
The way the Life flows

Mr. Austin noticed him while crossing the street. The boy passed through the crowd, fondling his red hair that flew in the air. He was tired and rested on the shade of a tree near the sidewalk. By seeing this, Austin rushed to him. When he was close, the boy fell unconscious. Austin took that boy to the hospital. After the doctor examined the doctor told Austin that the boy is not able to remember his past. He has to live a new life from now on. He couldn't even remember his name. Austin named him Jackson. He got discharged from the hospital and Jackson went with Austin to Austin's home. Austin brought him up as if Jackson was his own son. Jackson completed his education and grown smart. One day, Jackson thought in mind, "How long can I bother someone?". I need to help my father. So, Jackson went looking for a job. He left the place and went to a nearby town. While wandering on the street, searching for a job, he saw a sight. A young man lying on the street with full of blood. The sight reminded him of himself. Jackson decided to take the young man to the hospital. He was unconscious. The doctor brought him to life through his efforts. Jackson asked him his name. He asked, "Who are you?" Jackson said, "I saw you lying down with full blood and took you to the hospital. My name is Tony I am Orphan, Tony said. Then Jackson said, I am alone, came here searching for a job. You can join me if you want. Tony accepted the offer and went with Jackson. While they are walking on the street, chatting, they saw a crowd on the roadside. When they reached there, they understood that one motor company is running a race scheme to promote their vehicles. Anyone with a driving license can participate. No one has won it. Then Tony said, I have a driving license. Let's try for it. So, they decided to take part in the race. Tony won the race with ease. So, they got a car as a gift. They decided to use the car as a Taxi to earn their living. Slowly, Jackson also took the license. Both of them drive the taxi in shifts. One day, while they were chatting, Jackson was talking about his old days and foster father and how he was grown up. Hearing this, Tony said that I lied to you that I am an orphan. Thought I shouldn't reveal you my identity at first sight as you were a stranger. I was on my way from home after a fight with my father and met with an accident. Oh, that's how we met, Jackson said. It's not right to worry your parents. We'll go to your house right now and see your father. So, they went to Tony's house together. Tony's parents were incredibly happy to see Tony again. Tony introduced Jackson to everyone in his home. By seeing Jackson, Tony's father whispered something into Tony's ears. Jackson thought, they must have not liked me. Jackson asked him the matter. Tony said I lost a little brother when I was small and never got him. We could not find him, though we searched everywhere. After that, whoever dad sees his father would tell it is him. So, my father was telling me that you are my lost brother. Jackson cried at heart by listening to this story. The next day, the father showed a picture and asked, Isn't this like Jackson? Yes, Tony said. Then the father told, I know a painter. He has a peculiar ability. If we give him a photo of children, he can draw how they will look at different ages, when they grow up. I showed him your brother's childhood photo and he drew it. Come on. I want to see your father, said Tony. So, they all went to Austin's home. Austin rushed to Jackson and hugged him. Then Jackson told the story of the incident. Austin invited them in. Then Tony's mother asked, Is this your son? No, said Austin. Where did you get him? Tony asked. Austin said I saw him lying tired on a tree shade and took him to the hospital. There the doctor said that while he collapsed, he hit his head on the roots of the tree and couldn't remember his past including his name. I brought him to my home and treated him like my own son and name Jackson. It could be your son. Hearing this, Tony's father cried and hugged Jackson in the happiness of getting his lost son back. And with that happiness, Tony's family invited Austin to their house. Now his real father Peter said to Jackson well your real name is Louis. And Louis lived happily with his family forever.