
The Void Writer

This young man in his early life as a teenager is considered to be a talent born once every century. A modern Shakespeare. Highly regarded by thousands of people all around the globe with his tear-jerking creations of love story that will make men and women cry. In short, a genius. But everyone knew of his true nature. Despite being awarded countless awards as one of the best romance author in the whole world, he's... clueless. Everything about love. His cold demeanor and a stone cold face shows no signs of attractions or feelings to anyone. He doesn't feel any attraction to anyone. Now, he enters the first years of his high school life. Several interesting characters entered his life in which fate clearly planned to. Will he be able to feel the feelings of the character he writes in his novels or will he just be the same old, cold and heartless, 'Void Writer'? AUTHOR'S NOTE: As much as I'd like to reference real books in the real world in this story, I'm afraid that I cannot since there's copyrights and licensing protecting those things. And I'm not going to risk it. So that's why most of the books in this story will be made up by me.

Yrythaela · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
169 Chs

Page VIII - Descent of an Angel

The girl then said in a straight face, "So... why'd you suddenly dragged me into your 'loving arms'?"

"Please don't call it that..." Talking with her made Theodore mentally exhausted.

"Then why'd you do this?"

"You were trying to jump!"

"I was not."

"Then what's with you taking off the shoes! In other countries that basically means suicide!"

"I just want to feel the ground."


The girl tilted her head again. "What?"

"As I told you please don't give me that, 'I don't know what you're talking about' look!" Theodore let out an exasperated sigh in exhaustion. "Then what about you opening your arms?"

"I wanted to feel the air."

"This girl..."

"I also wanted to recreate the scene in Titanic so I set up that scene."

"So you set up a suicide scene so that someone will come and rescue you!?"


"...I'm going to lose my mind talking to you."

"Why?" The girl tilted her head again.

"Nothing." Theodore let out another sigh. "Now, will you please get off of me?"

"But you're the one who pushed me in this position?"

"Listen here woman..." Theodore then pushed her and completely swapped both of their positions but as the woman fell from his sudden push, Theodore swiftly put reached out his hand to her back to soften her fall. "You're one troublesome woman." Theodore let her body rest on the ground as he stood up to clean the dirt that has gotten in his clothes.

"Oh, I felt my heart beat skip there." But she said it with no emotions and had a blank emotion on her face.

Theodore squinted his eyes and looked at her carefully. "Hmm..."

"Kyaa. Pervert."

"I'm not. And don't say it with a straight face! The longer I talk to you, my personality changes for the worst." Theodore looked at her one last time and let out another sigh. "Anyway, I'll be going now. Don't... do that again." He scratched his head and tried to change the heavy atmosphere in the air. He looked at his watch and saw the time. "I didn't get to borrow anything at the library too. This has been an exhausting... eventful day." Theodore left the rooftop and slowly but surely escaped the school without getting seen by the upperclassmen.

Theodore slowly opened the door in his homeroom. To search for Ray. But all he found was the scattered crumbles of food, unorganized wiring of Ray's consoles and the plastic bags of chips Ray left here.

"I'm already physically and mentally exhausted for the day and I come back to this..? Middle school was much a more quiet place than this crap." Even though he's reluctant to do anything, he picked up the trash on the ground while thinking of thousand ways on how he wants to beat up Ray.

"I just want a quiet life..." He thought to himself.