
The Watcher of the Dimensions

The watcher is a fanfic novel of fantasy type animation and movie

SaintKing · Komik
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689 Chs

Chapter 47 Past and present

Arthur didn't waste a minute as he picked up his bracelet. He pressed the bracelet and it immediately turned into battle armor. This was the latest invention, he made before departing to the new world. He made this bracelet with Tony. Although its lethality wasn't great as Tony's, it perfectly mimicked all other armors of him.


" Star, send a message to the high council. Notify them that a new portal has been established, and send an additional powerhouse to balance the dimension."

A blue light flickered as it was saying affirmed. Arthur nodded and flew to the distress zone- Norway.

In Norway.

Thor and Loki looked at Odin who was tired and sick. Unlike his usual self, he looked like a regular old man who was contemplating his life.

" You are here my sons. I have been waiting for you."

Odin said while looking at them gently. He knew he wasn't a good father, especially since he was a failure for being not able to educate both of them. Even so, he wanted to meet them last time.

" Father, what happened to you?"

Thor asked with a worried look. He walked beside him and supported him. Loki also did the same. Both of them never saw Odin like this before.

" I am dying my sons. It is time to leave this world since your mother is waiting for me."

Odin spoke while caressing their head. His rough hand was even rougher before, but it wasn't calculuses that he accumulated, it was wrinkled that made it even rougher.

" Lying, you didn't die before. You are the strongest God."

Looking said with an unbelieving look. He always looked up to his father who was the symbol of power in Asgard.

" My son, everything will meet its end someday. The same goes for me. I had enough of this life. I lived blessed and I am proud of it. I have two great sons who resonated their names through the vast sea of stars."

His voice was filled with pride. Although Loki did bad things, he didn't blame him. He loved his son even though he was wrong.

" But what will happen to Asgard? What about Ragnarok?"

Thor said, looking at him with confusion. He wanted to seek his father's wisdom.

" You are the answer. Thor, Loki you can answer that questions by yourselves. Moreover, you are a god of thunder not a god of the hammer. You can defeat any aggression against our realm."

Odin said, smiling. His body slowly started to turn into dust.

" I will leave rest to you, my sons. Also, help them well, the hero of Midgard."

Odin muttered one last time while looking up at the sky. His voice slowly echoed through the field.

" I promise."

Arthur said, coming down from the sky. He looked at Thor and Loki with pity in his eyes. He patted their shoulders.

" I am sorry. I couldn't save him."

He spoke with an apologetic look. Thor shook his head. He took a deep breath and got up with Loki who was mourning over his father's death.

" Well, well look what we have here. My two brothers."

A sinister voice came from the air. A woman with dark hair and a green gown walked out from nothingness as if it was the portal between the realms.

Arthur recognized this voice. He was shocked to hear her voice because she was imprisoned in the deepest part of the nine realms.

" One mortal, I see. Are you the infamous champion of Midgard? Well, that doesn't matter."

Hela said, smiling evilly at them. Thor was furious to see her and he immediately threw his hammer.


Hela caught mjölnir with one hand. She clicked her tongue.

" What a disappointment!"

She said, clutching the hammer.


The hammer broke into pieces before their eyes. Loki was terrified to look at this. He immediately touched their shoulders and teleported them back to New York.

" My hammer!"

Thor wailed with confusion and anger. He clenched his fists and tried to convince his brother, but Loki shut him down.

" Stop! We can't fight her. We have to return to Asgard."

He said, raising his voice. He had enough of this crap today.

" Enough both of you. I knew you sister. Maybe, I can convince her to stop."

Arthur spoke while stopping their arguments.