
The Way You Feel Around Me

JaydenLuthor9 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter Four

About an hour later Lena hears a noise upstairs. Lena shakes Julian's shoulder. "Babe. Babe wake up." Julian stirs. "What's the matter?" "I heard a noise coming from upstairs." Julian throws off the covers and goes upstairs with Lena following close behind. Julian puts his hand against Lena's chest. "Stay there." Julian walks into the dining room and sees a wolf. It bares it's teeth and growls. Julian lets his eyes glow. When that didn't work Julian lets out a deep scary growl. The wolf stops and starts whimpering. Julian walks over and pets the wolf. "What's wrong buddy? You hungry?" The wolf licks Julian's hand. Out of nowhere the wolf stops and walks towards the door. Julian looks confused but follows. Julian follows the wolf to the woods behind his property. Julian gasps. He runs over. The wolf whimpers and whines. Julian picks up the injured wolf and runs back home. "Lena! Lena!" Lena comes running. "What?" She gasps. "In the bathroom under the sink there's some medical supplies in the basement. Hurry!" Lena runs downstairs and grabs the medical supplies from the bathroom and runs back to Julian. She lays the supplies down beside the wolf. Julian gets to work. "Towel." Lena grabs an old towel and waits for Julian to put the baby wolf in the towel and then wraps him up gently. "There's more. More towels." Lena nods and gets a bigger towel and then waits. Julian puts two more baby wolves in the towel and Lena wraps them up. Lena smiles. "They're so cute." Julian looks over for a second. "I need you to grab a knife." Lena looks worried. "Why?" Julian smiles. "I'm gonna save this wolf with my blood." Lena nods and grabs a knife. She then hands it to Julian. Julian cuts his wrist and lets the blood drip into the wolf's belly. The other wolf starts whining again. Julian pats his head. "It's okay buddy. She's going to be okay." The wolf licks Julian's hand. A few seconds later the female wolf sits up a bit and then whimpers. Julian pets her fur. "It's okay girl. You're safe now." Julian lifts her up and places her down gently on the ground. Lena takes the baby wolves downstairs and gives them a bath. The dad wolf follows. Julian stays with the mom. He pets her fur. "Guess you're a part of the family now too huh girl?" The wolf lays her head in Julian's lap. Julian chuckles. "Well if you're gonna be a part of the family I gotta give you guys a name. Hmmm. How about Alisa." The wolf head butts Julian's hand. "Is that a yes?" The wolf head butts Julian's hand again. "Okay so that's one name down. Hmm lemme think." Kara comes in. "Liam,Jaks and Lucy for the babies. Luke for the dad." Julian looks up and smiles. "Hey Kara." Alisa head butts Julian's hand. "Yes to all?" Alisa head butts Julian's hand. Julian laughs. "Guess that's her way of saying yes now." Kara smiles. "Yep. Guess so." "Sneeze when you don't want something. So do you want some more of my blood?" Alisa sneezes. Julian smiles and pets Alisa's head. "Good girl. Now paw." Alisa puts her paw in Julian's hand. Kara takes out her bag of chips and takes one out. She gives it to Alisa. Alisa butts Kara's leg. Kara laughs. "Okay but this is it." Kara takes out another chip and gives it to Alisa. Julian gives Kara his puppy dog eyes. Kara sighs. She hands over the bag. Julian smiles and takes a few chips. He gives two of them to Alisa and eats the rest. Kara shakes her head. "So where's the others?" Julian points to the basement. "They're getting a bath. They should be done by now." Kara nods and goes downstairs to the bathroom. Kara leans against the doorframe. Luke growls. Lena pets him. "Hey it's okay. Kara's okay." Luke sits down in the tub and lets Lena finish bathing him. "So where are the little ones?" Lena points to the bed. Kara walks over and sits down. "Awww aren't you guys the cutest little balls of fur." Kara picks up one and cuddles him. "Liam." Kara stands up. "I'll be back. I'm gonna get some tags made." Lena nods. Kara leaves. Julian comes downstairs to the bedroom while carrying Alisa. Julian puts Alisa down on the couch. "So how's it going in there?" Lena turns off the water and dries off Luke. "All done. I'll give Alisa a bath tomorrow." Julian smiles. "So you heard me name them eh?" Lena nods. "Don't worry about it. I'll do it. She hasn't quite gotten used to you yet." Lena nods. "Okay. Oh can I have some cash? I wanted to buy something for you for your birthday." Julian takes out his phone and goes on his bank website. "You have a bank account right?" Lena nods. "I got like $10 in it." "Email?" "You know my email already." Julian laughs. "Right." Julian types in what he needs to. A few seconds later Lena's phone vibrates in her pocket. She takes it out. Lena looks confused. Julian laughs. "Open the email." Lena does so and accepts the transfer. Lena then gasps. "Holy shit. Babe. You didn't have to do that." Julian shrugs. "I felt like it so I did it." Lena kisses Julian softly. Alisa growls. Julian laughs. "Guess she's jealous." Julian pets Alisa. "It's okay girl. Lena is my mate. Just like Luke is yours." Lena looks at Julian with wide eyes. "I am?" Julian smiles and nods. "Luke come." Luke walks over to Julian. Julian pats the bed. "Up." Luke jumps up and lays down. Julian pets Luke's fur. "Good boy." Julian kisses Luke's face. Luke and Alisa look up the stairs a few seconds later and start growling. Kara comes downstairs with her hands up. "It's just me." Luke jumps down from the bed and walks over to Kara and sits at her feet. Luke starts panting. Kara puts the collar around Luke's neck with his name tag on it. Kara does this with the others as well. "So I don't think Luke is a wolf. I think he's a Siberian Husky." Julian nods. "I think so too. Same with the others. They may look like and act like wolves but they're not wolves. A wolf would not take as long as it did for Alisa to heal when I gave her my blood. It should have been instantaneous." Kara nods. "Exactly. Well congratulations guys. You got yourself a pack of Siberian Huskies." Julian pets Liam. He starts wagging his tail and does tiny little barks. Kara sighs happily. "So adorable. Well I'm off. Are you still going on the PlayStation Julian?" Julian shrugs. "Maybe. I don't know yet. I might take these guys for a run." At the mention of that they all start running around like crazy. Julian laughs. "Alright easy! You'll break something." They all relax and sit patiently with their tails wagging. Julian shakes his head. "You coming darling?" Lena nods. "Just one sec." Julian nods. Julian sits on the bed and waits for Lena. Once Lena comes out they all go upstairs and Julian grabs his keys. Lena walks out the door first and the dogs follow behind Julian. Julian closes the door and locks it. "Alright lets go." Lena grabs hold of Julian's hand. As they're walking Julian waves to his neighbor. "Evening Betty." "Evening. New dogs?" Julian nods. "I just rescued them about two hours ago." Betty smiles. "That's good of you. Hi there." Liam sniffs Betty's hand. Luke growls. "Luke!" Luke runs to Julian's side. Betty pets Liam's head. "Have a good night Betty. Come Liam." Liam runs back to his brother and sister. "Bye Julian." Julian and Lena walk around town with the dogs following. Julian sees another dog coming around the corner. "Lena grab Liam and his brother and sister." Lena does so. "Luke and Alisa you stay with Lena and I." Luke walks beside Lena and Alisa walks beside Julian. The other dog starts barking. Luke goes to bark but Lena whistles quietly so he stops. They all walk into PetSmart. A man walks up to them. "Hello. How can I assist you this evening?" "Hi. I was wondering. What kind of food is best for Siberian Huskies?" The man walks around the store with the group following. "Ah. Here we are. This food is perfect for them. As for the babies." The man thinks. "Ah here. Feed the little ones this twice a day for about a month and then switch to this one here." Julian nods. "Thanks so much sir. You've been a great help." The man smiles and walks away. Julian grabs the bags of food and carries them around the store. Julian laughs when Luke grabs a squeaky toy. "You want that buddy?" Luke wags his tail. Lena takes it from him and holds onto it. "Babe could you grab them a bag of treats too?" Lena nods. Lena goes to the treat area of the store. Alisa and Luke stick with Julian. Julian grabs a few more toys and some dog beds. Julian goes over to the cash register and puts the items down onto the belt. Lena walks up and puts the toy Luke grabbed and a couple bags of different types of treats on the belt. Lena smiles when Julian looks at her. "You're lucky I'm rich." The cashier smiles. "Hello. How are you today?" Julian smiles back. "Good thank you and how are you?" "Not too bad. This all?" Julian nods. "Yes ma'am." "Your total comes to $220.45." Julian takes out his wallet and takes out $230. "Keep the change." The cashier smiles. "Have a great evening." "You as well." Lena grabs the bags and Julian grabs the dog food. Julian whistles. Luke and the other dogs follow. On the walk home Julian hears someone coming up from behind him. Luke and Alisa growl. "That's enough." Julian smiles. "Hey Charlie." Charlie walks beside Lena. "How'd you know it was me?" "I can smell you from a mile away. What's up?" Luke and Alisa walk beside Julian. Liam,Jaks and Lucy run into a snowbank. Charlie runs over and picks them up. "Careful little ones. I wanted to see how you're doing." Julian shrugs. "Fine. Have you talked to Kara yet?" Charlie nods. "I saw her at work earlier. We had a small chat." Charlie puts the dogs down. "I was wondering if I could have a chat with you sometime." Julian sighs. "Yeah sure. Soon. Not today. I'm busy you know?" Charlie nods. "Okay just call me." Charlie hands over his card. Julian takes it. "Don't you got somewhere to be?" Charlie nods and leaves. Julian growls. Luke and Alisa growl. Julian pats their heads. "Its okay. I'm sorry." Once at home Julian puts the food away and puts out the dog beds. Lena puts the toys in a bucket in the bedroom downstairs. "Hey babe what time is it?" Lena checks her phone. "A little after six." "Could you do me a favor and feed the dogs for me while I go out back and smoke?" Lena nods. "Go on." Julian kisses Lena's forehead. "Love you baby." Lena smiles. "Yeah yeah. Love you too." Lena feeds the dogs while Julian goes out back and hits his vape. Lena comes out a few minutes later. "May I?" Julian hands over his vape. Lena takes a few hits and blows out the smoke. Lena hands the vape back. Julian and Lena hear the dogs barking. "Must be Alistair and Sera." Julian takes one more hit of the vape and blows out the smoke. He then goes inside with Lena following. "That's enough! Go lay down." All of them except Luke lay down. "Luke." He looks over at Julian. He snaps his fingers. "Come." He walks over and sits at Julian's feet. Alistair and Sera come in the door while chatting. Alistair comes in the kitchen first. "Oh hi. New pets?" Julian nods. Sera screams. Luke growls. Lena whistles. "Enough!" Luke lays down on one of the beds. Liam comes running and jumps into Alistair's arms. "Oh hi." Alistair pets Liam. Jaks hides under the stairs with Lucy. Liam jumps down from Alistair's lap and goes over to Julian. He barks. "Want a treat?" They all perk up at that. They all sit by Julian's feet. Lena grabs one of the bag of treats and hands it to Julian. He looks at Liam. "Paw." Liam puts his paw in Julian's hand. "Good boy." Julian gives Liam a treat. Next. "Paw Lucy." Lucy puts her paw in Julian's hand. "Good girl." Julian gives Lucy a treat. "Can I try?" Julian nods. "Sure. You have to call who you want." Alistair nods. "Luke come." Luke looks confused. Julian points to Alistair. "Go." Luke walks over to Alistair and sits. "Paw." Luke puts his paw in Alistair's hand. "Good boy." Julian gives Alistair a treat to give to Luke. Luke eats it out of Alistair's hand. By the time Julian puts away the treats the dogs have had three each. "Where are they going to sleep?" Julian smiles. "With us of course. Just not in the bed." Sera nods. "Well I'm exhausted. I'm off to bed." The three say good night. Alistair sits in his chair and Liam jumps up. "Hey Liam no. Down." Alistair puts up his hand. "It's fine Jul. Leave him be." Lena and Julian eat at the dinner table and then wash their dishes afterwards. After that they go out in the backyard with Luke,Alisa,Lucy and Jaks following. The dogs go pee and then lay by the pool. Julian slides into the pool with Lena sitting on the edge of the pool. Julian swims over. "You not coming in?" Lena shrugs. "I guess I don't feel like it right now." Julian nods and starts swimming around. A little later Lena's phone starts ringing.

"Hello?" "Hey is Juls there?" "Yeah why?" "He's not answering his phone." "Oh it's dead. Hang on."

"Babe. Babe there's someone on the phone for you." Julian swims over to the edge of the pool and takes the phone.

"Yello?" "Hey Jul." "What's up kiddo?" "I was wondering. Do you know where I can find my dad?" "I don't know bro. Try Alex's. He's usually crashing on her couch." "Completely wasted I'm assuming." "Sorry dude." "Nah it's fine. I'm used to it by now. Catch ya later." "Yep. Bye Z." "Bye."

Julian hands the phone back to Lena. He then gets out of the pool and dries off. After fully drying Julian goes inside with Lena and the dogs following close behind. Julian goes downstairs and has a shower. Lena lays in bed with Luke and Alisa while waiting for Julian. Alisa licks Lena's face. Lena giggles. "Alisa. Stop it." Alisa lays down and lays her head on Lena's chest. Julian comes out of the bathroom and smiles. "See she's warming up to you." Lena smiles. "Yep." After Julian gets dressed they all go upstairs and chill with Alistair. The group watch a movie while eating brownies. About half way through the movie Luke whines at the back door. Lena gets up and lets him out. Lena comes back and sits on Julian's lap. When the movie is over Lena lets Luke back in and they go downstairs to bed. Julian snaps his fingers. "Come on my pups. Bed time." Alisa,Lucy and Jaks follow. "Don't worry about Liam. I'll send him down in a minute." Julian nods. "Night." "Night." Julian goes downstairs and goes to bed. Alistair gets up. "Come on buddy. Lets go out for a pee." Liam follows Alistair outside. Liam does his business and then runs back to the door. Alistair lets Liam in and sends him downstairs. Liam jumps up on the couch and lays down. Luke paces and whines. Julian groans. "Luke lay down buddy. Go to sleep." Luke lays down. They all go to sleep shortly after.