to feel to fail to break down and cry but do not over stay your place in a dark place self-pity will weigh you down.

Never I repeat never allow other people's opinions and judgments of you control the way you choose to live there comes a time in your life when you realize that you do not need complete agreement from others to be authentic. You are the leader of your own life many heads will bow down to your God for self-empowerment and resilience. It is him you see who gave you strength time and time again he knew what you were going to need during your time of hardship and provided you with the strength and determination you needed.


 The moment you blocked their opinions even though you could hardly see the way sometimes even though everything seemed to be overwhelming it was your faith and your self-empowerment that made their opinions disappear for a moment. You did what many could not and for that many will hate you.


You broke the cycle and showed you time and time again that you were never fighting this battle alone and you knew that there was no space for failure it is your faith that kept you going and kept you alive even when life thought it was done with you.

For many years my God has been by my side and I know he will never leave me he only grooms me to become the best that I can be. Remember that people are not responsible for believing in you stay strong and groom yourself to be the best version of yourself it is not everyone that is smiling in yourself that wants to see you make it so stay true to yourself and pray endlessly. 


Forget about everybody else they have their own lives to live, and by taking control of your own life, you feel most empowered and free. The journey is never easy so prepare yourself do not fear for God is always near.

There comes a time in your life when you realize that in the moments when you felt most alone, you were also free to explore your identity and goals for the future. It was during that period when you got the opportunity to block yourself from everybody else and to discover yourself.


It is not many that get to receive a second chance as you did, you rose from the ashes and there was no stopping you. There was no one that had the power to hold you back many tried but failed time and time again. Your downfall was your time of rebirth it was a time for you to reflect on yourself and to appreciate your accomplishments. It was your time to rediscover your true purpose.

Sometimes one should appreciate their own company. Use that time to build yourself to regain your strength. Rather than viewing alone as a sign of failure, or being unworthy of love, you should view it as proof that you are strong enough to be on your own and to love yourself so that can ooze positivity and you were given an opportunity to discover your true purpose.


Remember that we're destined for greater you thought you were failing not because you were a fool at what you were doing far from it you were simply channel-signaling your next move in a new direction. Life, life is something that is not easily defined rather it is not everyone who truly gets the opportunity to live many are just live to exist whilst you, you are blessed enough to find yourself in the busyness of life.

Be grateful because you were given a second chance it is not everyone that had the strength to endure half of the things you have been through. You were designed to be different and many are intimated by that do not let their thoughts about you make you feel that you should dim your light stay true to yourself and continue praying for more wisdom and endless growth.

When we are told that we aren't good enough we often tend to believe it which is foolishness really you can do anything as long as you put your mind to it. Rather than seeking the approval from everyone else pray for wisdom from the Creator. Power without wisdom is a recipe for disaster. 


As we fail to recognize that our lack of self-confidence and self-love may be the death of us. Many say bad things to try to break you but block it out words are shaper than any two edged sword, never I repeat never change the person that you are because of the bitter individuals that you will meet up with along the way. 


Stay true to yourself and appreciate yourself more there could never be another like you. You do not always have to feel offended when someone says something hurtful, unkind, or unloving. Remember their bitter words are just a reflection of themselves. They are broken and have nothing to lose whilst you in the other hand you have your whole life head of you.

Do not let their bitterness change the beautiful heart you have you are different so do not be like everyone else leave a positive print in every life that you touch. Let them remember you of the beautiful heart that you have. Let them remember you as the realist person you could ever be. Let them regret losing you or treating in a hurtful way.


Remember that it is not everyone that is going to love you as much as you love them so you do not have to try to convince them otherwise or take any offense in the way they treat you, your mind is very powerful you should choose to step over any negativity and keep moving forward do not ever take any unfair criticism to heart. "Remember that you are not money at the end of the day it is not everyone that is going to love you" jokes aside the ones that appreciate you will always uplift you.

People see what they choose to see, do not be bothered by their thoughts, ideas, and views that they have about you, it is not your place to paint a perfect picture of yourself because those who care about you will see the beauty in your imperfections.

The beauty of finally letting go of finally accepting yourself allowing yourself to be loved again by themselves is the best thing one could do for themselves. The moment you do you will be blessed with a partner who knows what you went through yet still loves you unconditionally and you won't have any doubt in your mind anymore. That will be the trophy for your patience and endurance. Remember what is meant for you will come to you all in good time never rush the process.

It is nice loved being loved by the person you love. Always walk away from toxic relationships you shouldn't have to justify the way anyone treats you. People never hurt the ones they love but rather try to protect them by all means.

Ladies let us love ourselves more so that we won't find ourselves settling or find ourselves trapped in a life we never imagined ourselves to be trapped in because of lack of inpatients or accepting toxics things situation or anything. We need to work on ourselves and give ourselves sufficient time to grow so that we attract what we deserve.

As frustrating as it can be at times stay strong and know that good things come to those who wait. Do not be easily shaken or misled a lot of people hate to see you be the best version of yourself. Mommy lets us groom wise women and build them in such a manner that they won't have to seek reassurance from everybody else. Let us water our seeds whilst we still have a say in their lives let us be great role models to our seeds and be wise so that our daughters will know how to groom their kids and for our sons to know what to look for in a wife let us break the generational curse of raising broken children.