
The Widow's Game

After losing her husband, Queen Ana Sofia seeks a new king through a grand tournament. Amidst the competition, she finds unexpected love with a mysterious contestant. But as their romance blossoms, political intrigue and betrayal threaten to tear them apart. Will Ana Sofia choose love over duty, or will the demands of the kingdom force them apart?

Alia_Romano · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
77 Chs

Chapter 15

The following morning Ana Sofia felt refreshed and ready to take on the two tasks in front of her Natalia and Daeth. She wore a simple bodice with leather leggings and knee-high boots. Her hair was pulled back in a tight braid. She made her way past the bustling of knights making themselves ready for breakfast. She had come out early to search for Natalia's tent. Her tent was tucked away in a far corner to slowly help her adjust to being around other humans specifically human men. As Ana Sofia approaches Natalia's tent, she notices the flap is slightly open, revealing a dimly lit interior. She can hear the sorceress muttering to herself, seemingly lost in thought or concentration. Ana Sofia carefully pushes the flap aside and steps into the tent.


Ana Sofia is suddenly taken aback by her beauty her silver hair has a new luster in comparison to the knotted coarse hair she fashioned in the woods. Her complexion revealed pale skin with a hint of rosiness adorning her blue eyes.

"Natalia, you look so beautiful!" Natalia looks up from her work and smiles as Ana Sofia enters the tent.

"Ana Sofia, my dear. It's good to see you. I'm glad you like my new appearance."

Ana Sofia's eyes widen as she takes in Natalia's transformation. "I had no idea you were this gorgeous," she exclaims, her voice filled with awe. "You look like a queen yourself."

Natalia laughs, the sound musical and melodious. "I have always been a queen, my dear." 

"Yes, you are correct. We women are queens in our own right. How did you enjoy your first night?" she asked while taking her hands.

"I hope you were able to rest and find some peace, despite the circumstances."

Natalia takes a deep breath and nods. "I did, thank you. It was a strange experience, being surrounded by so many men after all this time."

Ana Sofia giggles, "You'll get used to it. Anyway, I came to ask you to accompany me to this morning's meeting. We have to discuss the spell and Daeth."

Natalia paused, "Daeth? what do you mean? I haven't heard that name in at least fifty years. "

Ana Sofia furrows her brow, trying to recall the vision, "We don't know very much either but, I'm hoping you might be able to shed some light on the situation. Will you accompany me? we'll talk more when the others arrive."

The two women made their way to the meeting tent and the appearance of Natalia seemed to send the men into a silent uproar. They whispered and muttered to each other no doubt excited by the beautiful stranger. As Ana Sofia and Natalia enter the destination, the room falls silent. The knights, who were previously engaged in lively conversation, suddenly grow quiet and still. They cannot help but stare at Natalia's radiant beauty, their eyes wide with awe and admiration. Ana Sofia makes her way to the sturdy table in the back where she finds Wesleynard already waiting along with Ethan the third knight in charge. As Ana Sofia and Natalia approach the table, Wesleynard stands to greet them, his eyes lingering on Natalia for a moment before shifting to Ana Sofia.

"Your Majesty, Natalia," he says, bowing his head in respect.

Ana Sofia had to hold back rolling her eyes, instead, she smiled as big as she could.

Oh? does he like what he sees

"Good. You're all here. Sit." The tent is bustling with tension as everyone takes their seats around the table.

The air is heavy with anticipation, and the scent of burning candles and ink fills the room. Ana Sofia, Wesleynard, Natalia, and Ethan all sit down, and the meeting begins.

"As we discussed last night, we are to begin working immediately on reversing Natalia's entrapment spell. Wesleynard, you will be working alongside her. You mentioned that you had uncovered some possible information that may help?"

She glances at Wesleynard who has his eyes fixed on Natalia, "I'll do all that I can to help." He offered her a chaste smile before returning to Ana Sofia.

She continues, trying to ignore the growing irritation she feels in her stomach each time his eyes land on Natalia.

"Next, regarding Daeth. I'm hoping we can get some more answers." she paused, "In my vision...Ignacio my illegitimate grandfather spoke of Daeth. Keep in mind this was over half a century ago. He said their goal was to destroy the crown he almost killed my father before Natalia stepped in." She shuddered internally at the end of her sentence.

Remembering the experience made her nauseous to her stomach. Natalia's face pales at the mention of Daeth, her eyes filling with candid fear. "I remember now," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "Daeth was a group of radical sorcerers who sought to overthrow the monarchy and take control of the kingdom."

Ethan cut in, "Sorcerers? they are a dying art form. Every sorcerer has to be registered within our records."

"Unless they've been in hiding all this time," Wesleynard replied.

The room fell silent at the possibility of what they hypothesized could be true. Ana Sofia felt rage boil in her throat, "This is...it's ridiculous how has a rebel group stayed under our noses for so long?"

Wesleynard's gaze flickers towards Ana Sofia, his expression serious. "Your Majesty you couldn't have known. We were under the impression that this was a current rebellion not one rooted with history."

Ethan, who had been mulling over possibilities in his head, speaks up, "Natalia, do you recall any leadership names, notable figures?"

Natalia closes her eyes, deep in concentration. After a moment, she opens them again, a look of resolve in her gaze.

"The leader of Daeth was a sorcerer named Malphas. He was a powerful and dangerous man, known for his cunning and ruthlessness."

Ana Sofia sighed cutting through the room's tension, "Thank you that will help our investigation we should split into groups and focus on different tasks. "

As the meeting continues, a plan begins to take shape. Ana Sofia assigns tasks to each person.

"I will work with Ethan on Daeth's investigation and Natalia and Wesleynard will work on quickly reversing the spell."

Wesleynard can't contain the shock on his face, "Your Majesty It would feel safer if I was with you. These investigations are dangerous."

"And I would feel much better if you listened without fighting me." She responded trying to avoid his face.

"Your Majesty I have to disagree. It is not safe. At least this once."

"Meeting. Adjourned you may all return to your posts."

Ana doesn't hear out Wesleynard as she cooly exits the tent but, she can hear the way her feet aggressively stop the wet grass like a bull in need of a fight. The lump in her throat has grown so large she fears she may not be able to breathe. Why was she so angry that Wesleynard was looking at Natalia? As Ana Sofia continues to walk away, her mind is swirling with a maelstrom of emotions. She begins walking as far as possible from the camp's sight and reaches a river. She tried to find some relief, but Wesleynard quickly appeared after her.

Great. The last person I wanted to see.

 "What are you doing? You are supposed to be with Natalia." Ana Sofia's voice is sharper than she intends, betraying the tumult of emotions she's trying to keep hidden.

She turns away from Wesleynard, looking out at the river as it flows steadily by. The cool air does little to quell the heat in her cheeks. Wesleynard approaches Ana Sofia slowly, his movements steady and assured. He stops a few paces behind her, giving her space but also making his presence known. His tall stature was nearly impossible to miss coupled with his long golden locks he resembled a God. 

"I couldn't focus, with you so far away," he says quietly. "And I'm still not in agreement with the way you divided the tasks."

Ana Sofia's heart skips a beat at Wesleynard's words, she almost choked on a cough because her throat seemed to dry the longer, she thought of these feelings. The concern in his voice, and only serves to fuel her own conflicting emotions. She wants to be angry with him, to push him away, and maintain her resolve to never love again.

 "You don't have to agree, you simply have to listen." Ana Sofia's response is terse, but there is a hint of vulnerability in her voice.

She continues to stare out at the river, avoiding Wesleynard's gaze.

"Do you really dislike my presence that much?" Wesleynard's question hangs in the air, unspoken accusations and hurt feelings lingering between them.


Ana Sofia's heart clenches in her chest, the weight of her loss and the fear of opening herself up to new pain warring within her. 

Can he please just go away?

She turns around to face him, "Do you really want to know what I think? Wesleynard?"

Ana Sofia's eyes meet Wesleynard's, and for a moment, she sees the kindness and concern that first drew her to him. His blue eyes seemed to glow as he focused on her. She takes a deep breath, steeling herself for what she is about to say.

"I think that being near you is dangerous," she says quietly.

Wesleynard's eyebrows furrow and lips part softly at Ana Sofia's words. He takes a step closer to her, searching her face for any hint of the warmth and love she once had for him. His mind recalled the memories of the tournament and the way she had once smiled like a girl in love.

"Dangerous?" he repeats, his voice barely above a whisper. "Is that how you truly feel?"

Her eyes reach his, "Yes.... You make me feel things I shouldn't, I shouldn't enjoy the warmth of your arms. I shouldn't enjoy the way your loyalty remains steadfast even when I've hurt you. I shouldn't go into a petty jealousy when you gaze at Natalia. I shouldn't feel any of this!"

Ana Sofia's frustrations and words, the weight of her emotions. She had grown tired of denying her obvious attraction to him. She knew he was strong and most of all devoted. Wesleynard's expression softens as he takes in her words, his heart aching at the pain she is still carrying. He reaches out to take her hand, his touch gentle and reassuring.

"I understand your fears, my queen." Wesleynard's voice is steady and calm, a stark contrast to the tumultuous emotions swirling between them, "But I cannot deny the way I feel about you. And I believe that you feel the same, despite your attempts to deny it."

 "Oh really? can you read my mind now?" Ana Sofia's laughter is tinged with bitterness, her eyes clouded with uncertainty.

Wesleynard's gaze did not waver, his scent began to fill her nose, and his lips almost seemed to taunt her for a taste.

"I do not need to read your mind to see the truth in your eyes, my queen."


"What do I do?" Ana Sofia's voice is small, almost childlike as she asks for guidance.

Wesleynard's heart swells with affection for her, and he takes a deep breath before responding.

"You must follow your heart, my queen." He says, squeezing her hand gently.

"But what if my heart is leading me to ruin?" Wesleynard's expression turns serious as he considers Ana Sofia's words. He knows the weight of her responsibilities as a queen and the pain she has endured in the past. But he also knows the strength of their connection and the potential for a future together.

"Ruin is a matter of perspective, my queen." Wesleynard's voice is steady and reassuring as he responds.

"What may seem like ruin to some, may be the beginning of something new and beautiful for others. You must trust in yourself and in the love that we share. Together, we can face whatever challenges come our way."

"Your optimism will annoy me and I'm sure you'll one day tire of my negativity." Ana Sofia's words are tinged with defeat, but Wesleynard's smile grows at her stubbornness.

He gives her hand another gentle squeeze, his thumb brushing soothingly against her knuckles.

"I have never been one to tire easily, my queen."

"I know." She smiled. Wesleynard's heart leaps at the sight of Ana Sofia's smile.

 "If we come back alive. Ask me to marry you. I'll say yes."