
The Watcher of the Dimensions

The watcher is a fanfic novel of fantasy type animation and movie

SaintKing · Komik
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650 Chs

Epilogue of Volume: Who am I?

The sky rumbled with bolts of lightning which was coiling around like countless snakes. Fierce blue light illuminated the darkness as the rain hit the ground with fury. There was no sun or a silhouette of a person in the street.

Only a single man who was unconscious was laying on the ground with broken armor and his sword. His face was handsome and his golden hair was dripping with water.

The soldiers aimed at their guns and waited for their leader's signal. They pulled out something from their pocket and tied the man with it.

" We have successfully secured the target. Now heading back to the headquarters."

The man spoke while observing the faces of the sleeping man. He was extraordinarily handsome and his body was fit like those heroes in the myth, but he couldn't care less. This man was the main reason for their visit to this remote area which was far from the Soviet home.

He lit up his cigarette and puffed out the smoke with a serious face. He looked at the lighter which had three alphabets on it- S.C.P.

3 hours have passed since the capture of the unknown man. The council had dispatched 5 c class personnel with 10 d class personnel. They unexpectedly took away the armor and sword from him and placed him in a warm room.

The leading doctor took out his notebook with a calm face, recording every single detail of the man with precise attention. He motioned the d class personnel to carefully move his body before they woke him up.

" Currently, we don't know about his identity except for his irregular appearance in this dimension. We don't know how he had traveled through space and we don't know the technology behind that armor and sword because we were unable to dismantle them or melt them. Fortunately, we could extract his information through his mouth. Before that, I will place him as a Euclid class threat. Report to me if anything happens to him."

He said, writing the last note in his journey while getting up from the chair. Perhaps due to his incredible physical body, no needles were able to pierce his skin.

" Roger that, Doctor Johnheart. We will immediately report if we see something unusual in his vital signs."

The captain saluted while gesturing for his men to guide him out. He carefully watched the sleeping man and decided to take matters into his hands.

A month passed like the wind, the captain couldn't believe what he was seeing because currently he was in a big dilemma. The good news was the sleeping man had to woken up 3 weeks ago and the worst part came after that. He said he had no prior memories and he couldn't understand what they were saying. It was like he was seeing a child with infinite curiosity.

" Arthur, would you mind bringing the coffee to me?"

One of the soldiers asked with politeness. Surprisingly, Arthur complied with his words with no complaints and he even gave him cookies with it. The soldier smiled received the food and handed a book to him.

" Captain, why are we even here? He is a safe class threat. Look at him, he is polite and kind to everyone, including those d classes. He is much better than those other threats."

The vice-captain said, showing a rare smile on his face. As the oldest member in the squad, he had faced countless things such as wars, humans, lunatics, and anomalies. Most of the time he would watch his companions' death because most of the anomalies hated humans.

However, this was a different case. Unlike other anomalies, Arthur was a human with a kind heart. Although he forgot about himself except for his name, he loved helping others in his way.

Besides most of the staff loved him because he was kind and easy to approach.

" The doctors would be here soon. I believe doctor Johnheart would like to talk with him again."

The captain spoke, remembering the face of Johnheart who always smiled when he met Arthur. He always bring food and books to him and enjoyed having a conversation with him despite his status. He even laughed sometimes to lighten up the mood which was super weird for his usual cold face.