
The Wicked Creator

Kyle Fowler is the young master of the Viscount household Fowler House A slice of life story in a magic academy setting But will that stay true after discovering the dark past of his family?

one1_fl4me · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

Fire spells (contain spoilers)

1-circle spells : Fire missile (shoots a missile made of fire), Fire wall (creates a wall of fire in front of the mage)

2-cirlce spells : Fire ball (shoots a fire ball), Fire shield (creates a shield made of fire)

3-circle spells : Ring of Fire (traps the enemy in a ring of fire where dry heat covers it, causing intense drought to occur), Fire blade (the mage can create a fire blade), Fire manipulation (the user can manipulate fire, the amount and kind of fire depends on one's rank)

4-circle spells : Overpower (a spell that can be used along other spells to strengthen your or others' spells), Fire armor ( the mage can create armor made out of fire, it's heat and durability depends on the mage's rank)

5-circle spells : Summon a fire spirit of any rank (depending on the mage's potential or luck), Fire Soul (the mage can strengthen their soul by making it their element, its strength increases with the mage's rank)

6-circle spells : Fire field (creates a field of fire where fire reigns as the supreme element)

7-circle spells : Heat wave (the mage can generate a wave of heat that burns everything in it's way)

8-circle spells : Phoenix's breath (the mage can use a Phoenix's breath that blows everything in it's way), Shrink (the mage shrink themselves to become as small as a drop of fire that can escape anywhere)

9-circle spells : Meteor (the mage can create a meteor of fire that can flatten any continent instantly)

10-circle spells : Flames of purgatory (the mage can create and use any flame he wants even the flames of hell, flames of purgatory and the Phoenix's flames which make him immortal), Fire world (the mage can create a separate space where only fire, and fire related creatures, spirits are found, this can only be done with the help of the Space, and Time element)