
The Wandering Adventurer

Waking up in an unknown land full of wonderful landscapes and horrifying beasts, Osirus decided to see all sights and fight all monsters! He would push away his previous life of monotony and fully embrace his new one!

TheForgottenDrift · Fantasi
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22 Chs

Arkbridge Ruins - Surrounded

"Shit! Everyone, wake up! We're surrounded!", Reinhardt's booming voice ripped through Osirus's mind, causing him to shoot up, grab his shortsword and search the dark surroundings.

The others had already got into formation, Liam unsheathed his longsword, Simon knocked an arrow, Annie wielded her twin daggers, Elisa's staff began to glow and Reinhardt pull the gargantuan axe of his back, even with Osirus's improved strength, he doubted he could even lift it up, let alone wielded it as swiftly as the giant before him.

However, he didn't have time to think about that as he heard numerous familiar screeches sound from all sides that sent a shiver down his spine, in front the amount of screams alone, the enemy amounted to at least 20.

A number that left his mind whirling trying to think of solutions as he realised another fact, although being in the building shielded them from the elements, it also left them unable to run with their only exit being blocked by the short pudgy creatures.

Luckily they hadn't been able to sneak inside the building, so their main issue also became their main advantage, the single small entrance meant only 1-2 of the creatures could come in at once.

Almost immediately after Osirus had begun to get a grasp of the situation, they attacked, Moss Troggs wielding shortswords, daggers, hatchets and other weapons began charging through the door, only to meet their immediate death.

The size of Reinhardt's axe wasn't just for show as it left the others to just watch as its blade that was atleast 50cm wide tore through the creatures body, slicing them cleanly in half.

However they didn't seem disparaged by their comrades' death as they continued to flood in relentlessly.

The room they were currently in was about 10mx10m with a staircase leading to the top floor being opposite to the location of the entrance that the creatures were flooding into.

The room's small size made it hard for anyone to help out Reinhardt without getting cut in half by his axe, leaving him alone to face the horde of creatures as the rest could only watch.

After about a minute and the death of at least 10 Moss Troggs, the situation only grew worse, "Screee!", "Shi-!", Liam, who was closest to the staircase, didn't even have time to fire an arrow before a sword pierced through his heart, instantly killing him.

Osirus turned around to witness Liam's body slump to the floor, all the colour gone from his face, Stood next to him was the culprit, a Moss Trogg had been able to reach the top floor before climbing down the stairs, surprise attacking Liam, the only one without a close range weapon.

However that wasn't the end as it wasn't long before Moss Troggs began to spill down the stairs, it was also at this point that the others turned around after hearing the commotion, each of them grimaced as they looked at their dead comrade.

Unfortunately now wasn't the time to mourn as the others were thrust into the fight, "Get out the way kid.", Simon and Annie both shot forward with impressive speed facing the incoming enemy, leaving only Osirus and Elisa in the middle with battles on either side.

Just watching the 2 fight made him realise that they were at least twice as strong as him, while Reinhardt was on another level.

Using his analytical mind, he quickly theorised that Simon and Annie were most likely both at the equivalent of his Lv.4 {Body Cultivation}, while Reinhardt was at least Lv.6.

Although they were much stronger, it wasn't long before they started to fatigue, Annie already showed signs of exhaustion as even Osirus was able to notice her movements slow and strength weaken, let alone Simon who had instinctively begun to take on more enemies, lessening the pressure on Annie, but also increasing the speed at which he tired.

It wasn't long before it became too much and he wasn't able to dodge an attack, Simon's eyes filled with fear as he watched the blade rapidly approaching his stomach, if it hit him it was almost guaranteed to be fatal considering his situation.

Unfortunately, Reinhardt was too far away and Annie was already struggling by herself, giving her no time to help him even if she could.

Realising it was the end of his short life, Simon began to close his eyes, accepting the inevitable death, however…"Shing!", a green glow flashed past him, the blade that he had accepted would take his life fell to the floor, followed by crimson liquid, Simon stood silently, bewildered.

"Get out of the way!"

Osirus shoved Simon away as he thrust his shortsword through the heart of the Moss Trogg whose arm he just sliced off.

Pushing aside the dead enemy, his sword flashed green once more, it's speed almost rivalling the exhausted Simon as it rapidly approached another Moss Trogg, finding a gap it its defence at slicing open its stomach before kicking it into the others descending the staircase, causing them to be momentarily blocked.

By now the fight had gone on for about 3 minutes, with Reinhardt killing about 20, and Simon and Annie collectively dispatching about 15, it was clear both sides were reaching there limit as everyone was breathing heavily, even Osirus, as the toll of {Quick Slice} hit him with full force, luckily he still had quite a bit more left in the tank.

The Moss Troggs number had also severely dwindled as only a few were left facing Reinhardt and 4 facing Osirus and Annie.

It wasn't long before one of the Moss Troggs shoved aside its injured companion without a bit of remorse and charged at Osirus with its small hatchet.

Acting quickly, he used his new strength to parry its swing, putting them into a stalemate before booting its kneecap, instantly snapping it as it let out a miserable scream, however Osirus didn't pay any attention as another 2 closed in on him while the last attacked Annie.

With one enemy momentarily out of the fight, Osirus turned to face the other 2, '{Quick Slice}.', a hazy green hue surrounded his blade as its speed rapidly increased, catching one of them off guard, allowing the blade to snake past their own and slice into its skull, instantly killing it.

With heavy breaths, he changed target, forced to roll to the side, he dodged its sword, however he wasn't giving time to get back on his feet as its sword was swung down at his head forcing him to block with his own.

Using all his strength to block the opponents attack with one arm, his other shot forward and grabbed the Moss Troggs ankle before yanking it towards him. Completely caught by surprise, it didn't have time to react before its entire world began to spin.

With the creature momentarily dazed, Osirus didn't even get to his feet as he lunged while on the floor, burying the edge of his sword into its throat.

"Never turn your back to the enemy.", Simon's voice sounded behind him, he turned around to witness the broken knee Moss Trogg, who was now directly behind him, had its head sliced off.

Cold sweat dripped from him as he realised he had almost lost his life if not for Simon, "Thank you.", Osirus politely thanked him while telling himself to be more careful in the future and make sure to kill his enemies.

"I was just paying you back."

The four of them began to walk towards Rienhardt when…


Looking through the doorway to the street, they all saw a sight that caused their blood to run cold, a Moss Trogg with a statue rivalling Rienhardts, wielding a colossal hammer that could crush Osirus into paste in a single swing, stood before them.

The 5 somberly left the building as the creature was still quite a distance away from them, giving them room to get onto the street, they new they were about to get into a battle they were unlikely to survive, ignoring how everyone was exhausted, even if they were in their peak condition, the beast in front of them was another level.

Nonetheless, they could only suck it up and fight.

Reinhartd stood at the front, only he could actually resist a blow from this monster, meanwhile Osirus's {Analytic Mind} was pushed to the limit, seemingly getting even quicker in the face of such dire straits, hundreds of situations flashed past his mind as he tried to find a way to survive this.

Simon watched Osirus standing completely still, not daring to move, he shook his head as he assumed Osirus had frozen from fear, however he wasn't too surprised as even he felt his legs tremble in front of this thing.

Suddenly, the Moss Trogg began to charge them, its every step shaking the ground, not wanting to have to back foot, Reinhardt charged forward, the 2 soon collided as the Moss Trogg lifted its gargantuan hammer before striking down with the momentum of a meteorite.

Wielding his 2m long axe, he used the head to blocked the hammers descent, "Boom!", Reinhardts knees buckled as the ground beneath his cracked from the pure force, yet he didn't fall, "Gahh.", with a groan, he exerted all his strength, slowly rising back up, the blood vessels in his eyes began to burst, turning them crimson, adding to his palpable ferocity.


His biceps bulged as he pushed the hammer away, countering with his own attack as he swung his axe at the side of its chest, however with surprised agility, the Moss Trogg used the metal handle of the hammer to block the strike.

The 2 continued to trade strikes as the others just watched, this was a battle well beyond their level, causing them to just leave their fate in the hands of Reinhardt

However, Osirus wouldn't accept that.