
The Way You Look

A Story Of How the Priestess Kagome and the Mighty Lord Sesshomaru Fell in Love.

AKEN0X · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs


As consciousness slowly returned, I saw Miroku and Sango sitting vigil by my side. A faint "Mmh..." escaped my lips as I gingerly touched my throbbing head, struggling to piece together the fragments of my memory. Sango's face lit up with relief as she rushed to my side, enveloping me in a warm embrace. "Kagome, thank goodness you're awake," she cried, her voice thick with emotion.

Disoriented and dizzy, I asked, "How long was I out for?"

"Three days," Sango replied, her tone imbued with concern.

Miroku stepped forward, his gentle smile offering reassurance. "I'm glad to have you back, Kagome," he said, his voice deep and soothing.

But even as I basked in the warmth of their presence, a question lingered in my mind that I could no longer ignore. "Was...he here? Sesshomaru. I saw a glimpse of him before I went out," I said, my voice trembling slightly.

Sango's expression turned grave. "He was here, yes. Is everything okay?"

I closed my eyes, a wave of sadness washing over me. "Don't let him near me or in. I do not wish to see him ever again," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to compose myself.

Sango seemed to understand the gravity of the situation. "Yes, we can do that, Kagome," she said, her voice gentle and understanding.

I spent the next day at the medics, receiving treatment for my injuries. Sango stayed by my side, doing everything in her power to keep me comfortable and distracted from the lingering trauma. We returned to my hut together once I was well enough to leave.

Upon entering, Sango gasped in shock. The hut was in disarray, with broken mirror pieces scattered across the floor and blood surface.

"Oh my... Kagome, what happened here?" Sango asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

I shook my head, a humorless chuckle escaping my lips. "Are you going to help me clean or not?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Together, Sango and I set about restoring order to my humble abode. We carefully picked up the sharp mirror shards. We scrubbed away the bloodstains, using water and vinegar to remove the unsightly marks.

As the day drew to a close, the hut was once again clean and habitable. A sense of peace settled over me as I took in the transformed space. "Thank you, Sango," I said, a heartfelt smile gracing my lips.

"I'm glad to help, Kagome," she replied, returning my smile.

We bid each other farewell as nightfall descended, the soft glow of the setting sun casting a warm hue over the surroundings.

 As the night grew darker, I sat alone in my hut, searching for my beloved kiseru. Finding it, I lit it and took a long, contemplative drag. My mind was a blank canvas, devoid of any thoughts or emotions. I sat there in silence, savoring the peace and tranquility of the moment.

Suddenly, a sigh escaped my lips. "I need a new mirror," I muttered to myself. I exhaled the smoke from my kiseru, watching it dissipate into the air. Just then, I heard footsteps approaching my hut. "Who would wander near my hut at this hour?" I wondered aloud.

The soft rapping of knuckles on wood broke the silence. I hesitated for a moment before sliding the door open. Standing before me was Sesshomaru, who had caused all this turmoil. My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at him, my eyes filled with anger and resentment.

Without a word, I slid the door shut and turned away. I returned to my spot and tried to find some semblance of peace. But it was no use. Each time I closed my eyes, I saw Sesshomaru's face. His presence was like a dark cloud, looming over my thoughts and emotions.

"It's okay, Kagome," I whispered to myself. "Just don't think about him." But deep down, I knew it was easier said than done. 

In the depths of my heart, a storm of emotions raged, fueling a burning hatred that consumed me. He had abandoned me, leaving me alone and lonely, without a word or even a hint of an explanation. The betrayal cut deep, stirring a profound anguish and anger within me. It was as if my heart had been shattered into a million pieces, leaving me adrift in a sea of pain and confusion. The memory of Inuyasha, his brother, served as a cruel reminder of the heartbreak I had endured. The realization that Sesshomaru, the one I had foolishly allowed myself to fall for, shared similar traits with Inuyasha only intensified my pain.

Doubt gnawed at my mind as I questioned the nature of our relationship. Were we ever genuinely official, or had I merely deceived myself into believing so? My thoughts raced erratically, a chaotic jumble of emotions swirling within me. I had reached my breaking point, unable to bear the weight of his absence any longer.

With a heavy sigh of anger and frustration, I slid open the door, revealing Sesshomaru standing motionless in the same spot. A surge of fury coursed through my veins as I confronted him, my voice trembling with rage and hurt. "Why are you here, Sesshomaru?" I demanded, my words laced with venom.

"To check on you," he replied, his gaze fixed on mine.

"To check?" I retorted incredulously. You want to check on me now after leaving me alone for months? Why don't you retreat to whatever you're hiding?"

My words poured forth in a torrent of anger, a desperate attempt to convey the pain he had caused me. But he remained silent, his expression unreadable. Frustration mounted within me as I realized he was not hearing my pleas.

"Miko-" he began, but I cut him off abruptly.

"I hate you," I uttered through gritted teeth, tears streaming down my face. "You can't even bring yourself to say that you love me. Perhaps I was a fool for falling for you. You can't even tell me if we're a couple. I'm done with this."

With a finality that echoed in my heart, I turned away from him and slid the door shut with a force that reverberated through the room. At that moment, I felt a profound sense of liberation, as if I had finally broken free from the chains that had bound me to him.

As I slumped down against the door, sobs wracked my body. The pain of his betrayal was unbearable, a weight that seemed almost impossible to carry. But even in my despair, a flicker of hope remained, whispering that there might be a future beyond this heartbreak. 

The Next Day

As the sliding door silently glided open, revealing the familiar figure of Sesshomaru standing motionless in the same spot as before, a wave of exasperation washed over me. It seemed as if no matter where I went, he was always there, a constant shadow looming over me. With a frustrated sigh, I passed him, only to have him silently follow in my footsteps.

"Sesshomaru," I said, my voice tinged with annoyance, "why do you persist in following me? Did you not hear what I said last night? I need space. Please, leave me alone."

My words seemed to fall on deaf ears as he continued to trail after me, his expression unreadable. I quickened my pace, hoping to lose him, but he effortlessly matched my strides, his unwavering gaze fixed on me.

Growing increasingly agitated, I tried to walk away, but his grip on my hand tightened, preventing me from moving. A chill ran down my spine as I looked at his hand, the grip firm. At that moment, a flicker of fear ignited within me—it was the first time I had ever looked at Sesshomaru with such trepidation.

"Please let me go," I said, trembling slightly. I struggled to free myself, but his grip remained unyielding.

"Please allow this Sesshomaru to make amends," he said solemnly.

A scoff escaped my lips as I freed my hand from his grasp. I turned away, walking briskly away from him.

"Make amends?" I muttered to myself incredulously. "Seriously?"

Over the passing days, Sesshomaru's devotion never wavered. With each sunrise, he would appear outside my humble hut, his golden eyes filled with a love I had never known. He would follow me as I tended to my duties as a priestess, anticipating my every need and offering his assistance without hesitation. At night, he would sit outside, his silent vigil a testament to his unwavering love.

As the days turned into weeks, Sesshomaru's persistent actions continued. Every morning, I would wake to find my chores completed, and every night, he would sit outside my hut, silently watching over me. The monotony of this routine gnawed at my heart, and I could no longer contain my emotions.

"Sesshomaru, why are you doing this?" I asked him one day, my voice trembling.

He turned to me, his golden eyes meeting mine. "Because This Sesshomaru loves you," he replied. "I will wait as long as you need to return to me."

I stood there, rooted to the spot, my mind reeling from his words. His confession surprised me, and I struggled to process the depth of his feelings. As I stood there in stunned silence, Sesshomaru continued his tasks, his movements graceful and efficient.

Overwhelmed by his unwavering devotion, I turned away, needing time to contemplate what he had said. Months passed, and I became more drawn to Sesshomaru as the seasons changed. The memory of his past actions still lingered in my mind, but his consistent presence and unwavering support began to heal the wounds in my heart.

This routine continued daily, and I felt a strange sense of peace. Despite my initial reluctance, I found myself drawn to Sesshomaru's presence. His quiet strength and unwavering loyalty gradually softened the edges of my heart, and I began to open up to him once again.

With each passing day, my heart slowly began to heal. The love I once felt for Sesshomaru was still there, buried deep within me. As I allowed myself to open up to him again, I realized our love could overcome even the deepest wounds.

As the months flew by, I enjoyed his company more and more. However, I still needed time. The scars of the past were not easily forgotten, and I wasn't sure if I could ever fully forgive him. But Sesshomaru was patient, and he understood my need for space. He remained a constant presence in my life, and his love and support were unwavering.

A year had passed since a fateful event left an indelible mark on my soul in the tranquil realm of the forest, where nature's gentle whisper danced. A profound catharsis washed over me as I stood at the threshold of my humble hut, gazing upon the figure of Sesshomaru, patiently awaiting my emergence. With a gentle smile, I slid the door open, our eyes meeting silently, acknowledging the unspoken bond that had forever entwined our destinies.

A flicker of amusement crossed his lips as he beheld me, and a warmth spread through my heart. "Good morning, Miko," he began, his voice as smooth as velvet. But before he could complete his greeting, I found the courage to utter the words that had long been imprisoned within my soul.

"I forgive you, Sesshomaru," I whispered, my voice trembling. The weight of the past seemed to lift from my shoulders as I spoke those words, and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, I experienced a sense of liberation. Astonishment registered in his eyes, a testament to the profound impact of my declaration.

Yet, as the sun began ascent, casting its golden rays across the horizon, I was abruptly awakened from my slumber. My heart pounded, and a cold sweat clung to my skin. It was only a dream, a vivid reminder of the wounds still lingering within me.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I found myself in the darkness of the night. The trauma of the past often visited me during these solitary hours. I yearned for solace, a means to escape the torment that plagued my dreams. Desperate to find respite, I reached for my cherished kiseru, its spiraled elegance a familiar comfort. I lit it, and the soothing smoke filled my lungs, temporarily numbing the pain.

For an hour, I sat silently, enveloped in a haze of smoke that swirled and danced before my eyes. The glow of the embers reflected in the tears that streamed down my face. My eyes burned, and my throat grew hoarse from coughing. As the last embers flickered and died, I knew it was time to seek solace in nature's embrace.

With trembling hands, I donned my robe and slid open the door. A gentle breeze caressed my skin as I stepped into the forest. I scanned my surroundings, half-expecting to see Sesshomaru's imposing figure lurking in the shadows. But there was only the silent symphony of nature, a chorus of crickets and owls providing the soundtrack to my midnight stroll.

A sense of relief washed over me as I realized that, for once, I was truly alone. The weight of the past seemed to dissipate as I immersed myself in the beauty of the forest. The towering trees reached for the heavens, their branches rustling softly in the night wind. A carpet of moss cushioned my footsteps, and the scent of pine needles filled the air.

As I walked, my thoughts began to wander. I pondered the complexities of the human heart and its capacity for love and pain. I marveled at the resilience of the human spirit and its ability to heal and grow even after experiencing great adversity.

And then, in the forest's depths, I stumbled upon a small clearing bathed in the moon's ethereal glow. In the center of the clearing was a solitary tree, its gnarled roots twisting and reaching out like ancient arms. I sat down beneath the tree, feeling a profound sense of peace.

As I sat there, I realized the path to healing was challenging. It required patience, self-compassion, and the willingness to confront my past. But at that moment, beneath the ancient tree, I knew I was finally ready to begin that journey. 

The world spun around me, my vision blurring as I struggled to process the chaos unfolding before me. Amidst the commotion, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows, striding purposefully towards me. It was Sesshomaru, his long silver hair flowing in the wind, his golden eyes glinting with concern and determination.

As he approached, a sense of calm washed over me, and I found myself drawn to him like a moth to a flame. My body moved independently without conscious thought, rising from the ground and enveloping him in a tight embrace. I clung to him as if he were my lifeline, my anchor in a sea of uncertainty.

Looking up at his face, I realized that everything I had done up to this point had been beyond my control. My muscles had moved independently, my actions driven by forces outside my conscious awareness. It was like I had been a puppet, manipulated by invisible strings.

The weight of this realization pressed down on me, a heavy burden that threatened to crush me. But Sesshomaru's embrace gave me hope, a beacon of strength during the storm. His arms wrapped around me, offering comfort and support.

In that moment, I felt a profound connection with Sesshomaru, a bond that transcended the boundaries of time and space. It was as if we were two halves of a whole, destined to find each other and unite in the face of adversity.

As we stood there, locked in each other's embrace, the world seemed to slow down around us. The chaos subsided, and a sense of peace descended upon us. I tenderly kiss Sesshomaru's lips, feeling the moment's warmth. As our lips part, I gaze into his eyes, seeing a mixture of desire and affection. With a soft smile, I relinquish control to him, trusting in his strength and guidance as he leans in, his touch gentle yet commanding, a silent promise of his unwavering protection and love.

In The Morning

 As the sun peeked through the forest, I stirred in my sleep. A sense of disorientation washed over me. My eyes slowly fluttered open, and I realized I wasn't in my familiar hut. I looked around in confusion until my gaze fell upon Sesshomaru's luxurious Haori draped across my shoulders. In an instant, the memories of the previous night came flooding back.

It had been a night filled with unexpected passion and tenderness, leaving me both exhilarated and bewildered. I quickly gathered my scattered belongings, eager to leave before Sesshomaru awoke. I made my way out of the forest, my heart racing with fear and excitement.

With every step, I felt the weight of my decision pressing upon me. This was not how I had envisioned my life unfolding. I had always been focused on my duties as a priestess, and the thought of deviating from that path filled me with trepidation.

But deep down, I knew I couldn't ignore the feelings that had blossomed between Sesshomaru and me. He confessed his love for me, and his actions proved his sincerity. I couldn't deny the connection we shared, the raw passion that had ignited between us.

With a heavy heart, I made my way to Sango's hut. She had always been a source of wisdom and support, and I knew she would offer me guidance in this time of turmoil.

As I entered her hut, Sango greeted me with concern, evident in her eyes. I poured out my heart to her, recounting the previous night's events and the turmoil within me.

Sango listened patiently, and her warm presence comforted me. When I was finished, she took my hands in hers and spoke with a gentle firmness.

"Kagome, it's okay to feel confused and overwhelmed. This is a lot to process. But please, don't let fear control you. You have a choice; only you can decide what is best for you."

Her words resonated within me, and I knew she was right. I had to make a choice that would shape my future.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts, reflecting on my feelings for Sesshomaru and the life we could have together. Despite my fears and uncertainties, I realized that I couldn't deny the love that had grown between us.

With newfound resolve, I turned to Sango and said, "I will tell him. I'm going to let him know how I feel."

Sango smiled. "That's all I needed to hear. Now, go and wash up. It's time to face your destiny, Kagome."

I nodded, a sense of both trepidation and anticipation filling me. I made my way to the lake, where I splashed water onto my face, washing away the remnants of the night. Looking at my reflection, I saw a woman who had grown and changed. I was no longer the same innocent girl who had stumbled upon the Bone Eater's Well. I had faced countless challenges, and my heart had been touched by love.

With a deep breath, I turned away from the lake and returned to Sesshomaru. It was time to confront my feelings and embrace the future ahead. 

Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I finally found the courage to speak to him. In the sunlit garden, under the watchful gaze of the stars, I stood before him, my heart pounding in my chest like a drum. My breath caught in my throat as I finally dared to utter the words that had been swirling in my mind for an eternity. 

"Sesshomaru," I whispered, my voice trembling with emotion. He turned towards me, his expression unreadable yet attentive.

His golden eyes, radiant as the sun, met mine, and I felt a surge of longing and trepidation over me. His stoic expression betrayed nothing of his inner thoughts, leaving me in agonizing uncertainty.

"I can't do this," I confessed, my voice barely above a murmur. "I can't go on like this," I confessed, my words pouring out in a rush. "I can't keep these feelings I have bottled up any longer. Keeping these feelings hidden, pretending they don't exist—it's tearing me apart. Turning you away won't bring me peace. Turning you down would only be a hollow attempt to forgive you, but the truth is, I need you to forgive me. I forgave you long ago but was too afraid to admit it, even to myself."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I poured my heart into him. "I love you, Sesshomaru. I cannot live without you. I can't imagine my life without you. I want us to be official, not just in secret but in the eyes of the world. I want us to be together officially, to be more than what we are now," I declared softly, every word weighted with years of unspoken longing.

With trembling steps, I closed the distance between us, our gazes locked in an intense dance of unspoken emotions. I reached out tentatively, my hand shaking as it hovered between us. "Please," I implored, my voice thick with tears. 

"Please," I pleaded, my voice breaking with raw vulnerability. "Please, Sesshomaru. Please, allow me to love you openly and without fear."

The moment seemed to stretch into eternity as Sesshomaru's golden eyes bore into mine, searching for the truth in my words. And then, with a gentle sigh, his arms enveloped my waist with a comforting strength, pulling me close as his lips met mine in a tender kiss. It was a moment I had longed for, the affirmation of love I had yearned to receive. I wrapped my arms around him in response, feeling the warmth of his embrace and the depth of his affection.

As we parted slightly, our foreheads touching, I could feel the intensity of his gaze upon me. "I love you, Kagome," he spoke softly, his voice carrying the weight of his emotions. Tears of joy rose in my eyes, my heart overflowing with happiness as I gazed into his golden eyes.

Unable to contain my happiness, I kissed him again, our lips meeting in a sweet exchange that spoke volumes of our shared love and longing. When we finally parted, I looked into his eyes with hope and vulnerability.

"Promise me you won't leave me again," I whispered, my voice tinged with a plea for reassurance. His smile softened, a reassuring warmth in his eyes as he gently took my hand.

"This Sesshomaru promises," he replied, his voice steady and determined. At that moment, I knew our love was not just a fleeting moment of happiness but a promise of forever.

With tears of joy streaming down my face, I leaned into him, our bodies melting into one. At that moment, under the celestial embrace of the sun and moon, our love was finally set free, radiant, and unyielding, a testament to the enduring power of the heart.