
The warning tones

Abigail, a 23-year old fairly attractive shut-in spends her life wasting away in the same daily routine until one fateful day she stumbles across an old flip phone that flips her life upside down. Will she escape the unending threat looming behind her?

Nightigear12 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

The silent tone




"Honey wake up! If you don't, we'll leave without saying goodbye to you again!" That soft voice echoed through the room into my half awake mind. Was that my mom? Who can say? I sit up from my messed up bed and look around with one eye hardly open. It's usually pretty dark in my room but everything's always better in the dark. I look over at the alarm clock sitting on my dresser reading 3:46pm. Did I oversleep again? Oh well. "Time to start the day." I say as I flop onto the floor from my bed, being too lazy to just stand up like a normal person. The daily routine begins. Brush my teeth, eat a bowl of cereal, watch some tv for about 4-5 hours, then relax with some music in the tub. I live a pretty boring lifestyle I know. Who would've guessed that this would be my last time in this routine?

As I'm sitting on the couch watching tv I feel a slight vibration coming from the couch? "Huh? Why is the couch vibrating so much?" I say to myself. This is a pretty old couch that's been in my family for quite some time. I think my mother said that my grandmother gave it to us before her passing. Curious to find the source of the vibration, I start to dig between the vibrant fabric of the couch cushions. Digging and digging. I couldn't find anything in particular. Some old coins, lint, and a random napkin that looks to be from the local grocery store. Nothing out of the ordinary. Then the vibrations happen again. Is it inside the cushion itself? There's only one way to find out. I look around the cushion and find a small gold zipper just barely sticking out of the side of the old cushion. I pull on it and after a few good tugs it finally open. When I start to dig inside my curiosity started to eat away at my mind. What could it be? The vibrations finally stop just before I find the culprit. I grab this metallic object and pull it out from the cushion. It's a phone. 'What's this doing inside of the couch?' I wonder to myself, flipping the phone around as I inspect it. It was a small old dark red flip phone that looks like it was made in the 1990's. 'Should I call mom with the house phone and ask about it?' Curiosity starts to eat at me again. I flip open the phone and start tinkering with the buttons. Nothing. Seems the battery is dead. But if it's dead.. how was this thing vibrating earlier? I decided to just set it down on the counter and go back to my regularly scheduled program. It was about 8pm already so I needed to start my bath.

"Ahhh. That hits the spot as always" I announce out loud. The words bouncing throughout the empty apartment. "This is the best time of the day, warm water, small soapy bubbles, and the silence of the night awakening." I close my eyes in this state of pure bliss.




My eyes shoot open. I can hear the vibrations from the phone I thought to be dead all the way from the living room counter. It's just a nonstop endless vibrating tone that's just barely loud enough to hear amidst the silence of the apartment. Startled, I slowly get out of the tub and wrap myself in a towel then, slowly walk towards the living room. Was the hallway between the bathroom and the living room always this long? I arrived at the living room and I peer over to the phone which is vibrating like crazy. Curiosity starts to eat at me again, but this time with a slight fear in the back of my mind. I grab the phone. The vibration tingles the skin on my hand sending shivers down my spine. I open the phone and the screen lights up with 1 message:

"Get out of there!"