
The Wet Nurse

In a world of aristocratic grandeur and hidden desires, Amelie Huber finds herself entangled in a forbidden romance with the captivating Duke of Therna. Will their love defy the expectations placed upon them or crumble under the weight of society's judgment? I will be uploading weekly but rather irregularly, so check out the story from time to time.

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35 Chs

Chapter 29 - Velvet Intimacy

The fire crackled merrily as it cast a warm, flickering glow throughout the Duke's private chamber. Heavy velvet drapes hung over the windows, shutting out the cold night air and lending an air of intimacy to the room. The Duke reclined in a high-backed armchair, one leg crossed casually over the other, swirling a glass of amber whiskey thoughtfully. Friedrich, his most trusted friend and advisor, sat opposite him, nursing a glass of his own.

"Tell me, Friedrich," the Duke began, fixing his attentive amber eyes on his companion, "what do you think of the wet nurse?"

Friedrich's brow furrowed ever so slightly, sensing that there was more to the question than met the eye. He hesitated for a moment before replying, "Well, she is certainly devoted to her duties with the young master. I have seldom seen a woman more attentive to a child."

"Indeed," the Duke said, taking a sip of his whiskey. He savored the burn as it trickled down his throat, relishing the warmth that spread through his chest. "But what of her character? She is rather… spirited, wouldn't you say?"

"Ah, yes, she is indeed a lively soul," Friedrich agreed, leaning back in his chair and casting his gaze into the fire. "I believe she has always been something of a tomboy, preferring to play with boys and immerse herself in books. Quite a rare combination for a woman of her station, I must admit."

The Duke's eyes narrowed imperceptibly, his interest piqued by Friedrich's words. "An unusual trait, but not an unwelcome one, I suppose," he mused, taking another sip of his drink.

Friedrich could not help but recall the way Amelie had challenged him on several occasions, her fiery spirit refusing to back down. There was something undeniably refreshing about her. "Indeed," Friedrich said, sensing the Duke's curiosity. "And I'm sure you've noticed, Ludwig, that she has quite a way with the young master. He seems to adore her."

The Duke's heart twisted at the mention of his son, the boy he hardly knew and yet loved fiercely all the same. "Yes, I have observed their bond," he admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of bitterness. "But tell me, Friedrich, what do you think of her personally? Is she someone you would trust?"

Friedrich hesitated, clearly weighing his words carefully before he spoke. "I believe that Amelie is a woman of great integrity. She may be headstrong and opinionated, but she has always demonstrated an unwavering loyalty to those she cares for. Her coming here is the best proof."

The Duke raised his eyebrows at this revelation but did not comment further, choosing instead to take another sip of his whiskey as he mulled over Friedrich's words. It was clear that his friend held Amelie in high esteem, and he could not deny that her presence had brought a certain warmth to the cold, stately halls of his home.

"Ludwig?" Friedrich's voice broke through the Duke's thoughts, pulling him back to the present. "Yes, Friedrich?" he replied, setting down his glass and giving his friend his full attention.

"May I speak freely, Ludwig?" Friedrich asked, a hint of concern in his eyes as he looked at the Duke.

"Of course," the Duke responded with a nod. "We have known each other long enough that you should not feel the need to ask for such permissions."

"Very well, then," Friedrich said, exhaling slowly before continuing. "I understand your reservations regarding Amelie, but I genuinely believe she is a good person. She has been nothing but kind and attentive to young the master, and it is clear that she truly cares for him. Furthermore, I have never seen her behave in any way that would suggest duplicity or deception."

"Perhaps," the Duke allowed, his expression thoughtful as he considered his friend's words.

As the duke gazed upon Friedrich, he saw a blissful ignorance in his eyes. Friedrich was too naive to understand the true weight of the situation, too blinded by his infatuation with Amelie. But now, with her unexpected pregnancy, their relationship would no longer be seen as peculiar due to Amelie's young age. However, the disapproval of Friedrich's mother loomed over them like a dark cloud. The duke knew that even if he did nothing, their love would never be accepted by society. Especially since Friedrich was to receive his own land as a reward for his exceptional service during the war.

So the duke decided to resign himself to fate and allowed them to continue on their path, despite the turmoil it caused him.

"Indeed, Ludwig, I will not deny that her charm is quite powerful," Friedrich agreed, his eyes twinkling with humor. "But I also believe that it is genuine. I have spent countless hours with Amelie, both in the company of others and in private, and I have never once seen her act in a manner that was inconsistent with her character. She is forthright, honest, and caring – qualities that are all too rare in this world."

The Duke offered a small smile in response, conceding the point. "You paint a convincing picture, Friedrich. And I must admit that you are not the first to sing her praises. My staff has been equally complimentary of Miss Huber, noting her kindness and warmth, as well as her dedication to her duties."

"Then perhaps, Ludwig, it is time for you to form your own opinion of Amelie," Friedrich suggested gently. "I know that you have been preoccupied with matters of state since her arrival, but surely there is no one better suited to judge the character of those who serve you than yourself?"

"Indeed, you are correct," the Duke agreed, his eyes narrowing slightly as he considered this new possibility.

It had been some time since he took an active role in the day-to-day affairs of my household, and perhaps it was high time that he remedied that oversight.

"Ludwig," Friedrich ventured, drawing the Duke from his reverie. "Might I suggest that you consider spending more time with your son outside of these chambers and your office? There is much to be gained from witnessing firsthand the world in which he is growing up."

The Duke bristled at this unexpected change in topic, feeling as though he were being judged for his perceived failings as a father and the head of the manor. He had never imagined that his role as a widower would become a subject of scrutiny, and he was ill-prepared to defend himself against such insinuations.

"Are you suggesting that I have been remiss in my duties as a parent?" The Duke demanded, his voice tight with indignation. "I assure you, I take my responsibilities to my son very seriously."

"Please forgive me if I have given offense," Friedrich replied hastily, holding up his hands in a placating gesture. "I did not mean to imply any negligence on your part. Rather, I simply wished to encourage you to embrace the joys of fatherhood more fully – to experience the laughter and companionship that can only come from spending time with one's child."

The Duke stared at Friedrich for a long moment, his anger gradually ebbing away as he considered his friend's words. It was true that he had often felt a pang of envy when observing the easy atmosphere between Friedrich, Amelie and and his son during their outings – they seemed like a happy family. The family he had wished for his son.

"Perhaps you are right," the Duke conceded, draining the last of his whiskey and setting the glass down with a heavy sigh. "I have been so consumed with my work and my grief that I have neglected to truly live in the present."

"Your Grace," Friedrich said gently, leaning forward in earnest. "There are things one can only understand once they have lived them. I know the pain of losing a spouse can be unbearable, but it is important to remember that life goes on – for both you and your son. It may not be easy, but finding joy in the small moments can make all the difference."

The Duke nodded slowly, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and gratitude. He knew that Friedrich had his best interests at heart, and he resolved to heed his advice – to seek out happiness in the company of his son and those who cared for him. Perhaps, in time, he would come to know the same contentment that seemed to radiate from Amelie Huber, and his heart would once again be filled with light.

"Thank you, Friedrich," he murmured, clasping his glass in his hand. "I will do as you suggest. And perhaps, in doing so, I will come to know Miss Huber better as well."

"Ludwig," Friedrich began, his voice sincere and steady, "I want you to know that you have my unwavering loyalty and support. If ever you need someone to talk to, or a shoulder to lean on, I am here for you. We all have our burdens to bear, but it is through the support of those around us that we find relief from their weight."

The Duke looked up, surprise flickering across his features before settling into a reserved gratitude. "Thank you, Friedrich," he replied quietly, touched by the offer. "It means a great deal to know that I can count on you."

Friedrich nodded, his eyes alight with determination. "And perhaps," he continued, hesitating slightly before plunging onward, "you might consider joining Miss Huber, the young master, and myself when we take our outings. It would be an excellent opportunity for you to spend more time with your son, and I believe you would enjoy the company as well."

For a moment, the Duke said nothing, his mind racing as he weighed the possibilities. The idea of spending more time with his son was undoubtedly appealing. And Friedrich's description of Amelie – her kind heart, her passion for the outdoors, and her boundless energy – intrigued him more than he cared to admit.

"Perhaps," the Duke finally conceded, surprising himself with the ease of his agreement. "Yes, perhaps I will join you on one of these outings. It would do me good to spend more time with my son, and…" he trailed off, an uncharacteristic hint of vulnerability creeping into his voice, "and it might help ease the loneliness that has settled over this house since my wife's passing."

Friedrich's eyes softened with empathy. He knew all too well the pain of loss, having experienced it firsthand when his own father had passed away alongside the duke's parents years earlier. "I understand, Your Grace," he said gently, reaching out to place a supportive hand on the Duke's shoulder. "And I assure you, there is no better balm for a wounded heart than the love and companionship of those who care for you."

The Duke nodded, touched by Friedrich's words. Inwardly, he marveled at the strength of their connection – a bond forged through years of friendship and shared experiences. It was a rare thing, he knew, especially in a world where alliances were so often built upon foundations of convenience and necessity.

"Very well," the Duke declared, straightening his shoulders as a renewed sense of purpose surged through him. "I shall join you on one of your next outings. And perhaps, in doing so, I will come to know Miss Huber better as well." His mind drifted to the young woman, wondering what secrets lay hidden behind her captivating smile and curious eyes.

"Excellent, Your Grace," Friedrich responded, unable to keep the satisfaction from coloring his tone. "I am certain you will find the experience most rewarding."