
Chapter 6

Before sleep time Peter asked for an achievement recommendation since he wouldn't sleep anyway and he didn't want to be bored the entire night.

[Achievement: Basic exercise.]

[Requirements (52%): …]

There was a slight pause in Peter's thinking. The requirements were exactly the same as what Sarah made him do a few days ago. After thinking about it thoroughly, the most logical conclusion was that he might not be unique.

The possibility itself wasn't a problem, in fact it might have been a good thing, but the uncertainty was a significant annoyance.

From recent experience, Peter came to the conclusion that asking is sometimes the easiest solution to a problem, so that's what he did.

"Hey Sarah, do you have an interface?"

After some thought she answered with another question.

"Do you mean the system?"

"If that's what you want to call it, yes."

With that, Sarah went to sleep and Peter decide to finish the half complete achievement. They didn't really have much else to discuss.

The ability of Anthony Williams was a strange one. When asked about it he would always say that it was general enhancement and since his brother had the same and he never showed off anything special, everyone accepted it as such.

But that was a lie, used to lower his position on any combat rankings he might be on and to not make people feel threatened around him. His real ability was sense enhancement, and quite a strong one at that. He could sense anything in a few miles' radius even if he was surrounded by thick concrete walls.

Naturally he heard the earlier conversation, but he didn't know what to make of it without context. His curiosity earned him a sleepless night, trying to figure out what the kids were talking about.

In the end, all he found were some online novels from centuries ago and some crazy people rambling about them in relation to the Emergence.

Anthony, sleepless at work, decided continue his investigation when he had nothing better to do.

In the morning, Peter asked his sister if they could work out together, because he found the night's experience quite rewarding.

[Achievement unlocked: Basic exercise.]

[Reward: STR +0.05, AGI +0.05, STA +0.05]

During the following days Peter and Sarah had the chance to get accustomed to their new lives. They had their first lesson with James, who turned out to be the best teacher they ever had, although that wasn't much of an achievement.

[Achievement unlocked: Basic mathematics.]

[Reward: INT +0.05]

They slowly discovered the surrounding streets and buildings, despite their guardians advising them against doing so. And they also made some significant progress with training.

[Achievement unlocked: Strength training 1/5]

[Achievement unlocked: Agility training 1/5]

[Achievement unlocked: Stamina training 1/5]

[Total rewards: STR +0.1, AGI +0.1, STA +0.1]

Sarah was a lot better at the physical side of things. She even tried endurance training with some mild success.

One day while the two were walking outside, Peter felt someone touch him from behind. This startled him, and because he thought he was being attacked he swung his arm behind himself before turning around.

Once he had done so he saw a man in his late twenties who was surprised about being punched in the face, but after realizing the boy in front of him wasn't any threat he decided to punch back.

Peter couldn't really fight the man due to their significant difference in strength, so he was forced to defend himself, to little effect.

[Health: 87%]

[Stamina: 85%]

While this was happening Sarah was trying to find a way to help out, and she found one in the form of a larger tree branch by the side of the road. She picked it up and hit the man over the head with it.

The branch broke upon contact, but it was a lot more effective than the punch earlier, making the man fall to his knees with his head lowered. Seeing the opportunity, Peter went to kick the man in the head, hoping to make his stay down.

This wasn't the best decision he could have made since he ended up hurting his own leg but it had the intended effect of ending the fight.

[Achievement unlocked: Get below 80% health.]

[Reward: END +0.1]

The pair was still shocked because of what just happened and what they did, but Peter with a slightly clearer mind decided to try something. He sat down next to the passed out man and touched his shoulder.

[Successfully absorbed class 3 stealth blessing.]

[Result: AGI +0.05, MGC +0.03, EXP +30]

[Results partially saved for future use.]

[Level 0]

[Experience 50/100]

[Strength: 0.55]

[Agility: 0.55]

[Endurance: 0.35]

[Stamina: 0.50]

[Intelligence: 0.65]

[Magic: 0.08]

This experience ended up being profitable, but the pair had to deal with something else before they could celebrate.