
The War of the Seers

The Realm of the Spirits is sinking in an endless chaos, a place once filled with balance, abundance and humans with unique powers is now being corrupted as the most powerful spirits in the realm, the Ithars, start losing control. The story follows the life of Eleu, a young guy who is about to discover who he truly is. As the main powers of the Spiritual Ream shift, the five Itharblends will have a pivotal role in saving all their people built thousands of years ago. Embark on this journey as you unveil the unique powers, mysteries and much more while defying the impossible as the characters unveil the truth in a world that keeps getting corrupted.

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9 Chs


Eleu was probably one of the most curious kids in the city surrounding the big portal leading to the world of humans, commonly called the "World of the Heimisch" by those living within the spirit realm. Most people would greatly respect the natives who walked through that same portal thousands of years ago. Those who conquered their fear and discovered a whole new realm, one that shared the same space with the human world but couldn't be accessed or perceived by them. A thin invisible layer kept them apart, something people called "The Veil". Spirits had always been there, but nobody had access to them until the day the first portal opened.

His personality was always bright, filled with emotions as intense as his mid-dark skin tone, showing the beauty of the roots from his ancestry. His deep brown eyes could get anything he wanted in life, his laugh could be heard from nearby houses, and even though he was never gifted as most of the kids that grew up with him, everybody around his hometown agreed that there was something special about Eleu, some still worried he would jump into any adventure without thinking about what could go wrong.

Maybe he was hyperactive; maybe his positive attitude was his way of dealing with being a non-gifted kid in a strict environment. Those around him appreciated his naivety, as he was never exposed to the real dangers of the outside world. It didn't matter because both animals and spirits felt safe around him. Ignorance was bliss, and many worked hard to make the spiritual realm a safe haven for humans.

Eleu's dad, Ryker, was also a non-gifted man who spent his life in service to a bigger idea that had been growing for a few hundred years: The Ithar's Union.

As cities became bigger and the population grew wider, the threat of unrestricted access to the portal connected with the Heimisch world became obvious. Both spirits and humans were concerned about events happening outside the spiritual realm. Violence, danger, hunger and an endless quest for power were some of them, with many people fleeing from wars into the portal without knowing the rules applied by the spirits. Most humans were running away from their past, escaping war or seeking a better life, but they had one thing in common, they held on to objects and memories they should avoid, bringing certain items never introduced before to the realm.

To protect the spirits and restrict entry to anyone intending to use the spiritual blessings in wrongful ways, a city was built right around the portal, ensuring some degree of control and, ultimately, due to the growing need to protect the realm, the place developed into one of the most impressive markets, entertainment hubs and unique locations anyone would ever dream of.

This fortified city was named "Linker", as it was the connecting point between realms and the place people would refer to as the centre of their civilisation. Here, the five chosen leaders by the superior spirits, also called the Itharblends, decided to congregate regularly, discuss each nation's needs, and help those expanding while promising to keep the balance. The pact became more than a simple mindset; it grew to be a reputable organisation known today as the Ithar's Union.

As a kid growing up near the portal, Eleu was always tempted to sort security and try to pass through to discover the other realm where the natives came from and see how the world of the Heimisch truly was. He heard tons of stories from people around town, devices that could connect with others on the other side of the planet, technology capable of imitating a human brain, and wars being fought in the name of gods nobody had ever seen. As a hobby, Eleu would ask refugees and those working around the area, trying to find any possible gossip or know more about the other side by those who recently crossed the veil, including his dad, who was one of the highest officials from the Ithar's Union.

Of course, as expected, he was just a kid to them, and the stories shared with him were always fairy tales and historical lessons. Strangers avoided discussing their past, and his dad was too stiff and responsible to share scary details with his son. On the other hand, his mom was barely around during most of his childhood due to her position as the commander of the Energy Controllers from the Union.

Her job was tedious, travelling around the spirit realm training and recruiting kids who showed talents in anything related to Energy Control, those popularly known as Econs, helping them become guardians, warriors or soldiers who could protect the cities from external threats, keep the peace and instruct the values of the Union around the five big capitals.

But that day, Eleu wasn't thinking about his mom; he would love having her nearby, but after listening to his dad's story the night before and finally being in Paleor, he decided to explore the city markets while Ryker was working around the Healer's palace.

It was early morning when the first ray of light came in through the squared glassless windows. The weather in the north region was always so humid and calming that the locals chose to avoid using glass, trying to let nature bloom without limits all over the houses and expand the flora within the white palace, making it seem even more beautiful and majestic than it already was.

His life had always been lucky, he was mostly checked by his parents' co-workers and others close to them, but due to their high volume of responsibilities and trips they had, Eleu basically educated himself by exploring, sharing and making friends with small spirits he found in corners of his now far away home Linker. He wanted to try everything, enjoy time to the fullest, never complained about not having as much time with his family as other kids did, and always felt grateful for how different his life was compared to those around him.

And today, after many years of hearing about the wonders of Paleor, he had a day to enjoy the city and like a proper adventurer, he planned ahead of time about everything to be done, tasted and explored. Without hesitation, he left the palace early before the newly assigned guards changed shifts. The security was easy to bypass and quite weak since it was added recently due to the new concerns about disappearances in the area. It took a few seconds hidden behind a column to swiftly pass a sleeping guard and jump from the first floor to the freshwater pool below them.

He swam out of the area, following the stream of clean water and later drying out under the sun on his way to the city centre. The vibrant people, the shops filled with exotic fruits and vegetables, the colours around him, this place was a dream come true.

Paleor was famous for the taste of their food, proving how the combination of mountain water, plants, the hot humid weather and coexisting with nature elevated their capital's cuisine. Using raw fruits, unique vegetables and toasted nuts to extract their pure flavours was a common skill among regional chefs.

Their craft and use of white textile was exquisite, from high tents to houses painted all white in honour of their lady, streets filled with soft cotton clothes and artisanal products made with algae from the lakes and pools near the city. Beautiful fountains and ponds embellished the area, bringing a mixture of nature into the crowded markets. Even the white-lining clothes he was given the day before were as comfortable as an animal's hug.

His mom always shared wonderful moments about her past trips through those same roads, the taste of fresh smashed beans over her morning juice, the famous "Cochello cake", a beautiful three-layer delicatessen with hundreds of years improving its recipe. They said the eggs from the north were the tastier, and he was determined to find out and try as many types of omelettes as his stomach could take. The day was going perfectly for him, and even though he was barely seeing a part of the big city, he was feeling on top of the world just by visiting some of the locations and places that his parents and other officials shared with him in their stories, but something suddenly was wrong, a small reflex made him stop and look back.

Gunpowder! -Adverted a man dressed in white, running away from the hill where the palace was located.

People seemed extremely concerned, the ambient got tense instantly before Eleu felt his day was about to be ruined. There was no gunpowder in this realm. That was a Heimisch invention which wasn't allowed through the portal. But if a local was screaming about it, then danger was closer than he could have imagined.

Without even noticing, he was already running back to the palace. A few monks and cultivators were running away from it, their beautiful tunics softly moving, all looking distressed since Paleor was known for its peaceful lifestyle. Some spirits were also floating away from the place, but the poorly secure entrance was still open, and nothing seemed unusual at the time other than those running.

Bravely, Eleu approached the entrance, confused by the situation, looking up and down at the entire building, hoping to find any sign of danger. A huge explosion on the right side of the palace threw him to the ground. The radio was like nothing he had ever witnessed, black smoke took over the area instantly, and a big pile of debris, rocks and furniture flew away from the new hole, now destroying the perfect architecture of the place.

-Dad! -He thought to himself, not realising the exact location where the explosion occurred. Dozens of people were running away in fear, passing under the big doors that introduced the majestic arcs of Paleor, but Eleu didn't care, he would swim upwards if needed. Storming through people pushing each other and running in panic was nothing for his mid-size body. He wasn't the tallest or strongest, but he knew how to sneak in between crowds without being stopped.

The commotion was palpable in the air. Ms Bianca and her trusted consultants reached the second floor, escorted by their spiritual companion, only to find blinding smoke, broken pieces of a wall and a hard-to-reach room where guests would usually stay.

Ms Bianca aimed her hand, giving an order to the dragon, who quickly moved ahead and started searching for any remaining threats through the smoke. While Sir Jonas was already helping people evacuate, always sharp and ahead of others, Mr Lynneas was caught in the commotion, lacking a plan of action by the time Ryker arrived.

-Nobody was inside the room -Said the dragon appearing just before them.

-Ryker, where is your son? -Asked Ms Bianca turning around with worry on her expression.

-He wanted to visit the markets and the city. Thank the spirits he is not there. -Replied Ryker taking a deep breath to ease the tension from his chest and shoulders.


A young guy approached them from the other side of the hall, rushing through debris and the few people who remained in the building, trying to save some of the plants and guide confused spirits out of the danger zone. Ms Bianca saw him instantly. He was shining with energy; his skin was about to erupt into pure life, and in a slow-motion vision, she puzzled together way more information than she could express with words, only releasing a small grasp of surprise.

-Careful! -She screamed. It took her a moment to return to her senses, but she didn't expect him to be there. Like a Deja Vu, she was warned about this moment. Her Ithar Deanare told her about this kid years ago.

A guy fully dressed in tight black and purple clothes appeared from the smoke, using the commotion as an advantage right next to Eleu. His arm quickly grabbed him, and with a sharp movement, he launched into the centre pool of the palace, jumping from the second floor towards the lake, unmistakably dragging Eleu's head down into the shape of water beneath them.

Ryker had no time to react, nobody did. The kid was there, and a few seconds later, he was gone. Maybe it took him a second to realise what just happened, but it took less than that to jump after them without considering if he was also falling into the lake.

-Dereo, follow them! -Ordered Ms Bianca looking at the dragon.

His spiritual companion didn't flinch. His head instantly flew towards the pool, followed by his long body, vibrant scales, tail and whiskers.

Somebody should have told Eleu to catch some air beforehand, to try to stay still, to be calm, but he was far from that state of mind. His body was fighting his captor with all he had, but the mysterious guy was relentless in his grip. He kept pulling him through the water without effort, and to worsen things, they were heading towards the second biggest waterfall in the region, one where surviving was a lucky strike he shouldn't risk.

The air was limited, his arm was pulling away, the water current was bringing them both to their demise, and his eyes crossed two tiny spiritual jellyfish that seemed to float near him, illogically, capturing his attention.

Eleu understood instantly what they were doing there. These two were informing somebody about the situation, but who? And why?

Time was way too short to dwell on it. Fear of death overtook him, seeing the end of the stream approach, knowing he might not survive the fall. His captor was ambitious, yet from afar, he could see a dragon swimming towards them at full speed. If only it could be faster, but still, what could a spirit do to avoid his death? Absolutely nothing.

The fall felt like an eternal moment, illuminated by the sunlight, still feeling the grip from his captor, being able to grab some air while seeing his body falling into a giant shape of water twenty meters below them. His heartbeat raced, blood moving as fast as gravity.

In reality, it took less than a few seconds to arrive. The dragon was no longer around, the jellyfish neither, and his captor was diving head down into the next pool of water, forcing him to adopt the same position.

The hit was imminent, and as expected, it hurt to a degree of pain where Eleu lost consciousness, only to be an easy prey to his captor.

Ryker was, unfortunately, too late. He knew there was little he could do against that waterfall, he was just a mortal, and his survival instinct grabbed the closest underwater branch to stop himself from falling to his death. He quickly swam out of the water, not far from the entrance, where he spotted the white lady followed by her two trusted advisors.

They were headed towards a cave nearby, running against the clock. Sir Jonas already had a sword in hand, and the palace, partially destroyed from the explosion, still looked like a war zone freshly attacked by an unknown character.

His feet were quick. Whatever they were doing, they knew more than him, and he would follow them to find his son no matter what stood in the way. But, as he passed near the entrance, a more unexpected event happened. More purple and black-dressed men appeared from within the building, holding knives and other blunt weapons, seeking to find people to hurt and take hostages. Ryker knew in that sight about their behaviour, they were sending a clear message. His gaze spotted them, but his body was moving in another direction. Another group appeared before him, following Ms Bianca at full speed, armed to the teeth without noticing his presence.

There could only be a group of people capable enough of this atrocity. Rufius was attacking the Healer's capital.

Ryker pressured his pace further, circling the pools below to avoid losing balance and refusing to think of the lack of breath he was already feeling. It was too much information to swallow, but he had to report and ask for help.

A tree nearby had a yellow and green colour over it, a shape climbing up and down the tree without paying much attention to anything nearby. Upon closer inspection, he realised that a snake-looking spirit was trying to find cover from the smoke around that tree.

-I need you to share all this in the collective mind. -Begged Ryker, trying to capture the attention of the spirit waving his hands.

The spirit understood instantly and looked at him, sending a nodding feeling to his mind to express that it was done.

The path to the cave was clear now. As he came closer to it, he hoped a person from the Union would be informed by near spirits about his position and the plot that was going on there.