

"I have lived a life full of regret." I only want to help yet, what do I get. I only want to do something good for once, turn out, it was my last time. The price of bravery that I receive when I saved her is actually my death. I wonder if I actually had done something worthy of losing my own life. I pushed a woman away from a careless driver and in return, I got hit. "Damn that hurt". Yet, when I open my eyes again.. " Where am I?? " There is an unfamiliar scene in front of me. "Am I dreaming ?? " . . . . . . . The maids are trembling in front of me. " Eh? " They all have an animal tail and ears. " Ehhh???" Someone just attacked me saying I'm the most wicked and evil person. " Wha...??" Everyone is scared of me. My parents are the worst. They hate me. " meh...I 've felt worse." Oh!! I have a little sister!! "Best day ever!!!!!" Wait!! She is scared of me because I used to bully her!!?? "No!!!!!" Follow the adventure of the MC as she tries to avoid her destruction end as a villainess while trying to get close to her cute little sister. I don't own the original cover, all credit goes to the owner.

Carciphones_02 · Fantasi
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11 Chs

Ugly faces

"I'm glad no one is injured..." It was Duke Alastair von Fulham that spoke. His face looks calm, but only the people who stand in the same room as him will know how domineering his aura is as he speaks.

Beside Duke Alastair, his second wife, now known as Duchess Maria von Fulham is sitting on a soft couch near her husband. Her eyes are closed, but everyone knows that she is not sleeping as she does answer other people's questions when asked.

The situation at Fulham's mansion is not good at all. Now, few important people in the mansion are gathered inside the Duke's office to help with the investigation for the sudden assassination attempt with serious expressions. Those important people are including his wife Duchess Maria, Sir Argon Night that is Viollete's grandfather and the kingdom head knight, and lastly, the mansion head knight, Gregory March.

"I don't want what happened today to repeat!!!" Duke Alastair speaks in powerful tones as he waved his hand and at the same time, strong winds blow inside the room! Luckily, all the people inside are not ordinary people and not affected after all. If it were an ordinary person, they are sure to pass out from the mental and physical pressure.

"Gregory!!! I want you to investigate this matter! Find out, who sent that assassins and why they want to hurt my wife and my daughter!!!" Duke Alastair commands and his expression become distorted. This is understandable because this assassination attempt is like a thousand slap to his face.

The four assassins have worked in this mansion for almost 5 years! That fact itself had proved that this assassination attempt has been planned for a very long time. As a duke, this is no small accident! Someone is targeting his family but, their reason is unknown.

Duke Alastair is about to lose his composure again and the wind pressure is also getting stronger. The windows start to crack and his office becomes chaotic as many small objects and paper fly and hit everything near them.

Suddenly, his hand is held by his wife. This small action has released The Duke from his trance. The Duchess pressed his hand with both her palms lightly so, his husband can regain his composure.

"Don't use your emotions, think rationally, no one is hurt! so now, we must focus on what is more important!" The Duchess tries to calm her husband's temper. She knew how his husband always acts when he lost his temper. Losing his wife once has put him in so much anxiety as he is afraid of losing someone important again.

Duke Alastair lost his parents at a young age. Leaving him alone in a big mansion with only maids and butlers. Luckily, he has someone who cares for him. His best friend, now the king of the Kingdom of Takara. Besides, he was also accompanied by his first lover and that person had become his wife.

But, something awful happened. His wife was found dead from an assassin assault after trying to save their newborn. That tragedy also happened when Duke Alastair was not at home. This has affected the duke badly and causing him to have the trauma of losing his loved one.

Duke Alastair never wants to face this kind of tragedy again. But, when he heard that someone tried to make his family eat food with poison, How dare they!!!!!

Duke Alastair takes a deep breath to calm all the nerves inside his body, including his mind before staring at his wife's face for a second. " Sorry, Maria...", Then the duke looks at the faces of every person in this room before stopping at Gregory's face. "Gregory, do what I said before. You can go now!" The duke sigh as he waved his hand and send the knight away.

"Yes, your grace!!" Gregory gives a salute to the duke and Sir Argon, putting his left hand on his back and right hand on his left shoulder, both his palms are clenched.

The duke nods at Gregory while Sir Argon returned his salutes with the same signs but with a small difference that is, his palm near the shoulder raised two fingers. This small gesture shows the difference in the knight's status.

After that, the knight left leaving only the family members inside the Duke's office. The room becomes silent again. It was Sir Argon who breaks the silence first by coughing to get the Duke and Duchess' attention.

Sir Argon stare at his son-in-law's face that is also the Duke. When his daughter the former Duchess died, this has also put Sir Argon in grieves for a very long time. His beautiful daughter, a very cheerful and kind person, how could someone be so cruel to kill her.

When Sir Argon saw her dead daughter surrounded by many dead Assasin and covered with their blood, but still hugging her sleeping baby tightly, he realized how much her daughter was willing to sacrifice for her baby's life. It was the biggest tragedy that happened in the duke mansions.

Sir Argons is the kingdom head knight so, there is no reason for him to stay in the Duke's mansion when his daughter died. But, as a grandfather and a father, how could he leave his grandchild that his daughter was willing to die in other to protect her.

He once thought, "Should I bring my granddaughter to my manor? then who can protect her when I'm not there!!??". Yes, Sir Argons' line of work will make him busy most of the time. Who should he put his trust to protect his only blood relative that left!!??

That's why he put her in her father's care. He thought that everything will be fine, but!!! To think that Viollete almost gets killed again!! How can he let that happens!!?? How can he face her late daughter after he died if he couldn't even protect her daughter's baby!!??

" We should increase security!" Sir Argons frown as he crosses his arm while starting at the Duke's face.

" I know..." The duke replies. "I will inform this incident to the king and ask for his assistance". The Duke then picks up a paper on the floor near his foot and grabs a pen on his table using his wind ability. Then he writes a letter about today's incident.

Both Sir Argons and Duchess Maria looks at him in silence. After that, They watch as the finished letter burns in the duke's hand. But, the ashes of the letter didn't disappear, only to fly following the direction of the wind created from the Duke's abilities.

Only then the Duke turns around and faces Sid Argons and his wife again.

" How is Viollete now?" The Duke asks after a few seconds of silence.

Sir Argon sigh as he scratches his white hair due to the old ages and accumulated stress after 50 years of living. "Rita said that instead of resting, Viollete keeps on insisting to go to the library. So, I ask for Ayla and Kinan to go with her. Charlotte is also with them..."

"Is she... Is she okay...?" The duke's frown when he heard about Viollete action that instead of resting, she still wants to walk around.

"Rita told me that Viollete has been shaking the whole time. She cried in her arm until she is asleep". Sir Argon clenched his arm when he mentioned that Viollete is shaking. Even The duke and duchess flinched and look at each other's face feeling worried.

Sir Argons then continue. " Only when we came did she wake up and keeps on insisting to go to the library". Then Sir Argon let out a sigh again as he shakes his head weakly.

"Maybe this is her way of coping with this sudden situation..." Duchess Maria speaks after a long time of keeping her silence. " I never expected that someone would try to assassinate us and I mean including Viollete!!!" Even Duchess Maria that is famous for her calmness can't help but make an ugly expression. " She is still a child!! 12 years old still !!!!" Duchess Maria close her face with her palm as she also let out a sigh.

Today, the three people inside the Duke's office all have the same ugly face as they think of the way to keep their family safe.