
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasi
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178 Chs

0177 Astronomy Teacher

  After a brief but warm greeting, Mr. Adelaide took his place at the head of the table.

  It was hard to imagine a chief of staff with no specific real position, just the title of member of the Progressive Party, engaged in the service of other politicians, having such a large frame of mind, or position.

  He sat at the head of the table, not Mr. Green, the state senator, not Mr. Landen, the mayor of Sabine, and certainly not Lynch, but a chief of staff with no "official" position.

  But it's no surprise that the governor trusts the chief of staff, and many of the policies the state government issues actually come from the governor's staff.

  Sometimes the truth doesn't feel as real as people think it does, because sometimes what the governor says, his attitude, his stance, the look on his face when he confronts the people, are all designed by these people, and the governor just carries it out.

  It's not that the governor does nothing, he's not a puppet, it's just that these people on his staff are very good at relieving him of a lot of work, and that gives people a reason to respect Mr. Adelaide.

  An important man who can directly influence the governor's attitude!

  "Thank you all very much for being here in this bad weather, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart!" , Adelaide wore a smile on his face, he spoke in a gentle, not sharp voice, not speaking very fast, biting each word very clearly and completely.

  Different places would have different accents, some words and words would have some hyphenated sounds between them that were exclusively local, but there were none in what Adelaide said, and every one of his words was standard enough to go as an announcer.

  It was hard to feel ill will toward such a man, not to mention that he was so polite.

  "Some of the situations we're facing right now are like bad weather out the window; starting this month, all of the local governments within our entire state will begin distributing food tokens, and we're still facing a huge shortfall!"

  "The average value of the unemployment rate across the state has crossed 13%, with individual cities having somewhat higher rates, from some of the data I've got ...", he said and couldn't help but laugh, "Instead, industrialized backward places, on the contrary, have had an easier time in the face of a severe recession!"

  This problem is also a phenomenon that people are only now discovering, after people overly concentrated to the city some towns instead have less serious problems, especially some agricultural towns.

  Every family had their own fields, their own livestock, and their lives hadn't changed much even from the best of times in the past, as if now was the worst of times and their lives were still the same as before.

  Self-sufficiency had become a new proposition, and there were those who thought that this way would relieve some of the burdens, though this patently false statement was quietly suppressed before it had time to take shape.

  "We've been following the work related to the exchange of second-hand goods in Sabine for some time now, and I have to say that this method is very good indeed!" He took out some papers from his briefcase and said "sorry" before putting on his eyes.

  Slightly stretched his neck backward and distanced himself from the documents in his hand, which allowed him to see the things on it clearly, "We did a survey, we asked some ordinary citizens who participated in Mobile auctions and had purchasing experiences, what they thought about this trading behavior, and their answers were very comforting."

  "For less money they got something they've always wanted and had to have in their lives, and by doing so they saved some of their money that they could put into other expenses, easing the burden of their lives!"

  Adelaide removed her eyes, "That's what almost everyone thinks, Landen, you've done a great job on this one!"

  The Mayor nodded, unable to tell if he was pleased or not, while Adelaide continued, "I believe that a tree doesn't produce just one good fruit, that's what we're sitting here for, His Excellency the Governor needs you to speak your mind as much as you want to, maybe salvation is hidden in the clash of those ideas."

  "A tree (apple tree) doesn't bear only one good fruit" is a Federation proverb, which is often used to describe a succession of good things, or a kind of hope for the best.

  The mayor did not say anything, just lowered his head and looked at the notebook in front of him, very serious, Lynch also did not say anything, now it is not his turn to speak.

  These two didn't speak, it didn't mean that the others would remain silent, this was a good opportunity to get acquainted in front of the governor, and even once some of their ideas could be used, they even climbed up the governor's line.

  The number of capable people in this society is unclear, for example, that new manager under Lynch, Asier, he not only has the ability but also the traits, but he was not in a good position before he met Lynch.

  It's one thing to have the ability, it's another to have the stage to be able to exercise it, and many people often have the former but not the latter.

  If they have the opportunity to be able to connect with the governor, they have the stage.

  With a stage, will there be a shortage of people who can dance on it?

  People began to go on and on about extrapolations that they thought would help the situation, some of which did hold some water, such as some guy's talk of implementing a double tax rate and simply completely exempting the lower strata of society from all sorts of taxes, and charging them only for their insurance premiums.

  This kind of argument would ease some of the emotions of the people, but it wouldn't be of much value to the overall situation.

  There were a great many ideas of this sort, reliable or not, and there was a heated discussion around some of the views, and throughout Mr. Adelaide remained on the sidelines, taking notes constantly.

  He had no apparent leaning toward a particular point of view, but merely threw out questions as appropriate.

  The butler had already made two visits to open the windows and dispel the smell of smoke, and the hour was unconsciously approaching eleven o'clock.

  Everyone in the room remained exuberant; they didn't feel sleepy at all, much less notice the passage of time.

  After finishing a discussion, Adelaide coughed softly, and the room, which was still somewhat argumentative, closed up in a moment of silence.

  He glanced at the mayor, "Have you listened for so long, and do you have any any good ideas?"

  The Mayor shook his head, he wasn't getting angry with Adelaide, it was that the points these people were making were actually points he'd heard from these people a long time ago, and if he could have used any of them, he would have.

  Adelaide wasn't surprised, he also thought that what these people were saying was bullshit, but he didn't show it, then he looked at Lynch who was sitting next to the mayor.

  "Mr. Lynch, I've noticed that from the beginning, you haven't even joined us in this discussion, so is it possible that you already have some mature ideas?" , he said, causing everyone in the room to focus their gazes on Lynch.

  Facing these gazes that might carry some malice, Lynch was not moved in the slightest, if these gazes could make him uneasy, then there was no way he would have stayed in the small room.

  The corners of his mouth ticked slightly, "Of course, Mr. Adelaide, in fact I've been talking to His Excellency the Mayor before this about having some ideas on how we can solve our current predicament."

  He glanced at the mayor, who happened to look at him as well, and after the two of them locked gazes for a second or two, Lynch moved away, "The mayor thought that there were some immature aspects to my ideas, but you asked, so perhaps by using this place and opportunity to discuss them together can make them better."

  Those gazes with a hint of malice now became milder, and a vicious black shadow disappeared, revealing the appearance of a white rabbit.

  Adelaide looked at Lynch, a young man, with considerable interest, in fact, his first reaction was similar to the others when he realized that Mayor Landen's policies and plans came from a young man who was about to turn twenty-one years old.

  This young man must have a very close relationship with Landen, possibly a relative of his, or a political heir, but after investigation people realized that they were not related.

  Now, once again, he watched as Lynch settled some of the atmosphere with a sophistication he didn't match, causing those with bad eyesight to at least curb their malice, and it was amazing to him.

  If it was an old man who had the ability to change people's attitudes without moving like that, he thought it was normal, but Lynch was too young!

  So young that everything just seemed fake, or ignore his youth.

  In a trance Adelaide came back to his senses and nodded, "Maybe you're right, so let's hear what you have to offer?"

  Lynch smiled as he began to talk about his ideas, he was very comfortable in this environment and atmosphere, convincing people had been pretty much his only job for the last thirty years (meaning 30 years in the other world), a job that carried over to this world and was not at all unfamiliar, but rather more than a little more comfortable.

  "We all know that the regression of the real economy comes from two main problems, firstly, we don't have a market for our goods, and secondly, our manufacturing costs are getting higher and higher!"

  The people around them nodded their heads, this is a problem that everyone knows and faces, while Lynch continued, "As long as these two problems are solved, businesses are able to make sufficient profits, and operations become healthy, we will be able to continue to operate in a healthy manner, there are no closures, no bankruptcies, people have stable jobs and incomes, and everything will return to that time before. "

  A brief moment of remembrance and disorientation appeared in people's eyes as he spoke of going back to the old days, those were good times, golden times.

  Adelaide changed his sitting position slightly, he was getting older and his butt wasn't able to stay nailed to the chair like a young man could, "We all know we need to solve these problems, but the question is how to go about solving it, do you have any mature ideas?"

  The smile on Lynch's face became more intimate, "When I was in school, my astronomy teacher told me not to let our eyes be confined within the atmosphere by something mundane."

  "And the easiest way to solve these problems we currently have is 'don't let our gaze, be limited to the domestic'!"