
The Watcher of the Dimensions

The watcher is a fanfic novel of fantasy type animation and movie

SaintKing · Komik
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689 Chs

Chapter 26 Liberation war begins

Arthur took out a map and spread it on the table. He circled a few cities in red as he said loudly.

" Now, we need to figure out the situation first. First, you said all coastal cities are under attack and most of them fell, right?"

Colonel nodded. He said lightly.

" Yes, you are right."

Arthur rubbed his chin and pondered for a moment. He wrote numbers on the cities.

" Main problem is that we don't have weapons to fight against them. Thankfully, they didn't send any nuclear missiles to us. However, they must have new weapons which is enough to dominate the coastal guards and bases."

Colonel opened his eyes wide because he forgot about this. The United States Army and Navy have powerful weapons, enough to overrun any country in this world, but they have failed miserably in just a few hours. This indicated Soviet had superior arsenal compared to them.

" You are right. I haven't fought head on, but I think it is still feasible. General must know some of their information."

Arthur nodded. He continued to talk.

" Without our nuclear missiles and superior force, we are just a tiger without fangs. They would chew us alive. However, we still have hope."

Arthur pointed to Houston which had number 1 on the map.

" If we can defend or liberate Houston, I can access satellites and bring back our weapon dominance."


Tanya came out with a slightly better expression. She sat down and asked.

" But how? Our airforce is basically destroyed."

Arthur took a deep breath and said calmly.

" By forcing half of the military to attack them. Although Princeton is still under attack, we can defend this city. If we take back Houston, we can start our biggest advantage."

Einstein who was silent, opened his mouth.

" Space advantage. You want to destroy their nuclear power and their ships to save our country."

Arthur smiled.

" Bingo! Army of Soviet isn't a main problem, but Navy is. As long as their ships are near the coast, we can't take back our territory from them."

Colonel's eyes brightened with enlightment. He quickly wrote down memos and whispered something to his sergeant.

" You are right. Brilliant, we have to take back Houston first. But before that let's clean up their people in Princeton."

Arthur nodded. He took out another map and pointed to the downtown.

" There are 100 soldiers here. We can defeat them if we clean out other squads in the city. Currently, civilians are fighting against them. I don't know our casualties, but I think one or two squads must be suffered heavy under our attack. Hence, we need to hasten our movements. Colonel, you take your men to the east of this avenue while I will clear out west of this street. Polices are going to defend the lab with the guards. Tanya, if it is alright, you will have to go with me. We need to gather as many as people we can and swoop downtown before their reinforcement comes here. If my estimation is right, they should be a new wave tomorrow. Therefore, we need to either capture or kill the invaders before that."

Tanya raised her eyebrows. She teased Arthur with a light tone.

" I thought that you hated killing."

Arthur smiled helplessly.

" Indeed, but I can't let people die from my selfishness. If one dies from my hesitation, I will blame myself for them."

Tanya patted his shoulder. She picked up her assault rifle and took a few magazines with her. Although they looked heavy, in reality they weren't. They were a special modified weapon made by Arthur which had superior firing rate and accuracy. It is even better than main weapon of the army.

Colonel and his men lent a jeep to Arthur and Tanya. They quickly dispatched units to save people. Arthur took out a radio. He said lightly.

" This is delta, we have reached our destination."

Colonel's voice came out.

" This is beta, we also have reached our destination."

Arthur nodded.

" Take out hostile entities and gather civilians."

Colonel affirmed his command.

" Roger that."

Arthur put his eyeglasses on. He jumped out from the vehicle with Tanya. They stealthily ran to the house where they could get access of the street.