
The way to beat my desteny as the villainess

I'm the villainess? No problem, lets destroy all the red flags before my ruin. After waking up I realized i was surrounded by unknown people in an unknown place, Lets just survive who cares about the plot anyway? 'll save myself and those who are close to me, just wait you damned destiny.

zero_0_5943 · Sejarah
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Hello I'm Yuri, an ordinary 16 year old ordinary girl

that loves novels,cooking, fencing, drawing and did I mentioned that I love reading novels??

Well I recently (2 days ago) died and woke up as the villainess from my favorite novel <<STOP!!! The true saintess is on the move>> thats 18+rr which talks about the appearance of a new saint and the defeat of the old saint with the help of the

saintess allies. My favorite character of the novel is Yuri Heart not only because she has the same name as me but because she is gorgeously beautiful, black hair and shining golden eyes that shows that she is the saintess she is powerful since she can use holly power, mana ‚even Aura. She is the youngest daughter of the Duke Heart the previous head of the Heart duchy. 

The novel is set on Arya empire which contains 3 duchy's the Heart duchy, Spade duchy and the Diamond duchy.

The current head of the Heart duchy is Yuno Heart the oldest son of the previous duke Heart who died along side with the duchess during a visit to the capital as there was a demon attack, Yuno is the head of the Heart merchant association and the secret head of the information guild he has black hair and purple eyes the symbol of the legitimacy of the heir. At last there's Yato Heart my baby my second favorite character is Yato who dies trying to protect Yuri but fails and dies with her, he's the head of the assassination guild and an Aura and soul sword user, he has black hair and purple eyes like Yuno but he's just shorter than him. Although that is not known. The Heart duchy is the richer than the imperial family as they control the merchant association. 

The Diamond duchy has control over the Ivory Tower and the mage association as the second born is the headmaster of the tower. They are. a matriarchal duchy and they possess distinctive white as snow hair and blue saphire eyes The current Duchess of the duchy is Viatte the first born, a 6th circle summoner. The second and last child of the family is the 10th circle archmage Sayuri that controls the tower. The previous duke and duchess mother and father of the current head and second daughter also died at the trip to the capital as there was a demon attack at the carriage. This duchy is placed in the west.

The Spade duchy is home to the war hero, second male lead Kalligo who is the heir to the duchy both the duchess and duke are not mentioned in the novel, I was really sad about it, I really wanna meet them. The spade duchy is known for the distinctive purple hair and crimson red eyes (kalligo is so hot ok !!) and they hold the Military power with them being always under attack as they reside in the north.

Then there's the most Important family the Imperial family ruler of the Arya empire home to the male lead and crown prince Arya Ishar he possesses the golden hair that's distinctive of the imperial and gorgeous green eyes . In the nove <<STOP!!! The true saintess is on the move>> the Emperor and Empress are not mentioned the only thing I remember is that the Imperial family are descendants from Araya the golden dragon therefore the name of the empire. As for our male lead he is so full of himself I swear I hate him, his cocky smile and trashy attitude. as i mentioned before the Imperial family are descendants from the golden dragon and can turn into one (dragon) after the awakening ceremony. The lineage that was thought to be lost was soon revived after Ishar's awakening at 9 years old after an assassination attempt.

At last but not least we have the third male lead, Allan Edmund the captain of the holly nation knights that protect the Empire from demons and other creatures. He is a powerful and respected knight with silky brown hair and brown yellowish eyes .

At last there's the character that I hate the most, the other saintess Vanessa Blaus from Blaus County at the Holly nation, she possesses ugly washed brown hair and boring brown eyes. Even thou she doesn't have golden eyes like the prophecy said, they still believed this bitch I swear I'll kill her if i see her. She cheated on every partner and they still respect her??? How could the male leads not see that she is the fake one??