
The Watcher of the Dimensions

The watcher is a fanfic novel of fantasy type animation and movie

SaintKing · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
650 Chs

Chapter 62 A vs A

Sakumo held his sword high. Aqua blue sword energy swept towards to Jinchuriki. Jinchuriki grows 3 tails behind him.


Giant crater was created by their collision. Sakumo said calmly

" Is that all you can do?"

Jinchuriki growled

" Grr."

Another tail appears behind him. Sakumo didn't change his expression. His sword was still sharp and deadly. Jinchuriki's powerful attacks assaulted on Sakumo. Sakumo looked sharply.

" I am sorry."

He cut down one of tails. Jinchuriki hissed with a pain. He cut down another one. Jinchuriki ran back with a fear. However the beast inside him was raging.

" Damn you human, I will kill you."

Back to Arthur's side

Powerful collisions happened time to time. A's powerful lighting instantly create crater around him while Arthur's attack create powerful shockwaves. A said with amusement

" Arthur, you are the first person to force me this in one on one. Be proud."

Arthur wiped his blood. He looked seriously

" It's a honor then."

A extends his 4 fingers

" Hell assault."

Arthur had a bad feeling about this. He immediately launched his jutsu.

" Teleport."

Next moment place where he was standing turned into rumble. Arthur sighed with relief

" As expected he is a monster. Even Sarutobi can't beat this old man."

Arthur closed his eyes. A looked to Arthur's direction. He dashed once again. Arthur opened his eyes. Bloody red eyes looked at A's direction. It slowly rotates into star shaped.

" Amaterasu. Burn everything down."

A felt a huge threat. He changed his course.


Terrifying black flames swallowed the earth. It didn't go out like usual flame. A narrows his eyes. He looked at Arthur and said

" Mangekyo sharingan. It seems you have a secret too."

Arthur nodded

" Whether it is or not. You have to deal with me quickly otherwise your front will collapse."

A's bloodlust soared. He said with a deep voice

" Sorry for this old man's rudeness."

A's extends 2 fingers and retracts 2 fingers. Arthur said with a soft tone

" Don't die old man. If you die, your village will be ruined by Rock."

A smiled cruelly

" After taking you down. I will deal with them."

A rushed to Arthur. This time it was more powerful. Arthur unsheathed his sword. Black flame wrapped around his sword. He dashed to A. A's lighting spear and Arthur's sword collided with each other. If they lost a little bit of power, they will become deadman.

Arthur pushed his sword. A stepped back. Giant black entangled with lighting. Arthur's eyes looked to A

" Old man, this is the end. Tsukiyomi."

A found himself in the dark world with a bloody moon. But it changed afterwards, scenario changed to Hidden cloud village. A saw everything around him was in fire. Also he saw attackers had Hidden Rock band. The children, women and elders were massacred. A shouts

" No, stop this Ohnoki. I will kill you, coward."

Ohnoki was floating in the air. He aimed to A's son

" Blame your father for being weak. Dust style: Atomic dismantle."

A fanatically ran forward to his son. All he found was ashes in the ruin. Next moment everything has changed again. Arthur was sitting in the chair. He points to other chair

" Sit let's talk."

A silently sat down. Arthur gave him a cup of tea. A took a sip.

" Was that my future?"

Arthur didn't dodge it.

" Possiblity. Your son hasn't matured yet. If you and Jinchuriki fall here, Rock will take advantage of it and attack your village. Ohnoki old man is a greedy and ambitious person. I think he will cut your village's bright future."

A took a deep breath.

" What do you want?"

Arthur nodded

" Ceasefire agreement. Sooner or later we will exhaust our supplies. It's fine to attack in a lititle group but a large scale battle is forbidden."

Arthur knows Cloud won't retreat. So he decided to take a soft step. A thought for a while.

" I will agree your proposal after you let me out from this genjutsu."

Arthur snapped his finger. Everything around him was broke like glass. Arthur smiled

" I hope you hold your promise."

A sighed

" I will tell my decisions to the elders. Don't worry I won't break my promise."