
The Wanderer and His Endless Blade

A young man named Felkin is left in a mysterious ruin with no memories except his name and no possessions naught but the clothes on his back and a blade with the ability to extend seemingly endlessly. He comes across a man of few words named Metas, clad in black cloak and armor who can conjure flame from a snap of his fingertips. But come sunrise, the two are attacked by a wolven beast but manage to slay it. Having no other choice, Felkin follows the man who took notice of the former's abilities and decided to let Felkin tag along to keep an eye on him. Metas is a young but wizened knight of a nearby kingdom with the special task of investigating strange matters around the kingdom. The two arrive at a shanty village and make a split-second decision to rescue a young "witch" named Yuria from being burned at the stake by paranoid villagers who suspect anyone to be the cause of the attacks of the wolven creatures. The two are forced to work with the girl to escape from an angry mob and this causes a chain reaction of a whirlwind of events that lead the party to meet new allies, battle foes like dragons, travel to other worlds, overcome challenges, test bonds in a search for meaning and the truth in their lives. (Novel is also posted on Royal Road)

Marc_Rosales_7232 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
74 Chs

The Kingdom of Lodeleth (2/3)

In another corner of Lodeleth, the night passed into early morning. Though in some corners of the kingdom, there are those who were unable to fall asleep. Two such persons lie awake in a dimly lit bedroom. A single candle which was nearly burnt out, illuminated the room. It was placed in a metal candle holder on the to and caused the wooden walls and floors to creak eerily. The bed had enough space for two people, and indeed two persons lay under the covers: A woman who lay on her side facing the window, and a man lying on his back looking up at the ceiling. "Can't get any sleep again?" Asked Victoria. "You know I don't usually sleep... Better to spend that time thinking." Liam remarked. "Thinking about?" She asked, turning over towards him.

"All that extra trouble and work that you brought us earlier..." He answered. "Is it troubling for you?" Victoria remarked. "Not really. If it wasn't that, we'd be training or doing some other work... All that this is is more work to do. I just wished you'd consulted with me before you went with the decision to accept the mission." He remarked. "But a surprise is more fun! Besides, I had to take the opportunity before it slipped away. And you're not even bothered with it, right?" Victoria exclaimed. "That makes sense. But..." Liam said, rising to a seated position. "You sure we can handle this?" He asked, before sipping from a nearby wooden cup.

"Of course! We're the best at what we do, right? And our line of work has always been dangerous. We can't improve without hardship and challenge, and where's the thrill in kicking out squatters, guarding some nobles, or knocking down some powerless upstarts. And besides, its only up from here." Victoria exclaimed, sitting up next to Liam. "Up from here?" He asked. "Yeah it's what we always wanted, right? For the longest time, we knew that simply being in the knights wasn't enough. Finally being able to don the black armor, finally being able to do the important work, its what we couldn't do for the longest time! Time and time again, we were denied a chance to do so much more. And that little Sethan gets the chance before us?" She remarked, as she rubbed Liam's back to reassure him.

Their bodies were covered in scars and signs of wear and tear, all earned from their line of work. And yet their experience and hard work had refined their musculature and form to an impeccable state. "Hmm. So this is what it's about." Liam remarked. "Of course that was what it was about! Because our kingdom is losing its best assets left and right, and the position we've been vying towards for years is open; but we aren't even considered for the spot? And Sethan is only being taken into the order because they're using his hoping to use his connections to help catch his brother, Metas! And he too, was one who was allowed to join the shadow knights because of a connection with someone else! And look how that turned out. That is what happens when you get someone not because of their skill or competence but because of their relation to someone else." Said Victoria, falling back down onto the bed with her hands outstretched.

"And now the position is given to someone rightful for the job?" Liam asked. "Yes she is. And you are too." Victoria said, pointing towards him. "So this doesn't have to anything to do with the fact that Metas is the one we're going to be after?" Liam asked. "Well... I mean everything that I've said. Hunting him down is just a little extra bonus..." Said Victoria. "It sounds like you've been waiting to settle the score for the longest time, ever since then." Said Liam. "Since, then huh... It feels like... A lifetime ago. Now... Metas has turned traitor, his sister Asralyn is with him, their brother Sethan's after them. Endro's dead. And uh, that boy... Lert, he's some barracks guard somewhere, now." She remarked.

"I'm impressed you remember all their names." Liam said, with a small smirk. "Well if I purposefully tried to forget the names of everyone I'd met, I'd let my memory dull and miss a chance to sharpen my mind. Besides, remembering people's names is handy if you want to piss them off by purposefully saying their name wrong." Victoria said with a smile. "But you seemed to purposefully not include one name..." Liam remarked. "Whatever do you mean by that?" Victoria exclaimed, rolling over onto her back.

"She was your friend... Don't you at least know where she is? Last that I've heard she was-" "She's a soldier for the kingdom. But all that was of her potential, wasted. Really, what's the point of serving the kingdom if you're not going to up the ranks? It's an insult to the rest of us, and those working hard to better help the kingdom! If she thinks she can waste the kingdom's resources on charity, maybe she should waste her time feeding the poor instead. Like how Flare ended up. So pathetic. And one more thing... That woman was never my friend." Victoria remarked. "Alright... But don't let me keep you up. Go to sleep. Don't mind me." Liam remarked, picking up a pipe on the table. He waved his hand near the candle, and the flame transferred and lit the pipe.

"Why do you think I was awake to see that you couldn't sleep? Because I couldn't either." Victoria said, scooting back to her spot in bed. "Why so? Don't tell me you've been thinking too." Said Liam, before puffing a smoke. "I'm... excited. Is all." She remarked, with a twinkle in her eyes and a smile on her face. Victoria's breathing and heart rate increased. "Mhm. Excited. I wish I could be the same." Liam remarked, looking up towards nowhere in particular. "Just be ready. We'll be going up against our toughest yet." Victoria remarked. "I'll get the job done." Said Liam. "Hmm." Victoria exclaimed. But as she lay, Victoria turned towards Liam once more. "Hey Liam, can I get a puff of that?" She asked.

Liam turned towards her. "Sure, knock yourself out." He remarked, handing her his pipe. She took the pipe, then twirled her pointer finger in the air. A small red ball of flame formed atop her finger and she set the smoldering pipe alight once more. She put the end of it to her mouth and took a puff, then blew smoke into the air. "This is nice, right? We can buy the finest tobacco the kingdom can have." Victoria remarked, handing the pipe back to Liam. He took a puff. "Mhm. It is." Said Liam. The early morning went on. The dark blue sky slowly turned into the pale yellow of sunrise, and not a word was spoken between them in the meantime.

Dawn broke, but the sun's rays could not reach in a certain cold, dark chamber of the kingdom. "Hmm... Hmm..." Seruvia remarked, pacing around the room. She was reading a small book as she walked back and forth, her heels clacking on the cold stone. Two shadow knights stood guard near a staircase that led to the surface. Shelves and shelves of books stood tall around the room. Tables with glass vials, beakers and bottles on top of them ran along the borders of the space's interior. High up on the walls, there were racks and shelves with more research equipment like flasks and magnifying glasses, but also tools such as saws, syringes, and small knives. The use of which bordered the line of medicinal and torture. "Hmm... Maybe... No. Hmm..." Seruvia said, mumbling to herself.

Alroc stood nearby, leaning on a bookshelf with his arms crossed. He was tapping his finger on his arm impatiently, as he watched Seruvia walking back and forth. "How about..." She remarked, walking up to one of the tables. On it, was a small metal plate with a bundle of burning twigs. She mumbled an incantation from the tome in her grasp, and held her other hand forward. The small fire suddenly erupted upward and changed color into a bright, light green color.

"Aha!" Seruvia exclaimed, with a smile on her face. With one flick of her wrist, the flame transferred from the table to above her palm. She pranced excitedly from the table and down the stairs, trying not to trip on her dress. "Lady Seruvia, one of the first lessons in handling one's own flame is not to run around with it active. You might hurt yourself or set something on fire." A bored Alroc remarked. "Don't worry Alroc, I have total control of my- Ah!" Seruvia exclaimed. The shadow knights and Alroc quickly ran to check on her. "I'm fine! There was just a cockroach that passed by, and it escaped before I could incinerate it. Really, I know this place is a dungeon but it should be cleaned from time to time. Maybe I'll order some of the shadows to do some pest control... Anyway, come on Alroc. I want to show you something!" Seruvia said, as she continued downstairs. "As you say so..." He remarked, following after her.

The shadow knights returned to guarding the entrance. They walked past empty cells; large rooms with layers of metal gates that was designed to keep things from getting out. Torches were along the walls, and Seruvia's green flame helped illuminate their path. Multiple stacks of paper lay along the floor, now soaked and unreadable. Within the cells were chains and manacles attached to the walls, and some rooms had tables with metal clasps where the hands, feet, and torso would have been. Some cells had chains torn out from the walls or broken into pieces.

As Alroc and Seruvia reached the end of the long hall, they came across a robed and hooded man in front of a cell covered by a sheet of cloth. A faint, low growling could be heard from beyond the curtain. The man before them had a slightly hunched back, and their face was obscured from view. "Lady Seruvia, might- might you be here to ask about the new breakthroughs in our- my research?" The man spoke in a feeble, shaky voice. "You know that's not why I'm here, gnat. Pull away the curtain! I've something to demonstrate to Alroc here." Seruvia exclaimed. "But- But Lady Seruvia! It would be a waste to destroy our last remaining specimen! We haven't completed our research yet, and there's so much more to learn. I'm sure this information could be made useful to the kingdom-" "Quiet, I'll order you for your opinion when I desire it. Now draw the curtains open, this flame of mine might go out!" Seruvia exclaimed, before turning towards Alroc.

"So, I've been reading up on some of some of the observations that that traitor Serafion left behind and I've found out that these creatures are similar to that... icky witchcraft she's using. And so, I can use it to test my fire to prepare for our eventual encounter!" She remarked proudly. Seruvia then turned back towards the robed man with an annoyed expression. "Why hasn't the curtain been drawn? I've asked for it, and you heard it. So why hasn't it been yet done!?" Seruvia exclaimed.

"I... I won't." The man remarked, he faced away meekly from her but still stood his ground. 'Hmph. Let this farce be done with.' Alroc thought. He stepped forward to remove the curtain himself, but Seruvia stopped him. "No, no. Not you, Alroc. I'm asking this... feeble thing. I ordered him something and he did not do as he was told! You 'researchers' have dedicated time and resources for naught in your experiments! Serafion the traitor made use of your findings to practice vile sorcery! You lot are lucky you were not executed for collusion, and you are lucky you still have a job! Now do as I tell you or you won't be so lucky any longer..." She remarked. "Mercy, Lady Seruvia! Mercy!" The man remarked, cowering in fear. "Do as she asks." Said Alroc. The man then reluctantly pulled a string that drew the curtains open.

"Really... It's from the kingdoms pockets that the people are fed and clothed, what audacity to disobey a direct order from it..." Seruvia remarked. As soon as the curtain was drawn, a figure jumped from the shadows and collided against the metal gate. A snarling beast with hide in the color of night snapped and clawed against the thick metal bars of the cell. The robed man stepped out of the way, and Alroc brought out his weapon. Though, Seruvia stood fearlessly as the beast raged before her. "This creature... It's been quite some time since my blade has pierced through one of its kind..." Alroc remarked.

"Yes, yes. The creatures that stalk the night and are the stuff of the citizens' legends and myths. We've been infrequently plagued by these beasts for years, and even after extensive research and experience, we know nothing about them." Seruvia remarked. "That is why we should keep this specimen alive and not waste-" The robed man remarked. "Speaking of waste, that is what all this effort has resulted to! The funds of the kingdom down the drain and nothing to show for! Instead this research is involved with heretical magic and witchcraft, and should be banned! This beast and all that it stands for is a threat to the kingdom and should be immediately destroyed. Corruption is the only thing any knowledge from this thing can give." Seruvia pompously proclaimed. She stepped forward as she scolded the man.

Seruvia glanced to the side and her flame illuminated the robed man's face just briefly. "Ugh." Seruvia remarked as she jolted back in response to the man's unsightly visage. Recomposing herself, she raised her hand to the air. "Now, dark creature! Burn before the flame!" She exclaimed, and a jet of flame flew from her hands and scorched the creature. The beast writhed and lashed out before burning to ashes. The robed man was dismayed. "Ha! See how it burns! Conventional arms are not this effective agents agents of the dark. If I perfect this, then Serafion has no chance..." said Seruvia. 'Hmm, what a waste. I'd rather to test myself against the beast myself...' Thought Alroc. "Lady Seruvia... Why are we not searching for them right now?" He asked.

"Because! Do you really expect me to be out there amongst the filth, searching for rats in the dirty crevices where they are hiding from? No, that's the job of the shadows. And they're searching up and down the kingdom as we speak. My role is personally dealing with her- them, and delivering their heads to the council on a silver platter. Then, I'll be recognized for my efforts." She remarked. "If you say so. It's likely that they won't be easily found. It could be, that they have already left the kingdom..." Said Alroc.

"Yes it could be, but security's been tightened all across the borders of the kingdom. And the shadows are scrambling to find every hide and hair of them. Even if it is so, we must not let our guard down. We're not letting them off easy. They were just in a battle, correct? All that fuss, and the attack was them trying to make themselves look like heroes but they were in fact bringing that trouble to our kingdom! They probably did something outside that made whomever attacked go to them as revenge. Powerful, magic, or not... It would be unwise to make the trek outside the kingdom immediately, yes? And what the reports say are true, their foes were also crazed heretics using unusual sorcery. They're a sizable group, and if even one of them got injured..." "It would be too much of a risk to move all at once. Which means they're still here." Alroc remarked.

"I'll forgive you for interrupting me since you're right and I think they're not just in the kingdom... I think they're not far from where they are. And... they wouldn't have been able to stay as long as they have in the kingdom without someone housing them. And we have many enemies among our ranks." Seruvia exclaimed. "You're thinking of someone in particular? Someone besides Serafion?" Alroc asked. "Yes. In the past we couldn't catch them and it didn't matter because they were all small fry... Like rats, too small to catch but too small to be dangerous. But I should have known that even something as small as rats can cause an entire nation to fall to ruin. And if they're housing them..." Seruvia exclaimed, before going silent. "Hmph, maybe we should focus our efforts on locating these rebels..." He remarked.

Seruvia turned towards the hooded man in confusion. "Oh? Why are you still here? The beast is dead and gone, you have no more task to accomplish here. Go now, you no longer have any reason to keep wasting the kingdom's resources..." Seruvia exclaimed. The robed man was clearly distressed at the death of the creature. "This... This place, it still needs someone to take care of it. These intstruments... The information, someone must preserve it and study it..." He remarked. Seruvia started walking back and Alroc followed. "Well, then we just need to burn this whole place to the ground." She exclaimed. "Wait, wait! Lady Seruvia, you can't do that!" The man said, running up to her.

"Out of my way, maggot! And no one can tell me what to do except those old geezers, and I'll be ruling after they've gone and croaked." Seruvia said, moving past the man. "Please, Lady Seruvia! The knowledge here, its still useful! All this work, all these rare tomes, all of these advanced equipment, it can still be useful to the kingdom! You... You use some of our research as well, yes? With your flame. You can still improve it! Yes, more research still needs to be done!" The man said, shuffling along to keep up with Seruvia.

"I do, use some of it. But most of this research is exploring into a realm outside the flame and that cannot be tolerated. Serafion dabbled a bit too much and look where that got her. I am setting the line. Besides, all of this morbid information is practically useless and awfully drab. All she uses is darkness and she wears is black... My flames are bright green, like an emerald jewel and not like the ugh... orange that everybody else is using." Seruvia turned towards Alroc.

"Oh, sorry. I know you shadows all dress in black. I know you all dress that way because of sneaking... Moving at night, and... being scary and all that. If it was up to me, you'd all be dressing in bright red, or maybe green or pink! Yes, I think that'll look good on you..." Seruvia remarked. "What... am I going to do now?" The robed man said to himself. "Your business is your own, don't let me tell you what to do... But a piece of advice, you should leave this place before it goes up in flames." Seruvia said. A small mosquito buzzed by Seruvia and she swatted it out of the air. The man was was at a loss for words, devastated as Seruvia casually walked up the stairs with Alroc following her. "You two, grab some of my stuff here. And, this book. Have this place scheduled for demolition soon. I'm done with it, so the kingdom doesn't need it anymore." She remarked, and the two shadow knights bowed in reply.

As they exited the gloomy underground chamber, Seruvia blocked her eyes from the sunlight. Alroc stepped forward and she was shielded from the outside light. They emerged in the back alley of some well-traveled street. Two regular knights walked up towards her. "Any news on finding the fugitives? Or the rebels?" He asked them. "We're sorry to say that... There's no leads yet, as of now. But, its only been a day! And... We will find them." The knight remarked. "What about the 'special operations' knight that went missing. Do you have any leads on him?" Alroc asked. "Negative, as well." The other knight exclaimed.

"Then what are you two still doing here, get on with it! Away!" Seruvia exclaimed, and the knights bowed before marching away to leave. "So, Enjou is still missing... That could be trouble." She remarked. "Do you think he could have been killed by the fugitives?" Alroc asked. "Possibly, but... I'm afraid he hasn't. And who knows if he'll come back to us now..." said Seruvia. "His way of thinking is... Inscrutable. And in all the time he's served the kingdom I haven't gotten a handle on him. If he's turned traitor..." "He might be an even bigger threat than those fugitives. The kingdom went through enough last time just to capture him." Seruvia remarked.

"But I have a feeling he won't. He's a hunter, just like me. And face-to-face with such prey... He might even take care of our fugitive problem for us." Alroc exclaimed. "If that occurs, then that's once less load off our backs." Seruvia said with a sigh. "Where are we going to now?" Alroc asked. "Let's pay a visit to that 'dark well'. It's being managed by a few shadows right now, but I'm hoping I can use my flame to seal it once and for all." said Seruvia. "That place was less of a risk when Enjou was guarding it... Those mysterious creatures might emerge from it. Maybe this time you'll let me sink my claws into it?" Alroc asked. "Well, let's see if it even comes to that." Seruvia exclaimed.

The two walked off, but Seruvia suddenly stopped. "Hmm? I just realized, those beasts could emerge from that well so what we killed wasn't really the last one. But, its not like we're going to tell him about it. Much leaving one of those things alive to give to him. Pfft... Hmm..." Seruvia chuckled, before bursting into a self-satisfied cackle.

In the stairway behind them, the robed man was eavesdropping on the two of them. 'Unbelievable, how could this... How could this be!? I've dedicated all the years of my life in service to the kingdom and... No, no. Surely there must be someone with a cooler head than Lady Seruvia. Yes, yes. I can prove my worth elsewhere... I won't be useless! I won't come back to where I came from!' He remarked, before skulking out of the stairway and slinking into the streets.

In the princess' manor, harsh sunlight peeked through the curtains and shone onto Helia who had fallen asleep on a chair in the meeting room. She slept soundly, and throughout the night she had removed her breastplate and slept while wearing her tunic shirt. Alfred entered the room and his heavy frame creaked on the wooden floor. "Hmm... Ah! Where- Alfred! Why-" Helia exclaimed, surprised. She stood up quickly, quickly donned her armor and tried to find her sword nearby. She searched frantically for a second before realizing that her sword was no longer with her. "Damn it, Alfred! I told you all that I needed to wake up at sunrise because all of the work that we needed to do!" She exclaimed. Agatha walked into the room carrying a silver tray with a cup of tea, a bunch of juicy grapes, sliced white bread, and a plate full of assorted meats. "Your Highness, your morning meal." She remarked.

"Agatha, I don't need that right now! I need to... I need to-" Helia exclaimed. "We've taken care of some of the more urgent business... Mister Quinton is out there as we speak assessing the situation and our standing." Alfred remarked. "I said, I wanted to do things myself!" Helia slammed her fist onto the table. She angrily walked forward. "Not doing as you all are told! Making deals behind my back! You're all worse than useless, you disobey-" Helia suddenly fell to one knee. "Say, princess. When's the last time you had a proper meal?" Agatha asked, sternly. "I... told you... Don't... call me... princess..." Helia remarked weakly, out of breath.

"Then don't act like a petulent little princess. Don't tell me you expected that we didn't notice? Every time you move I can see how strained you walk... You must have cuts, bruises, from the battle you recently had. And this wound on your head..." Agatha placed her hand on Helia's forehead. "Tch!" Helia exclaimed. "You won't let us or a healer treat it... And you stubbornly moving forward isn't a mark of a great leader. It is the mark of a fool who can't lead, and can't trust their subjects and will be left in the dust. Blindly stride forward and you're bound to strike a wall or fall of a cliff. Now... Are you going to let us treat your wounds? Or are you going to eat your breakfast?" She asked.

"Give... me that damn tray." Helia remarked, getting to her feet. "Good girl." Said Agatha. She took the tray, cleared a portion of the table with one hand, and set it down with force. She sat down with similar fervor. "Your Highness, it has been quite a while since I prepared your meal, it might be a bit cold-" Miss Agatha was interrupted by the sound of sizzling as Helia stuck her pinky finger in her teacup. She then grabbed the pieces of white bread and began to toast them with her flame. "Speak, quickly. What have you already accomplished in my absence? I'll be setting off as soon as I'm finished eating. Miss Agatha, I'll need a cup of water." Helia remarked. She tore a grape off the bunch and threw it in her mouth, took a piece of sliced ham, stuck in between two pieces of bread and wolfed it down. "Right away, Your Highness." Said Agatha.

"After we set off at dawn, our first task was to spread word amongst our informants. We stopped at the market, the tavern, and at the gates near the nobles' quarter." Said Alfred. "Those are places I'd rather not visit myself, perhaps it was worth it not to go myself after all." Helia remarked, in between bites. "Your Highness." Said Agatha, handing her a glass full of water and placing a pitcher on the table. She downed the glass. "With my presence there and in speaking the pass phrase, we were able to quickly convince them to act. We were there under the pretense of behind on behalf of the kingdom itself, saying it was just a scheduled check-in." Alfred continued.

"Good, good. Let them be none the wiser. But, they're going to eventually notice that we're doing all this in quick succession in such a short time..." Helia replied. "Yes, and they'll be all the more suspicious when we have the knights move your chests and coffers of treasure here." Said Alfred. "Hmm... Is that such a good idea? The knights won't know, but the other council members will immediately know that you're going against them." Miss Agatha exclaimed.

"Bah, they know how I'd react to a provocation like they made yesterday. Better to prepare in advance and say to them that I will not be trifled with. If push came to shove, they'll seize my assets from the kingdom's pocket. But now that I've taken my share of treasure from them, the worst thing they could do is mount a full frontal assault on this manor. If that happens... Well, I'll entrench myself deeply into the kingdom to avoid that from happening. There will be unavoidable consequence from my supporters but, I want to make sure I'll be like a knife stuck deep in their flesh. Pull it out, and the body will bleed to death." Helia remarked.

"If we can rally enough supporters to the cause, then the threat of civil war might be enough to protect you from political or direct action." Said Alfred. Helia took a sip of tea. "Yes, if the council members order the knights to go against me then I'll need to have convinced them that they're going against the crown, and not that I'm the one who has turned traitor..." said Helia, as she devoured a handful more grapes.

"Respectfully, Your Highness... Your reputation among the knights and the people is... tenuous. And if you suddenly act nice to them they won't believe it. But I think your usual tactics might also put them off." "I don't plan on giving charity, they'll see right through it. And people easily crumble under fear, but that breeds hate and resentment. I'll show them I'm a true leader that they can get behind. Someone they can respect, and that the crown rests on the rightful head. And that will be confirmed with my decisive victory over Metas and the fugitives." said Helia, as she tore through a tough piece of meat with her teeth.

"Indeed. Here is the list of the matters we compiled last night. We've crossed off the ones we've already attended to." Alfred remarked. Helia then rushed through finishing the last of her food, poured herself another cupful of water, and gulped it down. Helia then jumped to her feet. "Agatha!" She exclaimed. "What is it, Your Highness?" The old woman asked. "Directions to the bathroom! Then I'll be leaving!" Helia answered.

"Uh... There's one down the hall, to the left, and then turn the corner or for the one upstairs... Go up the stairs, go past the rooms, and go straight ahead." Miss Agatha answered, slightly taken aback. "Alright!" Helia exclaimed, marching out of the room. "Miss Agatha..." Said Alfred, readying some items for their departure. "I'll take care of the manor in your absence, just alert me of any visitors we'll be expecting." She remarked. "Thank you for your assistance." Said Alfred, stepping out of the door. "And Sir Alfred..." The towering knight stopped in his tracks. "What is it?" He asked. "Take care of Her Highness for me, for us all." Said Agatha. "I will, I ensure it. All I do is for the good of Her Highness and the kingdom." Alfred remarked. "As we do all." Said Agatha, looking wistfully as the knight left.

The midday sun raged on outside. Helia strode confidently, undeterred by the heat. She was kept in the shade as Alfred walked beside her. They were in a field of well-trimmed grass, and walked to a patio to a fanciful mansion. "Lord Warl, we are glad to comply with your request-" "And for the last time, I'm not moving an inch until-" A rosy cheeked, balding middle-aged man sat under the shade and argued with Quinton. The man wore extravagant, puffy clothing with a frilled collar.

His layers of clothing were almost as thick as he was, and made his face drip with sweat. "Ah, Princess! Finally, you've arrived! I was telling your lackey here that I won't make a deal unless you yourself showed up! But it seems like your servant went ahead and decided to act for you. These pesky servants... Getting thoughts of their own; as far as they should be concerned, they are only to do as their master commands them to!" Warl remarked in a most pompous fashion. 'Who does this baldy think he is...' Helia thought to herself.

"Ah, yes. I'll make sure to reprimand him harshly later." Helia said, making it look like her anger was turned towards Quinton. Alfred gave him a look, and Quinton bowed, before walking away. "Reprimand? If it were me, I'd have them killed!" Warl then erupted into uproarious laughter. An elderly man in raggedy clothing then walked in, carrying a large fan. His hands and feet were bound with chains. "Speaking of which, where have you been, slave? I called for you a third of a minute ago!" Warl exclaimed.

"I apologize-" "Another word and I'd have your tongue ripped from your mouth. Now, fan me!" Warl remarked, and the slave began to fan him. "Mister Warl, let's talk business-" Helia remarked, before Warl interrupted. "Princess, princess! First of all, I prefer to be called... Lord... Warl... And secondly, I haven't even invited you for tea yet. Is there... some other urgent business for you to attend to? Like other matters you handled before meeting me? Am I so unimportant to you as to not attend to me first and have your underling speak to me? In that case, our agreement will be cut short before it starts!" Lord Warl remarked.

"No, no. Simply... The journey here was long and we have already eaten and... We know you're a man whose mind is of business, so we thought you'd like to skip the pleasantries!" Helia exclaimed, putting on a crude facsimile of a warm smile. Mister Warl paused for a moment, with a serious expression. He then burst into raucous laughter. "You know me so well! Indeed, I am one with mercantile trade itself! Still... I should really offer you some tea. Maid! Bring them some tea at once!" said Warl, clapping his plump digits rapidly. "Yes, master!" A voice from the other end of his manor exclaimed. "About our terms-" Said Helia. "Take a seat, princess." Warl said, gesturing to a nearby chair.

Helia smiled with gritted teeth and took a seat. "About our agreement-" "Yes; you looked over the terms that I have sent, I trust?" Warl asked. "Yes, I-" "Good, good. I sent it in short notice as soon as I was informed of the matter. The knights have created checkpoints all around the kingdom to help look for the fugitives that have been wreaking havoc. But as a consequence of that, they've been arresting and putting in scrutiny those they deem... suspicious. And as a result of that, my caravans have been halted and the shipments haven't gone in! These pesky guards detained my men all because they didn't have the proper paperwork! But its a waste of 'my' time and money to ensure every single little middleman has some scrap of paper. It's absurd!" Warl, interrupting Helia once more.

"It is quite so-" "This kingdom has no respect for me! I have the riches and rose up the ranks for my status, and yet those sneering nobles laugh at me rightfully proclaiming myself as lord!" "Lord Warl-" "Silence! I do not like to be interrupted!" Warl cried out. "Your tea, sire." The old maid lowered a tray onto the table. "Finally..." Warl then took a sip which made a sound reminiscent of water being sucked down into a drain. "Drink, princess! This tea is the best in the entire kingdom! It's tailored exactly to my specifications." Said Warl.

Helia picked up a teacup, and took a small sip. "Hmm." She remarked, before putting it down. "It is really quite something, isn't it?" Warl asked. "Yes... It is quite... something." Said Helia. 'Tastes like cut grass dumped into sewer water...' She thought. Warl then turned towards Alfred. "Sir knight! Might you try some of my finest tea as well?" He remarked. "No thank you, Lord Warl." Alfred said, raising his hand in refusal. "It is the best in the kingdom! You must try it!" Warl exclaimed. Alfred lowered his hand and simply stared, silently.

"Ah princess, you've wasted enough of our time chatting so let's get down to talking business." Warl remarked, intimidated by Alfred. "Yes... I understand your goods have trouble exiting the walls of the kingdom, and that materials and supplies are unable to enter our borders. Have you tried using... the other channels?" Helia asked. "Of course I have! But, they can't be all sneaked through. These shipments are large in bulk you know?" Warl exclaimed. "And... you want me to use the authority of the crown to allow your goods and materials to pass through?" Helia asked, as she rested her chin on her hands atop the table.

"Very correct, princess." Said Warl. "But, what do I have to gain in exchange for such a favor?" Said Helia. "Is it not enough that our kingdom continues to receive a significant portion of earnings from trade? As much as my pockets are filled, so too are the kingdom's coffers!" Warl remarked. "Yes, it is not enough. The reason why those with missing papers are stopped are to prevent the passage of those who bear ill-intent towards the people. If I am to use my authority to let all those who travel in your name through, what is to stop other unscrupulous entities to use that to infiltrate our kingdom? Or am I myself to oversee every single passage of your carts and carriages to let them pass through? This is a difficult matter to accomplish, you see... And so demands high compensation." Helia remarked.

"Hmm... I know what this is... You want my funds, my resources and my backing to help you in your rise to power. I've always wondered why you haven't seated on your throne as our illustrious queen. You wish to move yourself up the ranks! In that case... Even if my help is not public knowledge, I'm still taking on a big risk, you know? So I believe that what I'm asking is far too small in fact... I believe I can ask more in exchange for my backing." Said Warl.

"How presumptous... But correct. Let me tell you something... You arrange a large number of your shipments... or whatever, to arrive at the same time. I'll let them pass through all at once. And we'll also try to speed up the process in getting your men their papers. Additionally, the borders will return to normal once we capture those fugitives, but. Hmm... It would be quite difficult to do this task without your resources, and as such it might take longer to do it without your help... But the kingdom's borders will remain as is in the meantime, how unfortunate." Said Helia.

"Hmph. You're willing to risk the kingdom's safety to just to put pressure on me? Very well... You have my support. But there is something you must do that will be beneficial to both of us if you are to pursue vying for the throne." Said Warl. "You mean you have something you must have me do." Helia answered. "There's something that benefits us both, or rather will trouble both of us. And only you, have the means to do it." Said Warl. "I'm listening..." Helia remarked. "Well, see... I have a major competitor. He's low-down scum by the name of Anders. He's been stealing the market that is rightfully mine and slowly inching to take my position. Somehow, his business hasn't been affected by the recent lockdown and I fear that this might be the thing that breaches the gap between us, and I must not let that happen!" Warl exclaimed, slamming his fist onto the table.

'It looks like you were just too lazy to do the paperwork he did...' Thought Helia. "In any case, I want you to remove his status as an official supplier of goods for the knights and for the people of the kingdom. If he is to continue as he is, it won't matter if I back you. My position will be diminished, and my power and resources will dwindle! It is a problem for both you and I." Said Warl. "Now, now... Even if I could do that... What acceptable reason could I give to suddenly remove him from his position?" Helia exclaimed, crossing her arms.

"We all know you have certain, uh... Habits." "Pardon?" Helia asked. "What I'm saying is... If you suddenly decide to refuse a man from his position, it is not too unexpected even if it is for a minor reason only... Surely you understand that too, yes?" Warl remarked. "Hmm... I have an idea to create a legitimate reason for that to happen." Said Helia. "So, is that a deal?" Warl asked, outstretching his hand forward. "Deal." Helia remarked, shaking the man's hand. She then stood up and walked away, with Alfred following her.

"Pleasure doing business with you, princess!" Warl exclaimed. "Tch." Helia exclaimed. They walked out of Warl's garden, through his gates to the outside. Quinton was leaning on a wall waiting for them. "Lady Helia, I take it you've finished negotiating. Earlier, all that about reprimanding me harshly was... just said to appease Lord Warl, was it not?" He asked. "Well, I'm considering it. But you'd be put into better use for something else, we still have much work to do." Said Helia, and the three continued walking. "Your Highness, how do you plan to do as that merchant asks?" Alfred asked. "I have a plan... Let's attend to other pressing matters first." Said Helia, with a smile.

The midday sun shone brightly over the battlefield where Grisham's mindless husks battled with Felkin and the others just the night before. Burnt buildings, cracked pavement, deserted and destroyed houses... And most of all, the heaps of corpses. Evident signs of the fierce fighting and bloodshed that had transpired there not too long ago. A woman clad in black armor except a helmet looked on at the aftermath, shielding her eyes from the sun's rays. She and another man in black armor walked towards one of the regular knights. "I thought we'd already given the higher ups a report that states everything we know, what's with the inspection?" The knight asked.

"It's just to make sure, Commander Dreilond." Said Victoria. "That's curious. A group of black-armored knights already came by and said the same thing." Commander Dreilond remarked, looking towards a number of black-armored knights searching through the area. "We like to be thorough..." Said Liam. "Thorough, huh? Say... didn't expect you two and your crew to be donning the black armor..." Commander Dreilond remarked. "Well, a promotion was due sooner or later. And besides, you know we've been always vying for this position, right?" Victoria remarked. "By the way you acted in the force, it was like you're already taking missions from them. Being secretive like you had your own seperate tasks from what was ordered of you... Well, good for you I suppose." Said the Commander.

"Ehem... Back to business." Liam remarked. "Yes, indeed. May I ask a question about last night's attack?" Victoria asked. "Sure. I've already told the knights, the shadows, and the council about everything that's happened, but ask away." The Commander remarked. "Alright, then. Is it true that you had contact with the fugitives? And then, you let them go free? But you recognized them, correct? Particularly the former knight known as Metas. But how did they slip past you? Did you perhaps... Willingly let them escape? Or maybe you were threatened by them?" Victoria asked, cheekily. "Which of them told-" A knight whispered. "Hmm!" Dreilond exclaimed.

"Ah, so you did do that... How interesting..." Victoria exclaimed gleefully. "Hmph. There were... simply more pressing matters to attend to. The other attackers to the kingdom, the safety and evacuation of the people... As Commander, I decided what was best for my troops to do at the moment. I deemed capturing them... A matter to be done later." Said Commander Dreilond. "Your judgement should be under scrutiny then. Were you aware that after you aided the fugitives' escape they made an attempt on the princess' life? You would have aided the enemies of the kingdom in killing Her Highness! If that is really the case then, then... That would be tantamount to treason! You could be stripped of your rank or, or imprisoned! Or yet... Executed." Victoria exclaimed, with a sly grin forming on her face.

The Commander was shocked. "Is... Is that truly so..." He remarked, distressed. "Are you feeling regret over the matter?" Victoria asked. "I shall put it right at once! We will capture the fugitives and end the threat to our kingdom!" The Commander exclaimed. "So, letting them run free is your doing... Well, its not like too many would be displeased by her passing..." Said Victoria. "If you said that in front of Her Highness could get you killed!" A nearby knight exclaimed. "Hmm... What's your game... Victoria, what do you really want?" Dreilond asked.

"It's simple, really. I don't want your apology, or your help. Nor do I want to rat you out to the higher ups." Said Victoria. "Then what do you want?" Said Dreilond. "Isn't it obvious? I want... them. I am merely fulfilling my duty to the kingdom in the utmost manner. I want to know everything is there to know about what they did that day. Every word you spoke about, their every move, every where each of them were spotted or seen... I need all there is to know." Victoria remarked. "Hmph... I don't think I can give all the information you need, but... Let me take some time to prepare for what you've asked..." Dreilond remarked, walking off.

Victoria looked up, breathed in and out and stretched her arms upward. "Ah... Doesn't this armor feel comfy?" She exclaimed. Behind her, Liam finished talking to one of his knights. "It's just the same armor, but in black." Liam remarked. "Still, it's quite dashing. Anyway, what news?" Victoria exclaimed. "I've received of the information that was not disclosed to us before now... We'd best go under the shade, there's a lot to discuss." Said Liam, ruffling through the various papers in his hands.

"Let's." Victoria remarked, as they walked under a nearby building's shade. "Let's see... It all started when Serafion was deemed to be an enemy of the kingdom and she escaped, and all forces were ordered to capture or kill her on sight." Said Liam. "Wait, wait. I thought we had all the information we didn't have access to as regular knights." Victoria exclaimed. "Hmm. Apparently even the shadows don't know. Perhaps only the council knows..." Liam remarked. "Well, we'll get there eventually. Now, what's next?" Victoria asked.

"After that, all was seemingly normal for months until recently. Just a week ago, Metas was sent out as a lone agent to investigate whispers of witches and shadowy beasts in a far off village. But a few days ago, he cut off contact and didn't return from his mission. A few shadows were following him and observing his progress, and they found out from the villagers that he helped a suspected 'witch' from being executed on a pyre." "The savages! So this is what the culture is like in those far off villages. Good thing in the midst of civilization, there's no such thing as burning criminals on pyres in the streets!" Victoria said sarcastically.

"Good thing... Well, Metas was said to be accompanied by an unknown young man with a strange weapon that... could lengthen impossibly past its size." Liam remarked. "Ooh... A relic. The kingdom could use another one of those in its pocket, since most of the relics we have can't be used and Endro well... We know how that ended. Though there are rumors of a relic in the hands of the nobility... So, a foreigner boy with a relic, I'd like to cross blades with a relic someday." Victoria remarked.

"Metas, the young man, and the witch escaped and were chased by a mob. Wherein the witch used... strange magic to help them escape. The next time they were sighted was... At the outskirts of the kingdom in a snowy village. That's when they were spotted once more by the villagers, where they soon encountered Sir Siegmund and fought off a horde of bandits. The leader of the bandits was reported to have strange magic power himself. Hmm... It's a day's ride from the fastest horses back to the kingdom so they couldn't have made the trip on foot. The more we learn about this group, the more troubling they seem to be..." Liam remarked.

"This is... exciting!" Victoria exclaimed. "In the middle of the horde of bandits, they escaped into the forest." "You mean the Forest of No Return?" "Hmm. I suppose so. Well, their next sighting was in that incident where cultists were practicing some dark magic in rundown corner of the city." "They were with the cultists?!" "No, it seems like they had accepted a bounty to hunt them down." "Hmm, maybe posting a bounty for they themselves is a good idea..." Victoria remarked.

"But when they were spotted, the young man with the relic was no longer with them. Instead, he was seen in a different corner of the kingdom. Fighting off another horde of bandits with Sethan and his knights. The relic-wielder disappeared in the midst of the battle. And with Metas' group, the cultists were wiped out, but they soon were in an encounter with the Princess. They fought her off, escaped from the shadows, which brings us to yesterday. Where they had an encounter with more bandits who caused the destruction here, and had another encounter with Helia before disappearing again..." Liam sighed in disbelief. "Hmph, these reports have to be fabricated or exaggerated in some way..." He remarked, meanwhile Victoria was beaming with excitement.

"Even if half of this was true, it means that they'll be difficult to catch, and much more difficult to kill. Are you still sure that we didn't bite off more than we can chew?" Liam asked. "Listen, Liam. Who in the kingdom has better flame control than you?" Victoria remarked. "Hmm... That's difficult to say. But... It's probably me." Said Liam. "And who's the best halberd wielder in the kingdom?" Victoria asked. "Well, not many people use halberds but... It's likely you." Liam answered.

"Then we have nothing to worry about! All of the missions we've had were all too easy. So finally, we have a challenge on our hands." Victoria exclaimed. "Hmm. I suppose so." Said Liam. "Knight Victoria, Knight Liam, the Commander is asking to see you both." One of the other knights remarked. "Good, we were tired from waiting." Said Victoria, following after the knight. Liam followed after them.

And... you're all caught up.

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