


I look around this place.

This place that he has made his home and it feels like a prison to me. I don't think he is genuinely happy in this solace.

I know that deep down, Major deserves more and I wish there was a way I could convince him to come back with me. I wish there was a way I could get him to help me. I wish I was good at convincing people but here I am. Under this tunnel, seeing all these people in hiding. People that I have known all my life.

Living like sewer rats.

This is not a good life but he can't see that and I don't know how to convince him. Gyles wants to leave, he doesn't even think it is a good idea to involve Major. I know that he doesn't trust him but I also know the kind of magic that Major is capable of and I know that he can help us.

Truly help us. But he won't. I don't understand why he is settling for this when he could have so much more.