
The Werewolf CEO That Got Me Pregnant

Stella Veronica is a beautiful woman who has been married for 7 years with a man named Jasper Kurt. But she often gets bad treatment from her husband. Because her husband was fed up with her. Because she didn't get pregnant right away. However, due to an incident at the hotel where her husband works, Stella, who is drunk, has slept with the handsome CEO. Her husband's boss. And she was pregnant with the child of her husband's superior. So how will this love triangle end? And what will happen if Jasper finds out that the child that is being conceived by Stella is the son of his own boss, a werewolf who is a handsome CEO of a well-known Skin Care company in New York City? [ WSA THEME : WEREWOLF ]

luluk_muddawamatul · Fantasi
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188 Chs

Chapter 35

"That's it then, Stella. I'll say goodbye to you now, huh!. Thank you very much, for allowing me to meet with you, just only you and me, just like this, right now. Oh yes, Stella. I have some money for you. Please accept this money. And don't refuse this money, okay!. I know that maybe the child that now you are carrying is the result of my seed, which I planted in your womb, two months ago!. So just assume that this money is the money from his biological father , so that he can always be healthy. I'm not saying that I only give this money to you once. But if you keep wanting to see me, I can give you more money!" Said Dexter Franklin who then put his clothes back on.

"What is this money for, Mr. Dexter?. I know that my husband does work for you. But it seems this money is not necessary!. I don't know who is the biological father of the child that I am carrying is, I can raise this child with Jasper alone!" Said Stella who was trying to refuse the money from Dexter.

"Hmmm, never mind Stella. Please just accept this money. This amount of money is nothing and it's not a large amount. And then, I'll be going now. Thanks again because the two of us can meet again like today!" Dexter replied who then he rushed off towards the outside of Stella's house.

And then he gave a kiss bye to Stella. Just before he got into his car.

Stella was just silent, looking at Dexter who slowly left the yard. She seemed to be in shock that morning. She didn't expect Dexter to go that far with her. She also tried to act as normal as possible, until her husband Jasper returned from a meeting that was being held by him at a well-known hotel in New York.

Meanwhile, Dexter was then happily in his car, he took his car away to his house. He who that day did not have an appointment to meet with his personal doctor, he was just trying to rest and recover his strength, shortly after he had finished pouring his longing desire for that beautiful woman, the wife of Jasper, the Manager of his Éclat Beauty skin care company.

"It's really something that I couldn't predict before. Because it turns out that Stella is really the woman that I've been looking for and I've longed for. I know that Stella already has a husband, but why, her charm seems to have bewitched me. And Stella is a woman who really seems to have driven me almost crazy because I miss her. But I really believe that Stella and I will meet again on another day, and on another opportunity!" Said Dexter who then immediately parked his car into a luxurious garage, which was next to his palace-like house.

Dexter then rushed back into his house. And he did return home to rest. Dexter had intended to immediately have Stella completely. However, Dexter realized that Stella still had a husband, that namely Jasper.

And it turns out that Stella's husband is the manager of his own company, the manager of the Éclat Beauty skin care branch, New York.

"What a shame, why does Stella have to have a husband, sigh?. And her husband is my own employee. Just try if Stella's husband was someone else, I would definitely get rid of him easily. But maybe I should be patient right now, if I wanted to have Stella. Maybe one day I can use a way, so I can get rid of that husband of Stella!" Dexter said to himself, as soon as he arrived at his residence, at his house.

Dexter then lay his body, on the soft bed in his wide and comfortable bedroom. There Dexter was just trying to rest again. Recovering the energy of him that had been drained that morning.

He was satisfied, because he had poured out all of his longing for the woman that he loved, the woman that he had been looking for, for the past two months.

Meanwhile at the Éclat Beauty skin care company meeting, at a luxury hotel in New York City, Jasper and Chloe were both really busy preparing for the big company meeting that owned by Dexter Franklin.

The two of them were the people that Dexter and Chloe had asked to hold a meeting that was really very tiring. Neither for Chloe nor for Jasper himself.

Because on that day Jasper had behaved professionally, he gave the very good presentations that were quite satisfactory for the clients of the Éclat Beauty skin care company.

On that afternoon, when it was the time for lunch, Chloe thanked Jasper. Because Jasper had become Dexter's confidant.

"Congratulations, Mr. Jasper, because you are a person who has been trusted by Mr. Dexter. After a long time our company does not have a trusted person or the right-hand man, just like you today, Mr. Jasper. I don't know why that Mr. Dexter could I believe this to you. But I'm sure, maybe because of your really good performance, he has entrusted this meeting to you. So congratulations, Mr. Jasper. Because you have successfully brought our important meeting today, Sir!" Chloe said while she inviting Jasper to eat their lunch for the two of them, at that famous and expensive hotel in New York City.

And after that, the two of them then continued their meeting until it was the time to go home.

"Well, it turns out that it's over, our meeting today!. Luckily our meeting really went very successfully. And I have to express my gratitude to you, Chloe. Because you are the one who wants to help me today. And you have also bothered to prepare for our meeting today. Thank you again, okay!" Jasper said just before he left the hotel.

"Oh yes, Mr. Jasper. It's okay. We're really a team, in the same company, right?. And naturally, if we help each other, it will be better!" Said Chloe who was also about to go home, shortly after the two of them had finished their meeting.