
The Vodka Aunt Adventures

This is a poem I wrote for my friend, I did this for fun so please dont take it too seriously. We are both teens so this is written solely based of what she has said her life goals are

PeRsOn · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

after ken

After Ken she found another, a man she didn't

"love like a brother". Sending her kids to a boarding school and paying for their tuition knitting sweaters with alpaca wool. Her new beau was like a fairy tale, tall and strong but kind of a whale. His smile was bright like a burning lazer, and from attackers he'll protect with a tazer. This new beaus name was Chad, and he really didn't want to be a dad. Which was the reason she banished her kids for half the season. Chad and Shays sloth didnt get along, chad threatened to turn the poor thing into a bong. Shay yelled "I don't condone animal violence " leaving her house cold with silence. Shay has had enough of men, and she really and truly still misses ken

(ps. thank you for 1000 reads🥰)