
The Weirwood Wolf ( Game of Thrones )

What if Robb stark had a twin brother, what if this brother had a near death experience, what if in his final hours the Old Gods save him. When the Old Gods save Thorin Stark they also bless the whole Stark family. With a Robb Stark who understands politics and with a twin he can always count on how will the War of the Five Kings turn out. (When I first began this fic Thorin was meant to be the MC but as it evolved it seems I have made Robb the MC so I’ve changed the Synopsis to make that more clear.)

Telling_Tall_Tales · Televisi
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30 Chs

(7) Dealing with Weasels

(POV Jon Snow )

We sat in the tent waiting for Lady Stark to return from negotiations with Walder Frey. Thorin and Robb where talking about what they thought Lord Freys price will be, both thought it would be to high. But I was lost in thought I was still trying to process what I learned from Lord Reed a few weeks past.

The meeting started of normally, Robb requested Lord Reed send his Son and Daughter to Winterfell to be with Bran and then after he agreed he told us about how he was there at the tower of joy with Father. He also said that he was there on the journey, he said that if I wanted he could tell me who my mother was.

And so he told me, told me of my father and his relationship with Ashara Dayne at Harrenhall, how he planned to marry her. He told me of how father had to marry Lady Stark in his brothers place and of the Tower of Joy and the fight with Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword in the Morning how father killed him.

He then spoke of how he returned to Starfall with Dawn and told the lord where to find Ser Arthur's bones, how he went to Ashara to tell her the news personally and how he found out that she was pregnant and had just given birth to a son though there was meant to be a daughter as well, but she was born still born.

He told me of how she begged that Ned take me and how in her grief from loosing her daughter, her close friend Elia and her brother she threw her self from a tower. After that meeting me and my brothers went to the Godswood and I cried for a mother and a sister that I will never Know.

It was then the tent opened and Lady Stark entered, she didn't look at me, she hasn't really acknowledged me since Thorin shouted at her for trying to send me to the Nights Watch instead of fostering, he had never shouted at her before mad hasn't since but my brothers fury is a sight to behold and so she ignores me.

"Mother what are his terms." Robb asked

"Steep, as we knew they would be." She replied

"Stop stalling mother and tell us." Came Thorin's inpatient reply

"He wants his son for both of your squires, a marriage of one of his daughters to Thorin, one of his grandsons for Arya and two grandsons fostered at Winterfell, he also said that he'll 'give a rivers for your snow' as he put it." She listed the many demands.

"Dam him! Dam him and his stupid bridge to the seven hells!" Robb said in frustration

"Brother, give me one hundred Mormont men I will give you the Twins." Thorin said to Robb

"What's your plan brother." I asked him and he told us

"If your sure this will work, then we'll be waiting for the sound of your horn." Robb told him


I'd scouted ahead with Synin for a week we had been sitting outside that Gods forsaken castle until the Old Weasel decided to give his outrageous terms, so I knew every crevice of the castle by now so I also knew where it was easiest to climb.

So when the moon was high in the sky we rowed out and scaled the walls. I went first, I climbed to a window that has been open for the whole week we had been camped out side in fact the room I chose hadn't been opened since we got here. It was a large room but it was in disrepair.

Once I was in I took the rope ladder tied around me, I attached the hooks to the walls and threw the ladder down. Slowly the room began to fill until everyone was in and we could barely move. I threw open the door and rushed out my sword, Kingmaker in one hand, the Mormont men followed each with a sword or spear in one hand and a shield with the Black bear on a green field proudly displayed.

I lead them through the hallways we encountered few guards and those we did didn't stand much of a chance against the battle hardy people of bear island. I lead them to the gate house.

"Get this gate opened." I said to a few of the Mormont men.

When that was done I led the men down into the court yard where the Frey guards where gathering. When I reached the court yard I took my horn from my belt and raised it to my lips.

*AHOOOOOOOH* my horn echoed as the runes carved into it glowed blue

"Shield wall!" I called to the Mormont men. We only had to hold the position until Robb and the rest of the Northmen arrive and in the small courtyard numbers mattered less than skill.

"Hear We Stand!" I shouted the Mormont words at the top of my voice and the men answered the same then we braced for the impact of the Frey men at arms. The wall held strong as the Freys threw themselves against it, I slipped Kingmaker in between the gaps of the shield wall and a Frey guard died.

It continued minutes until we finally heard the war horns that signalled the arrival of the Northmen. As I heard the sound of soldiers approaching from behind I broke the shield wall and charged the ranks of the stunned Freys the Mormont men following me, then the Karstark, then Umbers then a dozen more.

"For the North!" I shouted and the men took up the call

I beheaded some Frey knight and looked around the battle it was mostly Karstark and Umber men. I also saw Ghost his white fur red with blood. I saw a grey blur then a dying Frey so it wasn't hard to guess what happened there. I also saw Fenrir with half a Frey in his mouth.

Jon and Robb where there as well and wherever they went on the battlefield Freys died in abundance. After the battle in the courtyard was finished I looked around the battlefield and saw there where a lot more dead Freys than there where Northmen.

"We have to clear the keep out, Thorin take some of Lord Tallhart's men and bring Lord Frey to me." Robb commanded me.

"I'll go right away." I responded

I lead twenty Tallhart men through the halls of the keep we came across a few guards that where quickly dispatched. When we finally reached the Lords chamber we found it barred. And it might have shown us down if I didn't bring Alduin with me.

"Alduin Frostfyre." I commanded him as I pointed at the door.

He seemed to understand and soon the door was nothing but chunks of frozen wood. We rushed in through the door cutting down anyone in our path. I approached the Old Lord he tried to speak but I wasn't in the mood to listen so I grabbed a bit of cloth from his bedside and stuffed it in his mouth.

"You two grab him we need to bring him to the hall." I said as I pointed to two of the men

We dragged the lord back into the hall where Robb was waiting the other lords where there standing in the ruined hall there blood stains on the floor though there where no bodies. As I entered the hall all the Lords stopped their conversations and looked to me and the old Lord.

I brought the lord to the centre of the hall and threw him on the floor I pulled the cloth from his mouth, he immediately tried to talk and so I backhanded him with my Weirwood hand.

"You'll speak when spoken too Frey." I spat at him in disdain. Then I turned to address Robb

"Lord Stark I have made sure that Late Lord Frey has arrived on time." I said to him causing a few laughs from around the room the most noticeable being the Greatjons booming laugh.

"Lord Frey the Riverlands burn and your Lord has called your house to arms yet you remain in you castle with the full force of the Twins, well half the force of the Twins now." Robb said with all the respect due which is none

"Who do you think you are boy to speak to me like that, under my own roof!"

"Thorin hit him again." Came Robb's response and I did, this time in the stomach

"Tell me Lord Frey, will your sons surrender in exchange for your life?" Robb asked in a tone that said he already knew the answer

"Not a chance boy." The lord wheezed

"Then your life holds little value." Robb said


"I'd take your life myself but it was my Uncle and Grandfather who you've insulted so it shall be them who dispenses your punishment." Robb cut the lord off

"Take him from my sight." He said as gestured to two Stark guards

"Send a message to the other castle tell then they have till mid day tomorrow to surrender or I'll feed them to the wolves." Robb said to the castles Maester in an even voice.

"Right away My Lord." He said afraid then scurried off

"What do you think they'll say." Jon asked

"If they have any sense they'll surrender." Robb replied

"Freys having sense, your mad brother." I said with a snort getting a few chuckles from my brothers.


( POV Jon Snow )

I sat beside Thorin who sat beside Robb at the high table. On the other side of Robb was Lady Stark we sat in full armour. I sat in silence in my seat staring at Ser Stevron Frey the Lord of the Twins now that his Lord Father was taken prisoner. Thorin was lazily twirling his axe in his left hand while glaring at the Lord. Ser Stevon was trying not to look at The Bloody Wolf lest he piss himself.

Robb sat his with his elbows on the table and the clawed fingers of his gauntlets intertwined. Ser Strevon and the rest of the Freys kept throwing fearful glances at the wolves that where lying across the floor though you could tell they where alert, they also threw fearful glasses at the Dragons that sat in the rafters and stared down at them.

"It seems you have taken our gracious offer of mercy, and surrendered." Robb said his voice even

"Yes My Lord we have." Came Ser Stevon's shaky reply

"Good, it was your father who refused us access to the bridge, you Ser are blameless so your family is free to go." Robb told them

"Thank you My Lord, Thank you. The Freys of the Crossing will be your loyal servants." Ser Strevon said happily.

"You don't seem to understand, Ser, you are no longer a Frey of the Crossing you are free to leave this castle with your life and go somewhere else but the Lord of the Twins is the Brynden 'Blackfish' Tully." Robb said shocking the Freys

"Where do expect us all to go!" Came Ser Strevon outraged response

"Why my lord, surely there is someone who would take you in, the Freys are well loved after all." Thorin said to him in a mocking voice. Ser

Strevon looked like he wanted to say something until he heard the deep growl coming from across the room he looked to see Fenrir beginning to stand, that shit him up quickly, when he looked back to Thorin he saw him sitting with a smirk on his face.

"You'll will have a weeks supply of food, and you'll leave before sun down. Now go." Robb said. After the Freys left Robb turned to me.

"Brother I have an important task for you carry out."


{ Authors Notes }

There we have it the the official start of the War of the Five Kings with the Storming of the Twins

Next chapter will have Jon's important task, his first battle and the Battle in the Whispering Woods

Should I do a

Tywin point of view


Tyrion point of view

What is your opinion about how I handled the Freys???

Thanks for reading