
7. Marcy and Maddie Pt 2

Disclaimer I don't own Amphibia. Also if anyone would like to help me beta this that be great. But if not I'll try my best. I try to get chapter out as I can.

Thanks to all the all follower and favorite so far. And thanks to Jss2141, redflare5000, Smoking Wrecker, drake wind, Alquimistaarcano77 and TALOS X for the comment.

Notes; Farine is not OC. I just gave Maddie's father a name as he is currently not named yet. Farine is Flour in French, so just went with it.

Marcy had gathered all the ingredients for a spell, while Maddie was also gathering extra as well incase of mistakes. The first spell, Maddie was having Marcy prepared was a in her words a basic spell smell. After gathering all the necessary ingredients, Maddie lead Marcy back to her cauldron, setting the ingredient down on a tree stump.

"So?" Marcy checked over the cauldron, tapping the side of it, with an excited grin on her face. "How do you start this thing? Do we make a fire? Wait you've discovered fire yet... Oh wait, of course you discover fire. The mob chased us with torches."

"Marcy... Marcy... Marcy," Maddie held out her arms trying to get her student's attention. "We're aren't going to be using the cauldron today."

The young witch-in-training face frown a little at hearing this, "Oh, really? Why?"

"Cauldron is for more far advanced spells, and is far more dangerous if you mess up. Cauldrons spell aren't something a beginner should use." Maddie exclaimed, "You, don't want to accidentally grow extra limp, or burn your hair off."

"Well, no..." Marcy said, while unintentionally pulling her hoodie over her hair.

"Don't worry," Maddie said, as she placed a small knife, a small candy size wooden bowl, a spoon, and a sack down on the stump. "How follow my steps careful." Marcy had both eyes and ears on Maddie, waiting, shaking with excitement over making her first spell. "Now, take a rotten root, and cut it to one inch..."

"Interesting, you use the same unit of measures as us," Marcy smiled, as she wasn't paying attention and cut the wrong length. "Uh, no..." Marcy held the root and looked disappointed.

"Relax, it's already." Maddie said, softly, "That's why we have gathered extra." Marcy grabbed another root, this time she was paying extra close attention, she also struck out her tongue a little, as she cut the second root.

"Yes!" Marcy raised the root in triumph. "What's next?"

"Next added two rotten eggs in the bowl," Marcy carefully cracked the eggs open, placing them in the bowl. Next Maddie said to add all the ingredients together and mix them thoroughly, then scoop them up and placed them inside a fabric container.

"Doodootoodoo," Marcy sing a victory song, and held up the sack. "My first spell... Can I try it out?" The young witch in training couldn't contain her excitement, she was dancing up and down.

"This is a low smell spell, we don't want to go to high or it could knock you out for hours." Maddie exclaimed. "In some cases it can be fatal." Looking around, and saw a mantis nearby, getting a little to close for comfort. The witch motioned for Marcy to threw it. Marcy did as she was told, threwing it towards the monster, she missed, however it hit nearby, surrounding the monster in brownish cloud of gas. The creature sniffed around, and ran off.

"Cool, " Marcy smiled, writing the directions and ingredients down in her notebook. "A smell spell. Reminds me of stink bombs back home." She finished her notes and closed her book. "Oh, this one time Sasha used one in Math class, to get out of a test." She laughed a little. "Took days, until we go back into the classroom again."

Maddie looked unimpressed, folding her arms, having second thought about taking on apprentice"I hope you're not planning to use these spells for anything bad. Because it's those kind of actions that give us curse-users a bad name."

"What..." Marcy looked hurt, "I wouldn't betrayal my teacher, plus my friend."

"Friend..." The frog looked up confused.

"Yeah, we are," Marcy asked curiosity, "Aren't we?" The girl looked with hope in her eyes.

"Of course..." Maddie rudded the back of her head. "It's just I didn't have a friend before, some of the kids are nice, but I didn't have anyone who wanted to be around me before."

Marcy starred at the frog, she could related. Back home, although then, Sasha and Anne, she had trouble with other people. She would come of to strong, creep people out, or couldn't even look people in the eye. "Well... I think you're pretty cool." She smiled, "Plus who care if you're weird. Being 'normal' is so boring." Maddie laughed in agreement.

"True..." She smiled, she looked up and saw the sun was soon reaching the tree line. "It's getting dark, we should head back. The forests aren't safe at night."

"Awww..." Marcy looked disappointed, she wanted to learn more right now. "Do we have too?"

"I would like to, but as I said the forest is dangerous at night. Plus dad would be weird sick." Maddie example, "And I'm sure your friends are too."

"Could you teach me tomorrow?" Marcy asked as they made there way home.

Maddie smiled, "I would love to, this had been a great day. Although it will have too wait until the day after. I have to help dad with the bakery and my... sister." She said sisters with hints of annoyance.

"Is your family magic-users too?" Marcy was giggling, a whole family of wizards and witchs.

"No... My mother was..." Maddie said looking down, Marcy felt awkward, emotions and comforting people was always hard for her. However this did raised an eyebrow, both Maddie and the Plantars are raised my single parent, she thought about and it seem many of children were raised by a single parent... thoughts were soon drawn back to Maddie.

"Although my father is worried about me fitting in, he fully supports me and my career." She smile as she reached her house, "Well, this is my place." She groaned. " Hope all of my sisters are asleep. I do not want to deal with them."

"What's wrong with your little sisters?"

"It's a long story. I used to play with them all the time. Especially, juggling. That was their favorite. Then, I got my own interest. Magic became my passion. My calling. I didn't have time to waste on kids stuff anymore. And ever since then, they've been so annoying."

"As someone goes hard her hobbies, I relate. But, don't you think you should still make time for them occasionally?"

"Nonsense. Being a witch is a big responsibility, Marcy. I've got more important things to do now than babysit, I only do it if dad is too busy."

"Do... Do... You have any magic book I can borrow?"

"Sure, just wait here. I'll be right back." Maddie quickly ran inside her house, running straight past her father, who was closing down shop.

"What's the rush, Maddie?" Farine asked, as he put his apron away on a coat rank.

"I'm just grabbing my book for my friend." Her father's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"A friend?" He smiled, and place a hand on his hip.

"Yes, dad. And she is not creep out by my magic, in fact she asked me especially if I could teach her!" Maddie smiled, Farine smiled back his daughter.

"Really?" He smiled, "Well, I glad. Who is it?"

"Marcy's she one of the humman... I think that what she said. That's lives with the Plantars." Maddie saw a concern glare, "Don't worry dad. You know Mr. Plantar wouldn't let them stay if they're dangerous."

"I guess you're right." Farine said giving his girl a hug. "I'm just glad you found a friend."

"Thanks, dad." Maddie ran upstairs to grabbed her book, and rushed back outside.

"Here's the book," Maddie handed it over, Marcy gleefully took and was shaking with excitement. "But like I said. DON'T try to attend any of these on your own. If a spells goes wrong, you could get seriously hurt. Magic can have some bad side effect."

"I won't let you down," Maddie smiled, putting the book in her backpack, and pulled out Cynthia Coven and handed it to Maddie. "Here, you can borrow a book of my."

"Thanks." Maddie smiled, waving goodnight before handing back inside. She made her upstairs, and groaned at seeing her sisters jumping around on her bed.

"Yeah. Maddie's home!" Rosemary said, as the rest cheered in.

"What are you doing in my room?!" She folded her arms, glaring, the triples look down. Until one saw the book in her hand.

"What's that?" Lavender asked.

"A book?"

"Could you read it to us?" Ginger asked.


"Pretty... Pretty... Pretty... Please," Rosemary gave puppy dog eyes, "Read to us."

"Urrrgghh!" Maddie groaned, as she pat her bedside "Fine!"

"Yeah!" The triples smiled, they jumped on the bed and cuddly up to their sister. One on each side, and one on her head. The young witch cleared her throat, "Cynthia Coven; chapter 1 The Girl Who Lived: Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths of number 8 Grimm Road, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much." As she continuing to read, she looked at her sisters who were engaged with the story, and smiled she a little.

"Come on Maddie," Lavender moaned, "Keep reading.

"Yeah!" Rosemary added. "I want to know what group Cynthia gets put in."

"Okay..." Maddie laughed, and went back to reading, a smile on her face.

"Maddie? Girls?" Came a light knock on the door, Farine opened the door, and a smiled from on his face and warmed his heart. Maddie was fast asleep with a book in her hand, with the triple cuddling up against her in their sleep. Carefully and quietly he closed the door.

Back inside the Plantar's basement, Marcy was more then excited and thrilled to tell the girls about her day, she nearly tripped going down the ladder.

"Girls, girls,girls, guess what? Guess what!? GUESS WHAT!?"

"Whoa, relax Marbles." Anne said softy in hopes to calm her down. "What is it?"

"Have you found way back home?" Sasha asked.

"Sorry, not yet." Marcy said rather quickly, still trying to catch her breath, as she pulled out her book of spells Maddie gave her. "I'm learning to become a witch!"

"Wait? What?" Anne grabbed the book, and looked over the cover, "Magic is a thing here?"

"YEP! Isn't that awesome!?" Marcy took her book back from Anne, "I just learned today... This girl named Maddie going to teach me." Anne smiled, she was happy her friend found something to enjoy while being here.

"You're doing what?!" Sasha glared at Marcy, pointing a finger in her face. "I thought you were trying to figure out a way for us to get out of this smelly gross world."

"I've been, Sash," Marcy smiled, then turned into a frown. "I read lots of books, and there's nothing about this box, or another worlds, or anything that might related to the box." The girl looked down at her feet, "Sorry."

"She has been trying Sasha," Anne said, carefully as not to make Sasha more upset. "We're pretty much stumped with no leads on anything."

Sasha glared again and then sign deeply, "Look I get it, okay." She turned to Marcy, smiling a little. "I know you're trying your best." The blond punched the floor in frustrating. "I just want to get back home. Warm meals with no bugs, hot showers, the mall, Internet." She looked down, she felt an arm grabbed her shoulder.

She looked up to see Anne, smiling back. "I'm with you, dude. I miss my cat, my parents..." Anne's eyes widen with realization. "God, I can't imagine what they're all going through."

"Yeah... them too... whatever..." Sasha looked away, she didn't want to think about them right now.

Marcy looked at her friends, both looked terrible, overwhelmed with everything. The girl felt her stomach tight a little, her heart hurt, at seeing her friends in pain, knowing she was the source of their pain and misery. Marcy looked away, trying to shake the thoughts away. "Yeah, I know everything is kinda scary... and we miss everything back home..." She raised her arm as she continuing talking, "But we should at least try to enjoy our time here, as like you said Anne we have no leads. So we don't know how long we'll be here. So we should at least try to make the most out of bad situation."

"I guess you're right," Anne signed, and gave a small smile.

"Seriously?" Sasha raised an eyebrow, giving Anne a puzzled expression.

"Sasha I know this place kinda suck." Anne said in agreement. "But at least were together. Like it's bad, I get it. But we found a pretty cool and friendly group of people... or frog... Wait does people still work? Or?... It doesn't matter. Just saying we score some good luck with the Plantars, they just let us stay out of their goodness of their hearts... Hmm... Kinda reminds me of my parents and people from Temple in a way."

"Still place still sucks!" Sasha interrupted Anne.

"Dude, I get it, really." Anne replied, "I'm just glad we have somewhere to sleep peacefully at night. Like we could still be that cave, if we didn't run into this town. We could be lost and hurt in a dark forest with tons of giant, wild, hungry, monsters trying to eat us. Lock in a spooky tower, lost at sea. Anything...

"Like getting transport to the Capital City!" Marcy added, and helded her hands to her face, eyes grew with excitement. "Just imagine that... Getting transport to the Capital City..."

"Wait!" Anne looked with curiosity, "This place has a Capital?"

"Well duh..." Marcy grabbed a book from her shelf, showing her a picture of giant city. "haven't you two been reading all about this place."

"No." They said in unison, as Marcy laughed.

"Well, you guys should," Marcy suggested, "There many interesting things in this world."

Far far away from the frogs village, was ancient ruins in great decay. Dark clouds roam into the sky while it was down pouring buckets of rain. A small cloaked figure was roaming the old build with a small bird following her. The cloak figure looked at its walking stick, that's was glowing blue in ancient writing, the old structure were also glowing in this ancient writing.

"Could it be Leander? After all this time?"