
The watch man

Antonio De Castillo was born into an age-long war between the League of Watchmen (Fortune tellers/protectors) and The Clan of TimeKeepers (Time Controllers). Following the loss of both his parents in his teens. Antonio del Castillo grew up a man driven by rage and purpose. Being the League of Watchmen's greatest asset he had the skill set and financial muscle to pursue his purpose; an oath to destroy those who were responsible for the death of his parents and stop a deadly prophecy. As he draws nearer to his goal, he begins to uncover secrets that cause him to question everything he knows and believes. Caught in a web of murder, lies, betrayal, revenge, love, and tragedy. Antonio De Castillo must face his worst fears to unravel mysteries of the past. With him on this journey is his childhood friend and guardian, Jorge who also has skeletons in his closet. Jorge was brought up by his wealthy and intriguing father Mr. Gio who is a benefactor of a young lady called Susan Boyle. Susan Boyle seems to be an unassuming young lady but happens to be part of a secret group called the clan of Timekeepers. Susan is on a secret mission to avenge the death of her family and friends. She is as driven to bring down the League of Watchmen as Antonio is to put an end to the Clan of Timekeepers. All hell breaks loose when a heartbroken Susan who is madly in love with Jorge decides to do the unthinkable, which would lead to uncovering disturbing revelations that would shake both the League of Watchmen and the Clan of Timekeepers to their foundations! One of which is the revelation of the true circumstances regarding the death of Antonio's parents.

Bridget_Daidah_195 · Fantasi
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6 Chs

An Enemy Unexpected

Hello stranger! May I sit with you? Said a lovely voice from behind him.

His muscles tightened, a cold sweat broke out on his forehead, his fist clenched.

It had been so long! He didn't expect she would still be here! He raised his head to meet her gaze. Her eyes were clear blue like the Caribbean seas her red lipstick and luscious,

Her long blond hair was wrapped into a ponytail, her smile as glorious as the sun.

" Mmmmm, ma, my pleasure he" Stammered as he tried to gain control of his senses.

He was starstruck again! It had been a year since he'd been to the diner yet, he didn't expect her to still be in Spain!

Let alone still be at Costa de Sols El Madrigal diner... For all his masculine bravado, he hadn't been able to figure out a way to act right whenever he was around this American "goddess".

Susan Boyle wore a flowery short sleeve shirt, tucked into blue skinny jeans and brown leather knee-high boots.

Her pink apron tied around her tiny waist reveal her womanly curves. Not that they needed any more revelation, her hourglass shape would stand out anywhere anytime.

The diner was full as usual, mostly with young men who came over not just because of the great meals but also in hope of winning the heart of Susan.

She basked in the "glory" of their attention every time as she watches their heads and eyes move in tandem with her hips, as they swayed past them.

She was hurriedly taking everyone's orders as usual, yet when she gets to my table she would always find time to sit and chat, to the disdain of the other men.

"It's been a while, Senor, How have you been?" she asked, with a gentle smile

"I've been good" He replied, trying to sound as casual as he could

" Why are you still in Costa de Sol? I thought you would have gone back to the States by now?... Aren't you done with your program here?"He asked, with a curious look on his face

"Yes I am," she said, as she chuckled out

"Are you trying to chase me out of Spain?" She teased, as she stroke her hair backward

"No! No!! No!!! Far from it" He replied a bit flustered

"Andalusia would lose its sparkle if you ever left" He smiled with a gentleman look on his face

"Oh you flatter me" she replied, as her cheeks pink from blushing.

" Truth is... I just fell in love with your city" She said smiling, as she got up and walked away

She knew he was staring helplessly at her bosom... "Don't forget to wash your hands on the way out" She said as she vanished through the service door

Something she always urged him to do anytime he visited and was about to leave the diner.

'She's so caring' He thought to himself inwardly, as the water ran through his fingers

He made it a habit to obey her advice, because the last time he forgot to do so, something unfortunate happened

Or didn't it? He struggled to remember as he disappeared into a crowd of people

"Please don't forget this time" She prayed silently as he walked towards the door

The sound of the running water was music to her ears, as she took in a deep breath and sighed in relief

She won't need to turn back the hands of time to save him this time...


Susie B was a student immigrant who came to Spain to study Fine Arts from the United States of America about four years ago

She was taken in and house by Mr. Gio who had been God sent to her all these years

He gave her a home and helped her with translations until she was fluent in Spanish and showed her the ropes

He owned the diner in which Susie worked, as a waitress...

Mr. Gio had a son Moreno who worked in the capital and visited from time to time

He was nice and friendly, just like his father, Moreno was a young man with looks to die for and with cash to splash and he loved himself his women

A playboy to the core, he wasn't one to be bound to one woman

Susie and Moreno had a fling together in the past which ended due to Moreno's infidelity, but even in separation Moreno could not forget Susie (She was one of the "good ones")

And Susie still had strong feelings for Moreno, which was one of the reasons she couldn't leave Spain

She was helplessly in Love with Moreno

"He Amigos!"Jorge said as Antonio walked into his room.

"You went AWOL since morning, I've been calling your phone and you didn't pick up... I assumed you went on your Timekeeper hunts again" Jorge said, as he looked at Antonio with a concerned look

"Not today Bro, enough blood has been spilled by my hands for a month... I just want to take a break and relax for a while" Antonio said, as he took his seat beside Jorge

"Take a break? Antonio de Castillo never takes a break! Who are you and where is my friend?" Jorge teased...

"I'm right here bro" Replied Antonio

"I just need to slow down

with all the Watching, nudging, and Murder we do daily... It's no surprise we become "insomne!

Our consciences are long dead before we eventually die" These were the words of Antonio

"Enough of this sad and gloomy talk bro!" Jorge cut in

"We came here to have fun and that's what we will do!; We are going clubbing tonight!" Jorge said with an exciting look on his face

"Not me, Antonio replied... I'm not ready to Watch anybody die tonight" Antonio said

"That's if you're paying attention Brooooo!" Jorge said, tugging Antonio's cheek on the side

" Well I can't but pay attention, so I'm not going tonight Bro!" Antonio retorted!

"Okay, Bro. I give up!" Jorge answered with his hands raised in defeat.

"Well if you change your mind, I'm going to the Cubana Club tonight. Let me freshen up" Jorge said, as he departed for the bathroom

Within 15 minutes Jorge was ready and off to the club, while Antonio settled down on the couch to watch some movies with a bottle of Vodka till sleep takes over.


Thud! Thud!! Thud!!!

The sound of footsteps on the wooden floor woke Antonio up from his shallow sleep, he could see shadows through the faint light rays from under the room door... He knew something was wrong

He was under attack! But who would dare such? Let alone in Jorge's Manor? Antonio reached for his pistol under his pillow, his crossbow was lying across the room and so was Jorge's sword. He had counted three shadows from under the door, from the window he counted another three men at the entrance of the Manor. But with the footsteps, he heard he knew the three at his door would be at least double the number. Before he knew it.

Bang! A blast happened, as the room door shattered and three men came rushing into their deaths.

'How foolish! ' He thought to himself!

'Did they not know that the first to die were usually those on the front lines? Weren't these peasants briefed on who they were launching an attack on?' Antonio thought to himself boastfully, as he charged towards them

'No one challenges Angel de la Muerte and lives to tell the tale!' Antonio continue in his thoughts

"Welcome boys!" He said as they barged in, a smile on his face as three quick-fire shots sent bullets into their lungs and windpipes.

He always enjoyed slow deaths, so he always targeted fetal body parts, but parts that won't lead to death immediately.

A fourth man was at the door, he didn't rush in with the others.

'A smart move, but not too smart sucker!'Bang! Bang!! Antonio thought to himself, as two quick shots, one to the knee and another to the kidney had him sprawled out on the floor bleeding to his death

Glasses began to shatter and gunshots splattered all over the room destroying furniture and everything in the way

Tear gas capsules broke through the window, filling the room with smoke.

'That's more like it!' Antonio thought to himself as four more men entered the room, two through the window and two through the door!

Visibility was now so poor but he still managed to get one man down while firing the last rounds from his pistol

He reached for his crossbow, but an arm was already on his shoulder. "Hand to Hand combat it is then!" He thought to himself

Within minutes all three men were on the floor with broken bones and blood gushing out of different organs as they awaited their deaths.

Picking up his crossbow, it was time to end this! He stormed out of the room releasing quick-fire shots and six more men were dead

"Now to those three at the entrance," he said to himself. One-step and...


A shot to the chest and he was on the floor! It's pain like he never felt before. Could this be the end?

How did he miss that one? Thank God he wore his vest before he stepped out of the room.

No matter how strong he was he wasn't bulletproof and he knew that.

He quickly tried to regain his consciousness and balance and behold, this wasn't any man like he'd seen before! He was quicker and had a white scarf around his neck.

THE WHITE ANGEL! His eyes bulged from their sockets in shock! Finally a worthy opponent, maybe. The Fates had brought him another surprise and he was grateful for it.

They exchanged bullets and arrows till they were both out of ammunition. A physical battle ensued and this Angel wasn't like other men he'd faced.

He didn't rely on power or strength, but speed and precision. He hit Antonio's nerve endings and weak points so quick and precise, he had Antonio scrambling for dear life, but due to Antonio's experience and resilience, he fought back with equal verve and sheer willpower.

He wasn't about to be ended by this wannabe.

After what seemed to be ages of exchanging blows Antonio was bleeding from all exit points on his face, he could see from the mask also that he had done considerable damage to the White Angel face too

Just as he was about to finish him off and claim the victory Antonio slipped

This gave the Angel the chance to reload his double-barrel shotgun and aim straight at Antonio's head. Antonio knew this was the end

He cursed the Fates from under his breath... How would they spring two surprises on him within minutes of themselves...

He closed his eyes and awaited the shot that would end his life and signal the meeting with the Fates or the Creator

At last, he would see his parents again... And he would understand everything and be at peace finally.

Bang! Bang!!

The gunshot sounds echoed through the hall, the end had come and the next time he opens his eyes would be somewhere else. Where would it be? He would soon find out.