

" For he who is born from dragons fire shall purge the land out of darkness , and defeat Hedes, to unite the land of Alirea ".....

( AXCEL'S pov )

" gasp ". I woke up sweating profusely, my hair was damp from the sweat. " Shit, not this stupid dream again ". I cursed under my breath as I raked my fingers through my hair. I got down from the bed stretching and yawning at the same time. " oi , seems like the night are getting shorter these days ". I said walking towards the closet. " well, guess guess I better get going ". I said, selecting a white long-sleeved shirt and a brown leather pants heading towards the bathroom. Few minutes later, I headed downstairs to get breakfast. " good morning mum" I greeted while giving her a peck on the cheek. " good morning dear". she smiled still focused on her cooking. I sat on the wooden chair near a round table facing the window. " so... how was your night? " . mum asked placing my breakfast in front of me. " well... you know, the usual.... had that weird dream again though ". I said as I started eating. I paused when I noticed that she was staring at me. " what ". I asked raising an eyebrow at her. " sigh... Axcel, maybe all this actually means something ". she said while staring at me. " sigh... mum we've been over this, there is nothing to it okay, it's just a dream ". I said as I continued eating.
