
The perfect night


The car ride is quiet but somehow it feels nice.

I haven't had this much peace in a while and it seems like they both feel the same way as me.

I don't know where Blue has planned to take us to but I will take anywhere in the world. Even a hut right now would be okay. As long as I get to spend time with them. My hands are sweaty, and the nerves of excitement are kicking in. we haven't ever really had a date before. Like we have had moments before. We have had fun and then there was also the mating ritual but as a throuple. The three of us, haven't been out together and it feels nice.

I am in the back seat, happy with this goofy smile on my face.

"Why are we all so quiet?'' Blue pipes up. He is also smiling. The second we drove out of the gates of the estate, I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders.