
The Whipping Boy

(BxB) In early modern Europe, in the Kingdom of Beldare, a young boy named Elias Rowe, lives a rather different life. He is best friends with the Crown Prince; a boy named Victor Sutton. Elias has always dreamed of leaving the castle and running away with the Prince. With the life of a boy who is whipped for someone else’s wrongdoings, who could blame him? The life of a whipping boy is not easy, nor is it ideal. One evening, in the dead of night, he escapes the castle, leaving his best friend behind. The years pass, and the Prince has grown. However, he is not the Prince anymore. He is now the King of Beldare, and he is looking for his old companion. Will Elias ever be found? What will happen if he is? Will the two men become more than friends? *** “By God, what in the name of all that is good, are you doing in a filthy place like this?” The dark haired man asked. His deep brown eyes darted across the small, stone room. Elias laughed angelically. Victor had always liked that laugh... It was so sweet and tender, like the blonde young man that stood before him. The only thing that had changed over the past six years was his position in society. “I could ask you the same, old friend.” Elias’ sweet voice carried through the stone walls. “I’ve come to collect you, of course.” “Well isn’t that sweet of you. Though I’m afraid I rather like living as a farmer. It suits my lifestyle better.” Victor felt his pulse heighten as he looked into the sea green eyes of his comrade. “I see... Well my lifestyle is better suited for two, dear friend, and I was hoping to have you in it.” Elias stood still. “I- you are too kind, Victor... but I am not suited for a castle. These are the only stone walls that can keep me.” He chuckled, laying a hand on the cold, smooth surface of the rock. The King knew that it was risky, but he wanted- No, needed to convince Elias to come with him. If he would not comply, he would not have a chance at telling the other how he felt... *** [Story may also be found on Wattpad @Gui_Rowan_Hawk] I will include special bonus chapters for votes and comments!

Paraknox · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Chapter 4

[Elias' POV]

I can't believe it. How did he find me so quickly?! I figured it would take him several years to even contemplate it! Well... I suppose he did have several years to contemplate things.

I had packed the last of my belongings when Mum came in.

"Oh dear, I'll miss you so." She whimpered, with tears threatening the corners of her eyes. "Don't cry Mum. I won't be gone forever. I'll even come and visit once a month, and I'll write you, if you like." I offered. I didn't like seeing her cry. She's taken care of me ever since I ended up in her barn.

"Alright. I love you so much, Elias." Water spilled from her eyes and down the sides of her face like little waterfalls. I hugged her tightly before letting go and planting a quick kiss on her cheek.

It neared six o'clock, so I headed towards the door. I'd said my goodbyes, and even gave the sheep a few pats on the head. I'd miss them. My very first night in the barn was one I'd never forget. The itchy stack of hay, the mysterious, yet inviting darkness, and the smell of timber and animal dung. It was truly one of my favorite memories.

It was the memories before that, that would cause me a great deal of trouble. I enjoyed living in the castle, amongst Victor and the maids. But, the memories of being whipped were the ones I could not escape. Many of the scars still remained, and some still have the audacity to sting.

I could hear the sound of horse whinnies and galloping. It was time for me to leave. I'd only packed clothes, since the castle would have other necessities. The only other thing I'd brought with me was a leather bound journal. I'd forgotten to bring my ink and quill, but I'm sure Victor has some lying about somewhere.

I exited the little house to see Victor and about ten other men on horses. "Hello, Elias. Ready to go?" The King asked. I smiled slightly. "As ready as I'll ever be." He chuckled.

I had only one bag, so I could easily carry it. "Can you mount the horse, or are you still as bad as ever at riding?" Victor teased. I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"You're so mean." I muttered under my breath as I mounted the tall, black creature. "Only for you, dearest." He winked. I felt my face heat up even more, and even spreading to my ears.

With a quick whistle and a flick of his hand, Victor's horse began moving, and his men along with him. I was forced to hug his waist, as I was on the same horse as he. I could practically feel him smirking.


We neared the castle, still in all its glory. It looked as if it had never changed. The roof tiles were still as blue as the afternoon sky, and the walls as pristine as before. Even the windows looked shiny.

I hadn't realized until now, but I was resting my chin on Victor's shoulder with my arms snaking up to his chest. My eyes widened in fear as I sat up straight and moved my arms back down to his stomach. His breathing slowed as the horse did, and I could feel his breathing hitch.

I must be making him uncomfortable...

"We are here." He said in his usual, deep voice. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this...

We dismounted the horse and began heading towards the castle. The stables were still the same. I wonder if the same stable boy is still here.

The inside of the castle was just as glorious as the outside... perhaps even more regal. "Would you like to eat, sleep, or something else?" The King asked. I didn't know what I wanted. I suppose I was both hungry and tired at once. I wonder if there's a name for that...

"I am a bit hungry." "I shall get the cooks to whip something up. Is your favorite meal still the same?" Victor gave me a knowing look. I smiled and nodded my head.

The cooks ended up coming out with a roast turkey, some seasoned vegetables, and a potato mash. It was delicious. I felt out of place, dining like a King, yet scarfing down my dinner like a wolf.

Afterwards, a single tray was brought out. "I've got a surprise for you." Victor motioned for the servant to bring forth the silver tray. On it, there was about a dozen raspberry tarts. My favorite.

"Oh Victor, you shouldn't have." I giggled jokingly. He chuckled and picked one up. "I've got an obsession with these things. I can't get enough of them." He bit into the jam filled pastry, leaving a red stain around his mouth. He licked his lips and chuckled again.

"You still eat like a pig..." I laughed, brushing a blond curl away from my eyes. "I'm King. I'll eat however I like." He said, justifying his actions.


"It's getting late. We should sleep so we can begin preparing tomorrow." Victor announced. I turned to face him slightly.

"I agree, where will I sleep?" I asked, yawning halfway through the question. The King stopped for a moment to think. "You can sleep with me for the time being. Unfortunately, your old room is in use." "A-alright." I hadn't anything else to say.

It was perfectly normal for two close friends to share a bed, right? Even if they're two grown men... whom happen to the the King and a lowly peasant... right? I questioned myself. I've always had a bit of a crush on Victor, but this might just send me into an endless abyss of madness.

All the while I was ranting to myself, I hadn't realized my lower half was moving along with Victor's. We had gone upstairs to the main hall on the third floor, where the chambers were.

Victor pulled open the large wooden door, allowing me inside first. He followed shortly behind, closing the door in the process.

"Wow... it's even more luxurious than I remember." I half chuckled. The grand room was decorated with red and gold. A large bed was the focal point of the room, attracting my eye first. Blood red linens and a gold plated bed frame seemed a bit too much... but then again, this entire day feels like it's been too much.

Anything to sleep on would suffice.

"Yes, I know. My advisor had it redecorated for my eighteenth birthday." He rolled his eyes. "It's an eyesore, isn't it?" "No, I actually quite like it." I said with a laugh.

"Good. I will sleep on this side, and you can take the other. It's quite large, so there should be no trouble." He smiled. I nodded quickly, noting how large the bed was.

"U-um... do you have a nightshirt I could borrow?" I asked as I turned red in the face.

I watched as he turned around and gave me a smirk. "W-what?" I stammered. He said nothing as he pranced over to the wardrobe and pulled out a white piece of clothing.

"It's your old nightshirt. I'm sure it still fits... you're as skinny as ever." Victor threw the nightshirt at me with a grin.

"You dog, I won't fit in this skimpy thing! Can't I just have one of yours?" I pleaded, sounding like a housewife who wanted one of her husbands tunics.

Victor contemplated for a moment, or so it seemed. "I suppose so. Here." He tossed me another shirt. It was a cream-colored, sort of dress-like shirt with ruffles along the hem and the ends of the sleeves.

"This doesn't look like something you would wear at all... why is it in your wardrobe?" I asked curiously. The Prince smiled cheekily with a small rosy tint to his cheeks. "It may or may not have been from a woman that I... fucked." His grin was completely gone now. I raised a brow and chuckled.

"You don't seem like the type to do that either... It seems you've indeed changed since I left." I added. "Are you calling me a queer?" He asked. "Perhaps I am. What are you going to do about it, your Majesty?" I teased. "Well, you've got me there. I don't really know where I stand." He let out a light laugh.

"It's alright. I don't either. Let's just get some sleep. It's been a long day for us both." "Aren't you going to put on that nightshirt you whined about?" Victor asked with a devilish smirk. "N-not until you turn around!" He laughed loudly and turned to face the wall.

I quickly undressed, leaving myself in only my knickers as I slid on the cream shirt. It was comfortable and fit nicely around my waist and chest. The shoulders were a bit small, but it had been for a women, so it made sense.

I slowly crawled onto the lush bed where Victor sat. I perched myself upon the bed on my knees as I waited for Victor to lie down, or do anything for that matter.

He only stared at me. He looked as if he were trying to read my mind. He kept squinting and tilting his head slightly. It were as if I was a fascinating piece of artwork that he was trying to understand from all angles...

"Can I help you?" I joked. "Possibly." The King didn't peel his eyes away from me. Instead, his gaze was aimed at my lips. I blushed a tad bit, hoping he would chose another feature to look at, at least.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a rather embarrassingly high-pitched voice. "I want you to kiss me." Victor mumbled. "What?!" I shouted. "Please? To help me grasp a better idea of where my favorite lie? He pleaded. "I promise it won't have anything to do with love or feelings, or anything mushy...."

I swallowed harshly. After all of my six years away, I still had not had my first kiss. Any other nineteen year-old young man would've surely kissed his first love... but I had not. It was Victor who was my first love, and I had never had the chance to kiss him before. I wasn't sure I even wanted to... but now I'm finding myself physically attracted to him. Should I do it?

Victor began leaning in, not quite puckering his lips or anything... just getting closer. By the time he was just an inch away from me... I agreed. "I'll do it. But only to help you understand your feelings... as a f-friend." I stuttered.

The King smiled and chuckled in a deep manner. As soon as I heard it, my knees went weak. It's a good thing I'm on a bed..... Oh shit! Maybe it's not a good thing! What if Victor asks me to do something else with him?!

"You think too much, Elias." Victor said, almost as if he could read my mind. Our lips crashed together almost instantly after. Victor let his hands explore my waist and back. I didn't know what to do with mine, so I let them hang limp at my side.

It was needless to say that sparks flew like birds in the sky. It was supposed to be an emotionless experiment... but it had turned into something more. I could feel Victor's passion as his tongue worked to pry me open. At this point, I could feel my cock growing hard.

I felt like a gelatinous blob of euphoria. Everything felt right...

"I think I know where I stand now." Victor claimed as he broke the kiss. I was in shock, mostly. However, the amount of happiness flowing from my heart was more than I could comprehend.

I was breathless, and I had only had a small taste of the man that is he, Victor. "W-where might that be?" I asked, as stupidly as it sounds. Maybe I had just wanted to hear the words come from his mouth.

"Wouldn't you like to know." He laughed. "I'm just messing with you, Elias. I think I might fall under the category of queer... but it could just be you."

My face began to grow hot. I couldn't breathe, and I felt like I was being put on a of cloud made of down and sugar. "Y-y-you can't just admit that you love me before I'm about to sleep in your bed!" I shouted rather loudly.

Victor laughed once again. "Now I never said that, silly.... but it's true. I am in love with you. I have been ever since we were nine and you fell off of your horse at our first practice. Do you remember when I wrapped your leg in bandages?" He rambled.

I couldn't keep myself from smiling. "I-I remember..." I stammered. The King glanced around for a moment before speaking again. "Let's get some sleep now. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." He smiled gently as he turned around and faced away from me.

I did the same, facing the large window where the moon let in a subtle, yet elegant, pale light. "Goodnight, Elias." "Goodnight, Victor." I replied with more enthusiasm than I would've liked.

The morning would surely bring great things... like raspberry tarts. Adventure too, but tarts were always the best. So, I closed my eyes and dreamt of things like tarts... and Victor. I mean- both tasted delicious, so there wasn't much of a difference.

[A/N: Hello everyone! Sorry it's been almost a month since I've updated, but I've been so busy with my finals and four projects to work on for school, not to mention my after school class that determines if I pass or not. (I'm kind of stupid) But I'm trying to update more often. Thank you all for your continuous support.]

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