

Lobo Ekon was retried from the army he was living a simple life doing normal job he was happy with the life he had until his life came upside down with he committing a horrendous crime which resulted him being given a life sentence. He was sent to a prison called NOXCUS, normal at the first look he discovers there’s something more to this place than just being a normal prison.

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And then the spirit of all living looked at the surface with agony as she was tied to the tree of life.The tree which itself gave birth to her was constraining her with its roots covered in thorns.They say there was a hole in her heart which was open up by the world of living and she was also missing various limbs.Whenever she bleeds from her wounds her blood falls from heaven to the world of living as snow.


_______THE WEAPONOLOGY_______


12:48am, "phone ringing' a woman picks up the phone and says "911 what's your emergency?" with no response the operator said "hello is anyone there what's your emergency?" a guy with trembling voice on the call says "Murder" I killed them..

The 911 operator said 'sir may i know who i am talking to' the guy ignoring the question says to the operator again with the trembling voice "17 avenue Memphis" is my address then 'hangs up'.

Not long after the call, the police came to the address given by the man who made the call and find two bodies of an early-middle aged man & women. The cops also arrested the man who made the call, who was still there. On the next day the crime that happened at night was covered by several news channels.

Day 2

10:00am, A reporter infront of a camera at the crime scene "the police received a 911 call at midnight from a guy who claimed that he has killed two people at his house after the guy tell the operator his location the police soon reached the crime scene, they arrested the suspect and descoverd the two bodies of an early-middle aged man and women

The police identify the female body as Adrika Ekon who was the wife of the suspect and the male one as Carlo Evans with no relation to the suspect. After the post-mortem by the pathologists it is discovered that the murderer used a putty knife on one of the victim to cut open the neck and then used a hammer to smash the skull of the another victim.

And the criminal who has committed this crime has been identified by the police as LOBO EKON.

10:45am, same reporter infront of the camera at a police station "after the interrogation with the criminal, the police has disclosed the reason behind his actions". Lobo said that his wife was having an affair with the guy he killed that's why he killed both of them.

He said that he always comes home late at night this is why he never find out about it except yesterday when he came home early. He said that his mind went blank with anger and without wasting a moment he grabs his tools form his tool belt and uses them as a WEAPON to kill them.

He also had a 5 year old daughter name Lucy Ekon with adrika who was at lobo's sister's house when the crime took place. But in the statement given by him in the interrogation session he said that he's no longer believes that he's the biological father of his child.

"Lobo ekons will be sent to the court within 74 hours" and cut said the cameraman to the reporter.Few i'm beat said the female report with a tired look, well Mrs Anna you did a good job filling the work up for Amanda said the cameraman "she suddenly called me this morning and said that she is feeling sick and i was panicking about what to do so I'm very grateful to you" he adds.

Oh! I almost forgot there is still one more work for you to do Mrs Anna in place of Amanda says the cameraman. What one more I'm tired i did not even had breakfast this morning uhh! I shouldn't have said that i will help as an in placement for Amanda but i need that promotion. Don't be like that i will treat you later says the cameraman you better says Anna.

S/N: Anna is a rookie reporter who wants to be in the good eyes of her superiors to get the promotion

So what's the work i have to do Anna question its a interview says the cameraman. Of whom Anna asks "of a criminal who's is given a death penalty" answer's cameraman. What! Anna says in confusion it's only for an hour because Amanda did the half of the interview done yesterday but if don't wanna do it i can call and request manager to ask for another replacement but it will be hard to get an replacement because we are short on staff cameraman says. Anna thinks carefully and says NO! this is a great chance to nail the promotion I can't let it go. They enter the car and the cameraman starts driving to the location of the interview.

So what I have to do ask's Anna with no reply for cameraman she look at him and says what happened why the long face. Cameraman says actually yesterday when Mrs Amanda was doing the interview with him(the criminal) she immediately stopped half way saying I couldn't do it and the team have to stop the interview and when she came outside i ask her and she said she is feeling a little bit down and then she just left~Now i get it so you're worried about her what you have a crush on her Anna says while cutting the cameraman off No that's not the case cameraman says i just worried about you. Oh aren't ya a sweet boy don't be its not like he can do something to me i mean the officers will be there too says Anna.

Ahh I'm getting bored how much longer i have to sit in this junk says Anna Why don't you read the question and the information about the criminal you are about to interview cameraman says politely. Good idea she grabs the interview paper from the cameraman's bag and start looking at it.

She reads "criminal name: DOMINIC age: 27 Family name: unknown POB: unknown total victims: confidential" wait there almost nothing about this guys on this paper there's gotta be more Anna says. The cameraman says that all the information we got and all the information the authorities can tell us.

12:45pm ahh we finally reached Anna says while stretching her arms well then i see you later and don't forget about the promise to treat me Anna say's while leaving the car I don't and take care cameraman say's.

Second half of the prologue will be out soon....