
The way of the Kitsune: A Naruto tale

the daughter of the nine tailed fox kurama has begun her journey to find out what happened all those years ago when her father disappeared... and it all begins at the village hidden in the leafs....

Scarlet_Cross · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Lunch Delivery

Kira has been secretly stalking Kakashi and his three young Genin ninjas along with the bridge builder as they traveled to the village hidden in waves. She even got to see him in action and fight another ninja... also he revealed what he was hiding under his headband that was covering one of his eyes. She was shocked to see he had a sharingan for his left eye, but also intrigued that it used an amazing amount of Chakra for him to use it.

Soon they all arrived at the bridge builders house and once everyone left him alone for one reason or another.... Kira snuck into his room quietly and sat patiently in the corner as he slept. Kira decided on wearing a violet colored kimono with gold trimming and a gold dragon embroidery on the side. To pass the time while Kira waited for Kakashi to wake up she decided to meditate to center her thoughts... which were everywhere.

she soon grew bored of meditating and let out a frustrated huff, "I am sooooo bored."

Kakashi heard her but thought she was Naruto that had just come to bug him sat up and groaned, "Naruto, a ninja must-...."

He then stopped talking when he realized it was not Naruto or any of his students but instead it was his mate Kira Kitsuna the kitsune and she was looking beautiful in her new kimono, "Kira, what are you doing here?!"

Kira smiled mischievously then kissed his cheek, "I'm here to see my mate, silly ninja, haha. Once a kitsune in mated they can freely enter human society... did your ancestors not tell you this?"

Kakashi shakes his head as to say no, "Till I met you I thought a kitsune was a legend and nothing else."

Kira pouts a bit but then quickly remembered that she was here for a reason, "oh by the way dear, I brought you something to eat. You will need to recover your strength if you are gonna fight zabuza again and if you sharingan takes that much Chakra-"

Kakashi's eyes widened as he heard a bit of information that was important, "Wait a minute... you saw me fight zabuza?"

Kira pauses as she's pulling out a lunch box for him and thinks for a moment, "Oh... yea I saw the fight and I must say you are quit skilled in-"

"Forget that part just... you said 'again' what did you mean by that?" Kakashi was starting to get worried.

Kira blinked a few times like she was confused about the question then answered, "I meant he's not dead and the hunter ninja is his partner in crime... was this not obvious to you?"

Kakashi facepalms as he now realizes that he let the enemy escape to lick their wounds, "I am such an idiot for not noticing sooner..."

As she is now really frustrated that he is not paying any attention to her, she shoved the box lunch she made for him into his hands and huffed, "Enemy this idiot that, who cares?! Would it kill you to pay a little attention to your mate?! I am sitting right next to you and just so happened to have made you a tasty box lunch to help you recover more Chakra faster... but noooo the enemy is top priority, Tsk, you sounds just like father!"

She then turned away from him and crossed her arms as her tail thumped the floor in irritability. Kakashi blinked in confusion and then looked at the boxed lunch, it was a bento box of well made sushi, white rice , and a section of two peach mochis that looked very delicious. His heart warmed at her simple yet heart-felt gesture and felt like an idiot for not accepting it sooner.

"Kira, thank you,... no one has bothered to do something this nice for me... it means alot to me."

Kira sighed loudly, "Kakashi you are dense as a rock... why else would I mate with you except for the reason that I want us to be life partners and take care of each other..." she then turned towards him, "the mark I left you on your neck has a bit of my Chakra infused into it so I can track you easily. also it is a symbol that we belong together ... "

Suddenly someone opened the door and walked in on Kakashi and Kira sitting there....