
The Warlock's Throne

This is a world where knowledge comes with power. The so-called gods are just stronger arcanists.

Jian_Gao_4638 · Fantasi
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20 Chs

Chapter 6 Accident

Neither Lucien, nor Gary, nor Correa heard the sound of fighting, screaming, or running away.

The tall, strong, taciturn, and powerful high-ranking knight servant Howson disappeared so silently? !

A coolness quickly rose from the soles of his feet and spread throughout his body, Lucien's breathing became a little rough.

Holding the radiant sword tightly, Lucien quickly turned his head and looked behind him.

On the wall of the sewer on the other side, the blue moss shone faintly, but Hao Sen, who was nowhere to be seen, made them look very strange.

Suddenly, there was a scream, and Lucien, who had just turned his head and was nervous, looked over subconsciously.

A mouse as huge as a human had accidentally thrown Correa Chapter VI to the ground. Its sharp claws pierced his shoulder, breaking the hard chain mail, and blood flowed out, staining the silver-gray body red. Jia Pian, it has a pair of bright red eyes, which seems to contain a bit of mockery.

It's just that its wide-open mouth and its daunting row of teeth bit the long sword that Correa swung horizontally in time.

As a high-ranking knight attendant, Correa saved his own life with the most standard swordsmanship moves at the most dangerous time, and the shield held in his left hand swung fiercely, hitting the huge mouse's abdomen .

The fear that has arisen is far lower than the unknown. At least for Lucien, a giant red-eyed rat the size of an ordinary human that moves silently is much easier to accept than "mysterious disappearance".

Taking a breath, Lucien didn't delay, and slashed at the red-eyed giant mouse with the lightsaber in his hand to rescue Correa.

But at this moment, a low, beast-like roar came from behind Lucien.

"What happened to Gary too?!" When Lucien remembered Gary standing behind him, a sharp knight's long sword slashed Lucien's back fiercely.

The pale white brilliance of the holy light shield shook violently, and then dimmed instantly. Chapter 6 There were many surprises, and at the same time, the huge impact made Lucien unsteady, and he wobbled forward and stepped forward a few steps in succession.

The knight's long sword came after him and cut out continuously, making Lucien lose his balance in a haste. He couldn't even swing the sword of brilliance, let alone concentrate, caress the holy emblem, and use spells to activate magic.

Lucien dodged in a panic, startled and confused: "Why did Gary attack me?!"

The attack from the knight's long sword came from behind again. If it wasn't for Gary, there was only one possibility. Gary was already dead!

The attack rhythm of the knight's long sword was very well grasped, and Lucien was not given a chance to stabilize his center of gravity, forcing Lucien to stumble into the secret room.

However, after Lucien was hit consecutively, he found that he hadn't suffered any harm. The panic in his heart gradually calmed down. He had a shield of holy light, so why did he seek to restore his balance and fight him hand-to-hand? !

The thought flashed by, and when the knight's long sword slashed again, Lucien fell to the ground, rolled over, and held the holy emblem with his left hand that had been prepared.

At this moment, Lucien finally saw clearly who was attacking him.

It was indeed Gary, the calm and introverted Gary.

But the muscles on his face have been distorted, his eyes are glowing red, and his naked wildness.

"Could it be that the poison contained in the red-eyed mouse has not been completely eliminated, and it can also make people irrational and turn into bloodthirsty beasts?" Lucien thought of this when he saw Gary's appearance, "But why didn't I Did you feel anything unusual?!"

Lucien didn't have time to think about the doubts and strangeness, so he concentrated his mind, touched the cross on the holy emblem with his left hand, and was about to say the incantation.

The round shield wrapped in iron was swung out fiercely, and hit the holy light shield, shaking the holy light shield.

Although the shield attack did not break the shield of the holy light, the transmitted shaking and impact made Lucien's chest suffocate, his breathing was difficult, and the half-recited mantra was stuck in his throat.

The heavy blows from the shield disrupted Lucien's breathing rhythm frequently, and he could no longer concentrate.

As a squire who is expected to become a real knight, Gary has good and formal training in interrupting spellcasting.

Of course, no matter if it is a priest, a magician, or even other spellcasters, they will shake their heads and sigh when they see Lucien like this. Without any trainee priests or magic apprentices, with a first-order holy emblem of truth and the activated holy light shield, Gary should have died long ago.

When facing the same level, the caster will always have an absolute advantage!

Lucien was troubled by his inability to concentrate and activate his magic, while Correa over there was becoming more and more dangerous, and seemed to be starting to lose his strength. The right hand holding the long sword was pressed tightly against his chest, his wrist There is an insignificant jitter.

Fortunately, the human-shaped giant rat that was entangled with him seemed to be exhausted, not as ferocious as before.

Unable to read the incantation, Lucien simply slashed upwards the radiant sword held in his right hand, and no longer obsessed over invoking the magic.

After fighting against the group of red-eyed mice, Lucien already had a certain understanding of the sharpness of the summoned lightsaber. It was definitely far better than the knight's sword held by Gary.

Under the heavy blow of Gary's shield, Lucien's sword seemed to be swaying randomly, unable to maintain stability and aim at Gary's vitals.

However, Gary didn't behave like a wild beast losing his mind when facing this sunny long sword, instead he hastily blocked the knight's long sword forward.

He didn't seem to dare to get out of the way. Once he distanced himself from Lucien, facing a magic spell, even a formal knight with bloodline power, would be very dangerous. If he was not careful, he would be seriously injured or even die.

The sword of brilliance slashed on the knight's long sword, but there was no crisp sound of metal impact.

Silently, the knight's long sword broke in two like a piece of wood, but at this time, Gary had already retracted the round shield in front of him.

Deep scratches appeared on the round shield, almost splitting in two.

Lucien was about to take the opportunity to counterattack, but the sword of brilliance, which had already dimmed a lot, shattered at once, and pieces of light scattered in all directions.

The shining sword, which began to lose power when it cut through the wall with the magic trap, finally exhausted everything and could not maintain it.

Lucien was stunned for a moment, and Gary seized the opportunity, swung the round shield fiercely, and hit the shield of holy light that had also become thin and dim.

Shield fragments flew all over the sky, and the holy light shield flickered and shook for a while before disappearing.

Lucien's biggest reliance, the holy light shield, was completely shattered after withstood continuous attacks.

Having no time to reflect on the various mistakes he made due to his lack of combat experience or lack of calmness, Lucien rubbed the cross on the holy emblem, concentrated desperately, and recited the incantation.

"S...cough cough."

The short syllable was only half a sound, and Gary hit Lucien's abdomen with a punch he had prepared long ago, causing Lucien to curl up like a general, with a thick sour feeling in his throat.

After interrupting Lucien's incantation, Gary slowed down with his other hand, grabbed Lucien's neck violently, and squeezed it tightly.

Lucien held Gary's five fingers firmly with his right hand, but as a high-ranking knight attendant, even after such a long battle, Gary's physical strength and energy were severely depleted. Facing an ordinary person like Lucien, he still had some strength. Very big advantage.

It became more and more difficult to breathe, and the pain in the neck was abnormal. Lucien's eyes went black for a while, and the left hand holding the holy emblem was fixed on the chest by Gary's other hand, which also firmly pressed Lucien's whole body.

He He's beast panting rang in Lucien's ears, and the cold touch of the iron glove was transmitted from the skin to Lucien's brain, which made Lucien, whose consciousness was getting more and more blurred, suddenly wake up a little.

The soul was floating, creating a wonderful sense of being on the sidelines. Lucien's desire to survive erupted, and his spirit seemed to break through a certain limit, spreading like sea water.

And at this time, Gary's right hand, which was holding Lucien's neck, suddenly became weaker, just like Correa and the human-shaped giant rat who beat, bit, and slashed each other until they were exhausted, allowing Lucien to gain precious breathing opportunity.

It's strange that Gary's sudden weakness, and more and more power disappears, but Lucien has learned the precious lessons from before, and he didn't go into a daze, a daze, surprise, and doubt. The spreading spirit concentrated and moved towards the holy emblem of truth touch away.

As soon as he touched it, Lucien's spirit was shocked, as if he had entered a sea of holy light, and the strange patterns composed of lines, circles, triangles, squares and crosses appeared in Lucien's sense organs in countless magnified forms, as if with deep mysteries.

Feeling carefully, Lucien found that the cross exuded the smell of Benjamin, an indescribable smell.

Lucien touched the cross curiously, and it suddenly became violent, as if it had been violated, and one of the strange patterns around it suddenly lit up, condensing its radiance, majestic and terrifying.

Startled, Lucien quickly withdrew his telepathy, but it was still a little slower. A beam of pure white light shot out from the holy emblem, brushing past the edge of Lucien's mind, making Lucien feel nauseous, with a headache as if it was about to burst. Open, two streams of cool, fishy and rusty liquid flow out of the nostrils.

After the beam of light shot out, it absorbed power from the surroundings, and it grew bigger and bigger. Gary seemed to sense the great danger, and hurriedly dodged to the side, but at such a short distance, no matter how fast he reacted, he couldn't dodge it. His right hand and part of his shoulder were completely vaporized, and the wound was scorched black without any blood flowing out.

"Can you activate divine spells without spells and rubbing?" This was Lucien's first thought, and then he hurriedly rolled away, fearing that Gary would still be able to fight after being hit.

After rolling, Lucien realized that he had the same strange limp hands and feet and no strength, and then rolled and looked at Gary.

"This is?!" Lucien exclaimed in surprise, because what he saw was completely beyond his expectations.

Gary was lying on the ground, eyes half-closed, almost dying, but the distorted face, the red light from the eyes disappeared.

And in the surrounding area, pools of strange red blood left behind by those red-eyed mice had evaporated into a faint red mist at some point, filling the entire secret room and the nearby sewers.

In the secret room, the strange, human-shaped plant stretched its branches and leaves in the light red blood mist, looking very comfortable.

The battle on the other side has undergone unimaginable changes. It is not a giant mouse that is fighting Correa to the death, but Howson, the taciturn Howson.

Theirknight swords were thrust into each other's bodies.