
The virtue of a sinner

In a world of lost souls, the bearer of divine energy ascends from sin in order to enlighten everyone with the lost knowledge of the ancient tribe. Inevitably, in search of salvation, the sinners of this realm will find comfort in the arms of its savior, leading to redemption and ultimate escape from our flesh-bound cages.

mush_however_alive · perkotaan
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1 Chs

The flaws of mortal flesh

Have you ever wondered how one can repent for their sins?

Here's a better question: Is there even a need for that when sin is what inevitably makes you more human?

To be willing to die and face your judgement in spite of the fact that you fear it greatly; that is what it means to purge your soul from all evil, to repent. We, as humans, tend to fear judgement so badly that we would rather run away and live in misery than embrace the flaws that God has gifted us with and become light itself. Some people may find the courage to own their rights and wrongs and some may find themselves drowning in a sea of delusion. However, that's not the case when it comes to Magdalena; she's currently in the moral grey zone, right in between sin and virtue. Of course, she's only human so she's bound to be more inclined towards what she's not supposed to do, to follow the path of immoral acts. You may ask yourself what could possibly happen for Magdalena to choose such a path? Simple, it's called temptation; no one can resist such a strong call when the Devil itself sings it in honey coated notes.

It all happened during one of her late-night shifts; as she was performing her usual routine on stage with the same amount of vitality and passion as the first time she ever stepped in there. The public was immersed, staring at her in awe, ready to venerate the one that was dancing like no other. She was emanating the epitome of what one would call "feminine energy", all of it only through her sensual moves around the cold iron pole along with her unrivalled beauty. If you glanced down for a second, you'd notice that the floor was covered with yellowish glitter, but your attention would soon be drawn towards the mysterious yet fun atmosphere that Magdalena created; it was clear as day that tonight's theme was "The Golden Masquerade". Something felt different though, besides the fact that everyone was wearing a mask her intuition hinted that something life changing would happen tonight. As she was about to reach the grand finale of her performance the lights were slowly dying, but stopped and went back to their initial state of brightness and another dancer stepped in playfully, inviting her to another round. The show was not over, not yet, not until the lights fully go out; she played along and approached the seductive stranger. Magdalena got so close that the stranger could feel her exhausted breath on their neck as she slowly whispered:

-What are you doing? The show was supposed to end minutes ago!

-Change of plans; boss is intending to extend the show for another half an hour; the stranger responded while grabbing on to Magdalena's pearl necklace as they locked eyes.

- Let me guess, another one of his unscheduled clients wanted to attend the show; replied Magdalena with an oblivious tone while slowly leaning back causing the necklace to burst into pieces and roll on the floor.

-How did you know about the new client? I'm the only one he spoke to about it; questioned the masked girl as she carefully tried to avoid stepping on the pearls.

-How could I not notice when they're seated a few feet right behind you. I may be just one of the employees but I know a newcomer when I see him. Plus, they're in the VIP area; she concluded as she started to touch herself subtly.

Magdalena was so focused on her performance that she forgot about the pearls on the floor or that she's sharing the stage with another person. She stepped on one of them and was about to fall but the mysterious dancer grabbed her by the waist, she caught her just in time. They locked eyes once again and Magdalena felt slightly aroused by the whole moment since they were just a few inches away from each other and the dancer's sweet scent engulfed her as she tried to breathe in . The masked girl smirked and began touching Magdalena's body gently as if she knew what her deepest desires were. Magdalena was once again surprised by what was happening but continued to improvise, moving around sensually, trying to not get the wrong idea about what could be just thoughtless gestures. Despite that, there was something going on between them for sure and only they could tell what was on their mind during the whole show. The sexual tension between them was one of a kind; it may not be the most obvious thing since the clients were too preoccupied with merely admiring the whole thing to their heart's content, filling their glasses with more and more alcohol while being hypnotized by ephemeral rhythms. This was encouraging the two girls to fall deeper into temptation; leading to Magdalena's biggest sin, her uncontrollable desire to sink her teeth deeper into this girl's flesh. Only metaphorically speaking, she actually just wants to make out with her and satisfy her immorality.

The show would come to an end with a grandiose scene, the two girls spinning around the cold metal pole in sync and the crowd erupting in cheers of absolute delight as the colorful lights slowly fade away.

-Are you ready? The crowd is about to go wild; smiled the masked girl towards Magdalena.

- Oh please, I've been waiting for this moment. These heels are killing me; complained Magdalena as she gripped the pole firmly.

-I thought you enjoyed the whole dancing thing; replied the stranger while doing the same thing.

-I do, but not the part where I have to entertain the male gaze or wear torture devices such as these; she stated then started spinning gracefully.

- What about the female gaze then?

- What do you mean? I don't get it; she blushed, trying to act as if she wasn't panicking at all.

-I felt quite entertained by your performance. I was wondering if you could spare some of your precious time and drink a few glasses with me; whispered the playful stranger as she looked her straight in the eye.

Thus the show finally reached an end and Magdalena found herself a new drinking buddy. The moment came and the mysterious dancer took off her mask, revealing some beautiful features accentuated by a pale complexion. Magdalena was slightly taken aback by how beautiful she was, she looked sort of familiar in a way. She tried to recall where she saw her before but yearned for the sweet taste of alcohol so bad that she just shook off the uneasy feeling she felt up until now.

- We can drink at my place; suggested Magdalena as they walked through the backdoor.

-Let's go then; agreed the other one while clinging to her arm.

She was definitely aroused by how this girl approached her but she desperately tried to keep a poker face on the whole time and smiled subtly. The night was far from over, they kept on drinking until their veins contained nothing else but pure alcohol. They laughed and shared memories and experiences together until they realized:

-And there's no more booze. Just perfect; she sighed then plopped by Magdalena's side as she was looking at the empty bottles.

-Runa, come on. There's no need to be all gloomy. Here, this'll help you feel better; she suggested while offering her a cigarette.

-Will this magically solve my problem? It's just a cigarette; she doubted her as she grabbed the strange looking cigarette.

-Just try it. I promise it's gonna make you feel better; insisted Magdalena while taking out one for herself as well.

-This smells strange. What kind of cigarette is this? It smells like chocolate; she suspected with a doubtful look in her eyes as she lit her cigarette.

-That's right, this is my sweet delight. I use them whenever I feel bad. It's one of the two things that help me feel better; pleaded Magdalena pridefully while blowing out some smoke.

- What's the second one then?

-I'd rather keep that one to myself; she looked away after distancing herself from the source of her distress.

-Come on. Why won't you tell me? Is it something bad? Please, please tell me; she begged while clinging to her gently.

-No; she refused, trying to push her away so she wouldn't notice her flushed face.

Her face was glued to Magdalena's shoulder; she seemed warm and soft at first, just like a puppy. As seconds went by she slowly became more and more dominant; she started to brush her fingertips across her arm, smiled subtly and glanced upon her new prey.

- Don't tell me that the second thing is something inappropriate, such as..... making out; she smirked confidently after whispering such words.

The pup was gone, she became a feral wolf ready to devour everything in its way. Magdalena's breath was cut short after hearing such a thing. She was right though; you could tell just by looking at her red face as she dropped her cigarette on the floor how true the statement was. Magdalena turned around only to find Runa's face inches away from hers.

-Bloody heaven; she thought as she closed her eyes and gave in to her carnal desires, despite knowing that what she's about to do is forbidden. She leaned closer and kissed the stranger who she had been together with for the past few hours. The stranger seemed taken aback for a brief moment but reciprocated the gesture and started to slowly embrace her in a sensual way.

- Good girl. Took you long enough to realize; whispered Runa while grasping Magdalena's wavy, red hair then pulling gently.

-Wait; she gasped while having a satisfied look on her face.

-I've been waiting far too long; she smiled as she grabbed Magdalena's blouse then took it off, revealing a set of beautifully inked tattoos carved into her rosy skin.

Drunk and in a state of arousal, Magdalena complied and let her instincts take the lead. She took off her bra then proceeded to undress Runa gently. The room, now filled with smoke, became a place of sanctity and secrecy for the two sinners.

The pleasurable moment felt like an eternity; it happened to be so intense that their bodies were synchronized to the point of no-return. They became one single entity, meant to be sacred and revered; God's flawed yet beautiful creation.

- I want to hear you scream my name. I want you to experience a pleasure so great that you'll beg for more; she whispered in a dominant tone.

-You're out of your mind. You don't know what it takes to bring me to that point; contradicted Magdalena after taking the lead.

-What if I do?

-I'd like to see you try; she smirked while spreading Runa's legs apart.

-Enough with the chit-chat. We should let our bodies speak for us; she replied, looking at her with glazed eyes.

- Whatever you say; she ignored while going down on her.

The wordless dialogue lasted for hours; on and on, they spoke through breaths and soft whispers, only to free their minds from worry, shame and doubt.

As morning made its way in, their story came to an end, making room for a well desired silence and some fresh air. The both of them have been knocked out for a while. Minutes ago, Magdalena woke up and stared blankly at the ceiling for a good while then came back to her senses and decided that it was time to drag her body to the bathroom. When she got there, she looked through the mirror and saw a total mess but at least her appetite for flesh seemed satiated. She splashed her face with ice cold water, took a few deep breaths and tiptoed to her small kitchen for her morning cravings: cigarettes. Her whole body was bathing in a cloud of smoke as she looked back at the sunrise.

The peaceful momentum was unavoidably shattered by a loud sound. Magdalena seemed confused by it as she never had encountered such an experience, especially at this hour. She tip-toed to the door and look through the keyhole.... this whole time the raging fists banging against the seemingly fragile door haven't stopped one bit.

Something wasn't right...


This is one of the books I'll enjoy writing for hours.

Please read it while I'm at it and drop your thoughts in the comments. :>

mush_however_alivecreators' thoughts